Tree of Savior Forum

The early access needs an EU server

since i started this i want to add some facts:

So far IMC hosted their server on AWS. Since many of you might have never worked with it, let me explain a bit. AWS is a server virtualization from Amazon. This means you don’t rent a physically server, it is created virtually on a server farm. It acts like a real server, you have full access, but it is just virtual. The benefits here are that you can launch a server in a matter of seconds and you can also scale its computing power, ram etc. in such a short time frame.
So, why is this important? Quite simple. IMC is talking about launching additional worlds when needed. Which is the equivalent to launching a new virtual server. Now comes the interesting part: AWS has many different locations for the server farms, some also in EU. When you launch a new server you just select the region from a dropdown menu and BAM you got a server in EU, NA or where ever you want.
So this means that for IMC to launch 4 worlds in NA or only 3 in NA and 1 in EU is just one click of extra work. All of them need to be hooked up to the login server(i assume IMC has one server handling the logins of users) and for AWS it does not matter to which server farm they belong. They can all be connected. This might involve a few extra minutes of work because you need to create a new security group for the EU server but i have done this many times and can assure you this is about 1 h of work at most, if you are new to it.
So saying they cannot provide an EU server in such short time is not true IF they are still using AWS for the final release and IF they don’t have some other limiting factor like all worlds being on the same server and them launching a new world is just raising the hardware power of the virtual server (which i doubt because this would raise so many other problems in the future).

In short: AWS makes it super easy to add another EU based server, if they use common architecture.


110ms is seriously decent ping for you? o-O

Hey EU, we want you pay the most for our game. But i cant have any Eu-servers trollface

Considering the distance, yes it is. I’ve been playing kTOS with 600ms ping so it will be heaven for me on US East.


For those of us who arent spoiled, and remember playing with high lagspikes or truly high ping (400+), we realistically consider it decent ping, yes.

Ping is not fps. You wont have a noticable worse experience if your ping is 20 higher, as you would if your fps is 20 lower.

Ping isnt problematic untill it reaches around 200ms, 100ms in most games is quite comfortably playable. To be honest, most people would not even notice the difference between 100ms and 20ms.

That got corrected: [Update] Clarification on the Founder's Pack and Servers

I know man. Was corrected long ago in here:

Sry didn´t see it in here, especially missing it as reply under your post.

No worries. It was a post I made when we were insanely uncertain about a lot of things.

It’s not about being spoiled, it’s about living in 2016.
You know, today I can have a 100Mbps/s Atomsh*t 2Go server for 3€/m. (Just wanted to show off, you couldn’t decently run ToS on this.)

Or maybe you’re still using feature phones for internet browsing and music listening ?

We need a European server.

We are willing to pay, but to pay for the imbalance because of the high ping we are not ready.

Europe deserves to get access to a Euro server from the start as America.

@STAFF_John @Staff_Julie @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_J @STAFF_Shawn

Dear, sorry for the spam but, most of European players are very concerned about this issue.


So using your graphic, we from South America are majority, and we aren’t asking for a SA server… And i can make sure to you we from SA are going to suffer more about ping than you.

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Yes, I’ve seen plenty of BRs asking for servers.


pls devs, add a EU server

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+1 for server EU


‘‘Yes, I’ve seen plenty of BRs asking for servers.’’ No, i m here all day, and what they are talking is about the partner, who is going to open a FUTURE server for us on Brazil, and this partner has a bad historic. (Like the X2 games who the players from Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau territories are complaining about)

I don’t use my phone for either regardless. The use of internet via your smartphone is great in emergency situations or when you failed your travelling preparations. But otherwise they only prove my argument that it seems people are a bit’‘spoiled’’ these days.

Exception my above examples for the use of a smartphone, you dont need its functions to have internet or listen to music, just like you dont need 20ms ping to enjoy an online game.

Again, Ping is not fps. Decreasing your ping when its already relatively low to begin with isnt going to have much of an impact. There’s little difference between 100ms and 20ms for most games. And for most people. (as noticing the difference requires pretty high reactionspeed)

lolz in league or cs i feel differene between 80 and 90. srlsy for me talking how 100ping+ is playable is bullshit

You feel the difference between 80 and 90 ms? I find that really hard to believe, to be frank. That’s almost inhuman

are you serious? did u ever play something based on action/teamplay? 150 ping maybe wont hurt that bad on pve but honestly i want to play pvp also.