Tree of Savior Forum

The Early Access EU Server Community Help Topic [Updated 28/3/2016]

You could use one client to access both EU and NA servers easily.

Just a simple edit to the xml file is all that is needed I’d imagine.

Same game, same patches, just two locations.

Yes that´s what i mean so I don´t really understand why they don´t do it.

This is purely speculation on my part and is in no way meant to be defamatory towards IMC or their current state but based on the recent direction the iToS has taken with the founder’s servers being announced shortly after open beta announcements, my educated guess would be that the reason is financial.

Most likely is as some people asking for a EU server don’t understand how much it costs to run a server of 2000+ players. Last I checked for a server on another game for 100 people it was like something along the lines of £200+ a month (location is also a varying factor) and apparently classed as the cheapest I am not too sure on that but its the information I was presented with at the time.

So lets say server for 2000 players costs £4000 per month for a game where people don’t have pay money and relies on unpredictability cash flow from its cash shop of how much money goes into the game now lets add to that the staff that do programming and maintaining and policing the game as GM’s are not free.

Funny thing is people want to remove the desirable items from said cash shop because its deemed P2W that would also make it more unpredictable with cash flow.

So yeah it most likely is financial as its reason this is why subscribing to a game monthly is better then Free to play…

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There are over 100k players, you know.

What’s the difference between running a server of 20k Europeans in America or in Europe?

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You say 100k players? statistics please? but using the information you have provided 100k that would mean they need servers equal to hold 100k players so that’s £200k per month with a cash shop… how many of those players will use the cash shop to fund those servers every month that and the staff we cant say. This is why cash shops are considered a gamble more then anything but as I said there are people demanding some items removed because they invoke P2W yet they are considered the most desirable.

Also don’t forget Europeans have a different currency to America and the USD is 1.4 difference to the GBP in rates statistically at the moment.

I mean 100k players who bought founders pack. You can search it ln the forums, it was recently posted on one of the popular topics regarding the issue.

Also take into account that server for 100 people may cost 200 per month, but server for 10000 won’t cost 20000 per month for sure. IMC had 100k active players during CBT, do you think they spent 200k $ per month w/o any income?

If you have >20% people from EU you need at least one extra server anyways. So it doesn´t matter. Also a server for 1000 people doesn´t cost much more than one for 100 people

Great, so I am going to refund right away and I will buy it once there is a confirmation on EU server.
Thanks for the info :slight_smile:

I wouldn’t bet on it.

But who wants to take part in the lottery.

Odds are 1,1:500!
Where 500 times your bet is when IMC opens EU servers… and you get 1,1 times if it doesnt…

racks in money

I get 1.1 times my wager even if I lose? Count me in!

Seriously, though… I don’t think an EU server is very unlikely at this point


But the unlikely thing happens. I have millions of my favorite currency~

That’s how bets work xD.

I really don´t understand this attackspeed issue. If you play mouse mode and you hold your left mouse button down to attack - why wouldn´t the character attack at full speed?

I think it’s more or less the same problem as in B&S.
When you attack, your client will tell the server you did attack, and the server will have to return to the client that you attacked. Before you can attack again. So your attack spd is slowed by how fast your internet spd could send messages to the server.

I could be wrong though.

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It’s universal, from game to game. Online games have always had this issue, some just hide it better and you never notice.

ToS is very arcade styled. Attacks can be super fast client side with some of the late game buffs, but if your ping is high you won’t be able to tell the server fast enough that “I’m hitting super fast” or “5 times a second” which results in a loss of hits, to put it in super simplified laymen terms.

Not to mention reaction time, PvP and many other things. That boss didn’t even hit you?

Here’s an example video in ToS. I would post more videos from other games too but I’ve misplaced them and can’t find them.

The player recording is from the USA and is recording this in the Korean server with a ping of 200~. The player on his left is a Korean with a much lower ping.

Also pay attention at the end to how it looks like from a low ping players perspective.

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Because apparently the previous attack has to be registered at the server side before it gets noticed. Then if server has to also inform your client that you hit something and it should begin the cool down, this time it takes for the information to go back and forth is what determines your attack interval.

If it takes 0,2 seconds for the information to reach the server and another 0,2 secs to return, you can’t attack faster than every 0,4 seconds even though your attacks had no cast time. And also take into account the possible misses that occur on short range attacks because the other player or monster has managed to move a bit while the info is still travelling to the server.

If it is like in BnS, the guy with the low ping will always win against the guy with the high ping - same skill level assumed. Kinda sad but I think we will find out soon.

ya BnS pvp is so ping dependent

I think it’s more BOT dependend at the moment though…
I’m playing with 250 ping and killing bots here and there…