Tree of Savior Forum

The Early Access EU Server Community Help Topic [Updated 28/3/2016]

EU server is not only good for the Europeans, it also help the Asians too,

we Asians may not have a iTOS server in asia because of SEA server, so the lowest ping iTOS server we can play on is EU server.

I and many peoples prefer to join a high ping server but directly a good company like steam, IMC rather than a low ping but messed up publisher that may close the game in 1 or 2 years, I don’t want to invest my time and money and then see them all go down the river…


Do feel sorry to hear you must handicap yourself because of these crap publisher but fingers crossed there could be a method in play that might aid those with high pings we don’t know till the 29th.


The only reason I can see which makes them hesitate to put up an EU server is that the client is written in Windows crap and the server is also written in Windows crap which then means that the server apps have to run on a Windows server which is a lot more expensive because of licenses and one hell to mirror.
Programming at its best.

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Have I misunderstood something? Only location that could be called Asia and would be geographically somewhat close to EU would be the Middle East. But that has nothing to do with SEA.

The SEA region is about as far from the east coast of US as it is from Europe so unless the routing is significantly better, there won’t be much of a difference in ping.

You got me curious. Could you explain this a bit more in depth? It would be kind of cool if we were to get SEA players in EU server if it happens. I could ask all kinds of new food recipes and stuff from those poor fellows who happen to end up in same guild with me then :grinning::yum:

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I from India which is a Asian country which is not from SEA , and about the ping best is SEA (80ms), 2nd is EU(150ms) and worst ping is NA(280+ms), But most of us would like to a steam EU server :slight_smile:

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This is just my cranky morning opinion and stance on the situation.

###Scenario 1
If they don’t announce an EU server date before 29th to be happening in the future, I’m refunding all 3 packs on the 28th and I’ll check back later.

###Scenario 2
If they announce an EU server, but it’s in April, I’m refunding and coming back on April to check it out.

###Scenario 3
If they announce no EU server, I’m refunding everything and never coming back.

###In short:

  • I think IMC just needs to release information about their plans.

  • They need to release their opinions and thoughts and reasons.

  • Can’t forever say that you’re thinking about it, eventually the customer leaves.

  • The playerbase is hyped right now, you can’t wait forever.


True That.

20 Character

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No EU server? Me no pay no moneh DansGame

I appreciate how determined you sound. I would probably still play if they announced that there won’t be an EU server, but I probably wouldn’t spend money on an MMO where I lose on gameplay bc of something as easily fixable (by the company) as ping.

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I have no idea why lol other than the fact that many game i played before I always have better ping in EU (150~200) than NA (300~400), Latale, Maple Story, Terra Online, League Of Legends, Crossfire.

The theory is maybe because there is no direct cable connecting from NA to Asia ? because the sea between Asia and NA is wider or deeper or something, and because there’s no direct cable, thus make the data run a longer route (have to pass over EU before coming to Asia)

There’s the NA>africa cable and the NA eu cable.

Ping is the tiem an singla needs from you to the servers.

Literally you’re running through alot of roueting points+ the longest possible way if you want to connect to the NA servers.

For EU it’s simpyl much faster, as there’s multiple EU-Russia/Asia cable lines.

YOu can imagine it as a messy spider net. Where sometimes you even go bakcwards… to jump forward. Or hit roadblocks.



What I mean, cost of managing servers for 100k players is far from the fees you described.

Also cost won’t change significantly if they will support 1 EU server instead of 1 US server. But yeah, I’m not sure whar difficulties may possibly occure in current situation, but I hope IMC would be able to overcome them until March 29th or at least provide us with server that will be transferred to EU in future.

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I fully agree. They also can´t “discuss this inernally” forever.


This is what I mean.

Someone living in Asia will get a better ping from an EU server.

Europe (Ireland) 166 ms
Europe (Frankfurt) 132 ms
Asia Pacific (Singapore) 74 ms

Also I kind of dig playing with people from SEA as a European. Personal preference but they usually are very cool people to hang around with lao.


They can.

Soon is rather stretchable~

Where do you live ? EU server is the worst for most of us SEA players:

US-East (Virginia)
292 ms

    US-West (California)
    228 ms

    US-West (Oregon)
    245 ms

    Europe (Ireland)
    344 ms

    Europe (Frankfurt)
    346 ms

    Asia Pacific (Singapore)
    34 ms

    Asia Pacific (Sydney)
    207 ms

    Asia Pacific (Japan)
    127 ms

    South America (Brazil)
    407 ms
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This is exactly what I am going to do. Word for word.

They need to tell us whether or not they are going to make an EU server. Just get it out there and address the huge issue that it is. We need to know their stance and they need to know asap how many people are going to drop out of this game and not play if they don’t want to bother to properly cater to us Europeans.

So just agree to make an EU server, even if it takes a month and then we can all get back to addressing other issues. The fact that we need an EU server should be a no-brainer.


That’s to show that actually USA+Brazil is pretty much only 40% of customers … and europe and asia 60%. So why should we care about US+Brazil much…

Plus thailland and Philippines have reputation to have community inflating exponentially.

I just regret all those package didn’t include familly ( talking about amateur in business developement, how hilarious ).

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“Forever” is also a long time :stuck_out_tongue:

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