Tree of Savior Forum

The Current State of PvP is Disgustingly Bad

I am for a Pre-made, however, only designed for top-tier players.

I believe there should be three brackets for PvP in TBL.

Bracket 1 : Normal matches with no rankings whatsoever.

Bracket 2 : Ranked matches with the exact same system we have now. Modifiy the match-making a bit, if possible. Making it impossible to have more than 2 Clerics on one team for example would be ideal. A mechanic like that alone would drastically improve PvP game play.

Bracket 3 : Ranked Teams. I would not advise to make this daily. Instead, once or twice a week with very flexible timings so that players could prepare for the session.

Being from the opposite side. I think the pre-made system won’t work.

IMHO, if we have to get a pre-made Arena pvp, it should be non-ranked and be somewhat like Friendly Duel, you request it and go OR like a tournament where you build your party for a league or something.

If you discard random parties entirely and make it all pre-made or even making pre-made / random. We will have some problems:

  1. You most of time won’t learn anything new nor interactions nor playing skills.
  2. You will never fight that friend that makes a match fun.
  3. You will just pick all you want in a class and all you want in enemy team. You will fall down to same hole, either nobody will pick a class that you need to do more work to win. You will probably have all parties queueing with meta builds 80%+ attributes, thus excluding other classes just as it happens in GvG things.
  4. Even “top-tier” players means nothing in pre-mades. You can find good players on not so good builds. TBL isn’t about all the damage you can do or etc. You need to learn timings and do things. A kino with a meta build can die so easily in a hard match but win most of them because his build is just easy to control teams with no immunity.
  5. What annoys more in battle league isn’t getting “random teams” but matches that are decided purely by matchmaking RNG.
  6. Even if you into team balancing stuff, it should be taken carefully. You don’t want people blaming, “I got a monk as cleric and the enemy got a diev3->oracle->kabbalist because the matchmaking is dumb.” while also they need to prevent matchmaking system from taking “meta builds” into account, the system itself could remove your diev3 and keep your not so supportive cleric to “balance” another match.
  7. Not saying, rank 5-6 is bad or people shouldn’t be queuing. But we also have the problem of “People who wants something” x “People who wants 50 daily points”, during events this is complicated. There are good r5-6 players. Maybe the matchmaking could take weight of ranks to make a match to prevent a full blown r7 teams with all roles set and good picks vs a so-so team with r5 support or DPS without required skills for actually doing damage.


As suggestions to current system:

  1. Just let each team know what each side have. Sincerely, there’s no point in making enemy team secret. Just let people know what’s going on and plan beforehand.
  2. Let teams ask for time/30-60s pause during a match interval to plan another strat or talk about team - this does not fit our current 1h-only queues tho, not sure.
  3. Don’t apply point penalties if you left a team and your team actually won the match. Most likely you crashed to FPS/etc problem.
  4. Let you return in the next round if you actually crashed / disconnected during first round for example.

rank 5 isn’t that bad… aren’t you happy if you got teamed up with rank 5 kino 3? CC all dayz boiz

I talked about it when TBL released some weeks ago. IMC don’t need to nerf these skills, they just need to disable them inside TBL. Just like some skills are disabled on RO’s WoE, i don’t see a problem doing the same stuff.

Is it related to every class or just Swordsman? I get this animation stuck with Cyclone pretty often, so annoying.

Every class… swordsman/cleric/wiz/archer all get affected

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Hey, doesn’t seem to work. I guess I just got trolled lmao

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Linker Doom build

kill all of the enemy team and your team at same time

be the true last man standing



F4 opens the adventure journal.
Then go to Team Battle League
Then go to Join Team Battle League
Then go to spectate
There is your match-up.

If you cant see it, its because there are 2 other matches just matched up after yours and you cant scroll down to yours.

Its already visible, just a bit hidden.

45sec are usually barely enough to inform my team about the other party AND tell them what they have to do.

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Try saying that after rank8 arrives

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Oh, sorry and thanks! Didn’t know that was possible while inside.

hellow Warlock c2, Necro c3, Musketeer c2, Falconer c3, mergen, doppel c3, dragoon c2, lancers, murmillo, inquisitors, taoist, and druid c3 (the lycan build) to kick some rank 5’s azzes :laughing:

after r8 release, im pretty sure rank 5’s cant cope up the heat

is it possible for a match to end in a double ko?

there is only one way to find out

Not that I want to keep posting here. What I’m telling is just let it plain visible.

AFAIK, if you draw 1v1 and the last round gets draw (everyone at full HP) the match goes to a 10min time remaining, not sure what happens if both fails to kill each other.

Yeah, I wonder why I couldn’t stay in the top 10 for more than 3 days when this sht happens. Being in the top 10 requires being Over-powered and/or having good RNG. I just had 3 afks/dcs in 3 different games. Had to post this just show how ignorant you really are.

Rank5ception. :kissing:


More like poor Taff got partied with someone who couldn’t carry the game having 3 clerics wiping his ass. Great example. Did you rush the opp team without getting buffed only to die in your reversi raise?

current ToS Team Battle League scenario

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Thats how I feel when people try to run away from effigy pokes range while hexed. Huehuehue

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