Tree of Savior Forum

The Early Access EU Server Community Help Topic [Updated 28/3/2016]

Well they have done the absolute bare minimum. They have still pissed off a lot of people, and with the way they handled things an EU server might now be impossible since this is not enough for a lot of people…

I really don’t know what to think about this. I’m starting to feel the game is already doomed, but I really hope it’s not. :confused:

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No risk no balls as Sciguma said.

And yeah, alone with the refunds incommign and potential loss on new founders.

IMC just shot an arrow to their own knee, and hammered in with an toyhammer.

I can’t understand that take.
Hopefulyl they JUST didn’t had the time to prepare one … and will do later on.

But the first impression is most important.
Even more so when the only PR is the Steampage … there’s not even 1 ARTICLE in an MMORPG magazin (printed) yet. Atleast i havent seen it.

PR and CEO should be slapped xD.
And marketing too.
They keep on messing up so badly xD.

I can understand not wanting to take the risk of an eu server.
And prolly NA server will be ghost town if they don’t revoke their stance on some limitations, before F2P even opens …

pour sugar in his popcorn maker, that was already set for 29th march

I will play on NA server and i will use the transfer if ever an EU server comes. But heck, that mess what is to come.
Hopefully shakes up IMC a bit.

Koreans aren’t that nice, as we all heard some abuse of tree of sxxx from them. Imagine what trolls, angry people and the normal casuals will do when they realize the cons and how easy it would be to fix it …

The 3 month debate WAS nothing in comparision then~


From what abuse are you talking about dude ^^ ? I did not hear anything about this, and i’m kinda curious, does that mean there are bugs used by people ?

I have to disagree on this one. As someone who has to manage his own business, I’m totally aware of this stress and etc…

Just think about it. You make a living from this game, this is your product and it costs. You managed to invest money, just enough to publish it everywhere, get it on steam and so on.

So, just imagine the situation where you have to manage all of these things and you have to prepare for each step, or you can just pay more and more.

They gave us a transfer , so if the game actually become a hit, we can go and transfer to our server. Man, you know I made some topic about their attitude, but these guys are really trying.

You expected them to say that:
“Guys, sorry, but we are a small company, we can’t afford the money to make a contract with somebody to give us a server in Eu for more than X year, cause it seems you guys don’t have enough players there, yet. We would like to provide you with a server, but this costs a lot and we are happy that we could make some money now, so we can actually eat and have some fun because of our work. Not to mention that we have to hire some new guys here, cause it seems we need more help. As soon as we have enough money to take the risk, it’s ok.”

This would be something that no company should ever say, cause that would ruin their image, but something like that would be the case. Just be happy that we got 1 free transfer, it means a lot…

The magazin thing: Actually our magazin did write an article about Tree of Savior, and it was one of the most viewed ones, around 5-6k invidual views. That was in Hungary. However, it was really hard to write about the game, since we don’t have too much info about the game, not to mention that we don’t have asset kit and etc…


I don’t think money is the issue there.
If you have a bit of knowledge about server renting (amazon services for exemple) Cheap servers are around 50-150$, expensive one may go over 300-500$. (all of this per month)

A mmorpg game development for 3 or 4 years, cost in the millions.

Their potential EA sales out of just an annoucement would go over the servers cost like a breeze.

All of this is just my opinion and approximations though…

What prevents you add on Russia and regions of Europe? We are very close, and 23 percent take a lot more space in your table

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It’s exactly what I’m going to do.

Though I will buy pack 1 anyway, most probably, unless ping would really hurt.

Buy pack 3 first so you know whether it’s playable with that ping and if you are ok with it buy pack 1 after it’s on 30% sale.

I actually have 130 ping to US East, so I will be able to play most of the characters at least. And 1 month token worth it anyway.

Also in my country pack 2 has the best convertion rate among 3, and it provides everything I need. So I’d rather get pack 3 later for cheap TP if I’ll be satisfied with game.

See you in game Derael. :slight_smile:

Thanks for info. Well now we already know how things will start to roll but good to know how they might develop in future. After reading your post it sounds like EU server might happen quite soon if they go on using amazon as a server provider for the open beta phase as well. Keeping my fingers crossed :slight_smile:

I just bought the early access now that it’s relatively “safe” to buy even for EU players (since these emoticons are absolutely horrendous I decided to pick a turkey to describe my mood: :turkey:)

Eastern Europe, Western Europe, Russia and Middle East are like 25% percent of the playerbase (as it stands now)…

Depending on your stance those can and should be put together… lets call it Eurasia.

Sure hope there is a server on the horizon for us Eurasians…


Yeah we lose. They’re stupid and they don’t care about EU players. 80% of Europeans not buying because they are waiting for an EU server, and they go off the ‘sales’ statistics of an EARLY ACCESS as to why they won’t implement an EU server…

Ridiculous. I just filed my refund request on Steam. No one is going to be able to move when the game goes live and we get twice as many players as now.


Way to shoot yourself in the foot. They need more support to provide an EU server and your response is to not support them.


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This exactly, but few whiny players isn’t that much of a loss if you compare how much better environment we are going to get when they stop this childish behaviour.

These forums are infested by around three users who seem to be on a bad mood every day and they like to comment a lot :weary:

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So you’re saying that an international release of an MMO should only have servers in America?

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Right now, supporting them means paying for a subpar service.
It is only logical that a lot of people wouldn’t be fine with that.
And it baffles me how they could have thought to base their analysis on the feasibility of the EU server on the packs sold, given that a lot of people were waiting on their announcement to do a move. Either for buying a pack, or asking refunds.
Myself, i can’t see a reason to buy anything but the lowest pack, just to see if it ends up being playable enough (and eventually ask for a refund later if it doesn’t). Even if they’ll have “my support”, i don’t have any reason to give them more money than that regardless. Whereas, with an EU server, i would have bought one of the upper tiers. Well, it’s their loss.

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What is truly amusing is that players on the West Coast of the USA will get similar ping to Western Europeans, yet you don’t see all the west coast players up in arms about this.

Also they are offering players 1 free team transfer, which is WELL above what other companies would do in this scenario and I applaud them for doing it.

Any EU player that is upset will at least be able to play until the possibility of an EU server is made a reality. If it ever is…[quote=“celexample, post:280, topic:153495, full:true”]
So you’re saying that an international release of an MMO should only have servers in America?

This is not an international release. It is the release of an international server. Big Dif.

International Server means that the game is accessible by nations other than the nation in which the server is located, which this is.

EDIT: corrected my post to correctly say Western Europeans.

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It’s hard to generate support/interest without announcements. What is the playerbase that’s on the fence about playing, or the players who are deadset on not touching the game until there’s an EU server supposed to get interested by?

What we got right now is:
1: We don’t know if there will be regional servers.
2: If regional servers come, we’ll be able to transfer there.

For people who aren’t super into the game, that’s really not much to go by. Yeah the fact that if regional servers come we’ll be able to transfer there is awesome.

They won’t be able to generate a lot of interest without giving people something to be excited about.

Personally I’ll play regardless. I’ll play hoping that one day we’ll get what we want. But I wouldn’t blame people for not taking that chance.

At least you are still buying a founders pack and supporting the game. Depending on your location, your service will be similar to someone on the west coast.

@swede I think most players will be OK with the free transfer and at least put $10 down.