i guess you’re just bad if you can’t aim a 25 cd skill that can pull the entire team and make them stuck
fyi, my main is a wiz3kino3lock and its effortless magnetic forcing a choke into raise
i guess you’re just bad if you can’t aim a 25 cd skill that can pull the entire team and make them stuck
fyi, my main is a wiz3kino3lock and its effortless magnetic forcing a choke into raise
Guess we’re playing a different game then
Though it would be way harder for you without your lock rank
you lost all credibility the moment you mentioned kino requires fast and precise aiming of skills
my lock always tosses around in top 20 and i only queue for my 50 points atm
maybe you should try getting good for once
Is premade! if you want to go with 5pd its your problem
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Is the only way to enjoy with friends.
like dynamic ranked queue or team queue on many mobas, if you have 5 friends you will face 5 other premades.
They should use “like system”, like they are doing in missions/dungeons…
Premade Queue:
imo, the real problem is that it’s hard to deal with CC.
A lot of them are just plainly impossible to resist.
If you compare with RO, for exemple, you could choose to be Frozen immune OR to be Frozen AND stone curse immune, but with a fire weakness. With vit, you could resist stun. With int you could resist silence. Basically you could choose what would kill you and what would be strong against you.
In TOS, you can do nothing but putting half of your stats in spirit and hope. Maybe the only really good pvp build are full SPR and we don’t know it yet!
But I doubt it.
And OP is a whiner. He plays probably to most broken metapvp build of the game and he complains about the strong points of other classes. Basicaly, everything in this game is OP.
CC is super long, dmg is super high. If you don’t like the concept, this might not be the game for you.
couldn’t agree more… they never nerf CC duration and cooldown, but they nerf the so-called-anticc bloodletting lol so let’s join the CC class bandwagon!
Thank you for speaking up and helping people see who the ignorant douches are. Though, its so obvious that people can see it for themselves like yourself ! thanks though.
And thank you for the additional info on JP. The skill is ridiculous atm, I did not know it was already nerfed in Ktos! Thank you
You missed the point of my post, clearly.
I will reiterate for you!
Kino is very strong, of course, however, in comparison to the classes that I have listed in my original post, Kinos aren’t in the Over-powered category.
Firstly, there are multiple skills, multiple, that counter Raise. Because of this, MP becomes a bait for the enemy rather than a benefit for the team with the Kino. In high tier matches, one cannot just MP-Raise and get away with it. Without Raise, MP is almost useless. It’s a low count CC mechanic, but has its benefits when used properly. Nothing about MP or Raise is grossly Over-powered. It’s a very strong mechanic for TBL, though, again, it’s easily countered and without those 2 skills Kinos are incredibly obsolete.
If I were to put my response in a nice way, I would respond to this by saying you are just grossly ignorant. However, my original posts states that the objective of this post is to point out game-breaking flaws in TBL. So, the information was there for you to obtain, however, you either barely read it (chose to be ignorant) or you seriously lack the ability to observe, analyze and interpret information properly. In either of those instances, it would be fair to conclude that you lack the necessary tools to easily converse in constructive dialogue(this is called being uneducated/stupid in my country) which in this case, for not only your benefit but for the benefit for everyone else playing ToS, is aimed at pointing out game-breaking flaws with TBL in hopes that IMC could focus their energies and resources towards these flaws. But, evidently you do not see that, you rather dismiss any sort of constructive dialogue by discrediting people because of their class, as if someone who is playing an over-powered class is incapable of recognizing that they are over-powered class that needs to be fixed. Again, uneducated, perhaps?
The game is for me, I love everything about Tree of Savior, but with that said, that doesn’t thwart the fact that Tree of Savior has problems.
I’m actually pretty surprised it’s as playable as it is with the insane permutations allowed in build / skill loadouts. I hardly know what I’m doing out there yet but still having fun with it. I’m fine with being one shot and one shotting in return, I’m useless against some teams and cleanup others, seems a bit paper - rock - scissors to me. I wouldn’t want to slow it down and its already a bit of a snooze when you get full con builds with low damage trying to whittle each other down at the end of a match.
I’d really like to see a once per match crowd control purge trinket like a lot of other MMOs have had.
Matchmaking could be better but I wouldn’t want long queues, some days I just want to get the points and be done and you can sneak out some wins sometimes with unlikely team comps.
Balance aside, if you’re looking for a ‘competitive’ experience MMOs are really the wrong genre. No matter what they do there’s going to be lots of very lopsided matchups, as well as players with incredibly varied power levels not based on skill but time / money spent. Not suggesting you shouldn’t give feedback, it could be a lot better, but I wouldn’t get too worked up about it or take it too seriously.
Perhaps my favorite idea brought up in this post! WoW has such a feature and its soooo nice. Obviously, it doesn’t get you out of everything and you really need to use it carefully, but its much needed in games with such high CC game play.[quote=“mealwormsmcgee, post:75, topic:320247”]
if you’re looking for a ‘competitive’ experience MMOs are really the wrong genre.
I do have to disagree with this. Many MMOS deliver tremendous competitive experiences. WoW is my all time favorite, duh. Ragnarok Online back with WoE SE was a very fun and competitive game. Moreover, RO SE just proved that gaming companies can really balance things out to create a healthy competitive enviroment. Hell, even MS was competitive to a degree.
i agree that some of the other classes need nerfs, but cryo/kino needs a nerf also.
In my opinion the most annoying thing in tbl is the low fps. Followed by bugs.
About op skills… Just reroll to one of the said classes if you think they’re so op
Once you do maybe you’ll notice that they can also be countered/played around. Or you’ll suddenly be rank 1 and be happy. But please don’t ask for IMC to nerf everything else so that your class is the best.
A reason why it’s hard to achieve a high ranking is the match making. It’s completely random. On the other hand it’s hard to do good match making with a really small player base
For competetive pvp you can still do guild battles. That’s the equivalent to ROs WoE that you’ve mentioned, not TBL.
In the end, I do have fun in TBL. And i think that’s what it’s about.
The problem is the TBL matchmaking system. The other team gets Kabba, Diev 3, and Kinos. Your team gets r6s and r5 archers and monks.
Premade parties need to be a feature for TBL. You could have checks for certain classes, plan out strategies with friends beforehand, communication through voice chat, etc. Playing with random teams makes it harder to deal with OP skills; it’s just a big mess.
Am not touching TBL anymore, huge waste of my time. Although I’m weak at pvp, I still enjoy playing once in a while to have fun.
The no.1 thing which frustrates me the most is getting stuck in skill animation and my character just can’t do anything. Captured a stop today and unsuccessfully used it for 5 times before I died cuz I’m stuck in skill animation for 2 secs.
Seriously this kills all the fun I have for TBL. The fun in facing opponents that I can’t win, all undermined by random skill freezes whenever I use a skill.