Tree of Savior Forum

The Current State of PvP is Disgustingly Bad

PvP is currently un-playable for any Mouse user. The amount of times my cursor freezes when I try to use Magnetic Pole, or any other “skill” shot is repulsive.

Other issues with PvP is as follows,

Chronomancers being able to stun an entire enemy team for 15 seconds lol 2nd worst mechanic

Ausrine is arguably the most ridiculous skill in PvP. Most PvP matches don’t make it past 60 seconds. There is a skill that grants immunity for up to 25 seconds, just under 50% of the full length of time in most matches in PvP. Disgusting.

A linker wizC3 being able to deal 100k+ in damage to enemeies is just broken. Vanzel, the top ranked Linker in last weeks PvP standings is a Wiz C3 linker… When I was rank #3, I went against him and also played with him many times. And the fact is, I witnessed him single-handedly win games by using two skills. Joint penalty and magic missile. Sht needs to be fixed.

Linkers being able to link status affect. I find this absolutely insane. I can defend myself vs a C3 swordie Cata just fine, but the archer with absolutely no defensive capabilites can’t. Because of this, when join penalty is active, I get perma stunned because of disgusting mechanics. I am not sure if this was just a bug I experienced but it happened to me along with a couple of my friends.

The use of external useable items in PvP is absurd as well. Some people do not have access or the money to pay for certain items, therefore, it creates an incredibly elitist enviroment.

Diev’s/PD deal way too much DPS to be considered a support class. Thats not an opinion, it’s a fact. A team of full DPS classes should not get out damaged by a team of full clerics. In fact, what should happen, is the team of full clerics should heal for more, out-sustain, and eventually win the game, while the enemy team has loads and loads more of Damage dealt. But, what I see consantly is that most PDs/Dievs are capable of burst and nuking opponents. Balance is needed here.

In 80% of my matches I cant even see my enemies HP bars. This bug is especially annoying. It truly gets in the way of finishing kills/CCing the right targets.

Scout’s invisibility should not be spread to other players while linked. That is grossly over-powered and incredibly ridiculous. Especially with an Ausrine buff included, there is literally, Literaly, 0 way to defend against that.

r7f is just one of the worst mechanics I have ever seen in a game. The return damage is too great.

No class should be able to one-shot. I suggest giving players a fixed amount of HP in TBL, higher Ratios for certain classes such as swordsman. This would prevent builds being the cause for one-shotting to occur. For example, a 1 Con Swordsman.

Archer’s Heavy Shot interrupting any skill regardless if you have Surespell is ridiculous. But more, the base damage from heavy shot is far too great. There needs to be balance, either keep the base damage the same and add a cooldown, or reduce the damage and keep the no cooldown as is. Also, note that it is extremely bugged atm. Being hit with Heavyshot can often times launch your character across the map and freeze it indefinitely. Ask @LunarRabbit about this bug. It’s the only skill he uses in PvP, he will tell you all about it.

Though arguably the only strong asset to swordsman, which I hate to bash would be Arrest from Squires. It’s just too strong to be fair. 10 seconds what is essentially a stun(not fully a stun because you can use useables like potions) is just way too strong. You are unable to cast anything or move. I suggest adding slight buffs to players who are victims of Arrest. Such as buffs could be that Mdef/Phsyical defenses are increased for the duration of Arrest. This way arrest will be have be used strategically in a fair manner, instead of how it is now where players use at the start of the match and increase their odds of winning drastically…

Corsair’s Iron Hook is even worse. 19 second stun is ridiculous. Fixxxxxxxxx Arrest and Iron Hook are the same sht. They boith need fixes where when under these spells mdef/defense are increased tenfold

The matchmaking is disgusting itself atm. As @WatchGintama has said, you get matched with r5 and r6s while the enemy team has x4 clerics. IMC should definitely prevent any team from having more than 2 clerics on a team. Its not hard to code.

Why is there only a ranked option? This ruins the game for any player that wants to relax and PvP or simply test out skills in PvP. I believe there should be three brackets in TBL.

Bracket 1 : Normal matches with no rankings whatsoever. (Normal 2v2 Skirms - Normal 5v5 skirms)

Bracket 2 : Ranked matches with the exact same system we have now. Modifiy the match-making a bit, if possible. Making it impossible to have more than 2 Clerics on one team, for example would be ideal. A mechanic like that alone would drastically improve PvP game play.

Bracket 3 : Ranked Teams. I would not advise to make this daily. Instead, once or twice a week with very flexible timings so that players could prepare for the session. It would be a big hit. Players will plan days to have 1-2 hours free in order to compete Team vs Team. For those RO players out there, this would be the “WoE” sort of speak of ToS.

These issues with PvP are the most frustrating for me. To you readers, if you have experienced other bugs please post them here. Or, if you find something else that deem to be disgustingly bad or over-powered, please share them !

Contributions from posters:

@Sixaxis has a great reply to the post. It’s a great read and a great contribution to this thread. (Too long to quote it here)


The PVP is pretty ■■■■■■ in general, but it isn’t meant to be for everyone. If you don’t have a PVP build then you probably shouldn’t bother PVPing. It’s not like the prizes are huge.

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After weeks of people crying in PvP we get this. Well no surprise there.

This isn’t about PvP builds, its to point out obvious issues with PvP such as skills in certain class trees. I have a PvP class, and have done very well with PvP. But, it’s incredibly hard to compete against classes with just flat out over-powered abilities

Aren’t you psychokino? You can literally permanently lockdown any character with cc, witnessed many times. Playing such class you whine? Git gud.


What a very good contribution you made with that post ! Together, we will make IMC a better game !

The Current State of GAME is Disgustingly Bad.

The PVP just reflects the state of game, no balance at all, poor otimization, lots of bugs…

Now after months of optimism i just think this game has no salvation.


At this point I pretty much give up hope and go for meta build. Swordman is trash in PvP, cryo-kino-warlock pretty much rambo everyone (that’s a wizard? more like a ram truck), fletcher 1 shot people left and right, while diev-PD/druid just stay invincible.

I do join 1 TBL session everyday, and winning or losing is just a matter of luck whether or not you can team up with OP chars

There is nothing to discuss yet. Good devs balance the pvp based on feedback from good players who know the game, they balance it not based on random 5v5 or 2v2 matches, but premade ones (well at least thats what they should’ve been doing if they had a clue). Here are some facts about you though:
Fact 1, the reason you made that post is because you’re salty and think you deserve more.
Fact 2, you were in top 10, but didn’t stay there, which means you aren’t good enough, right now I don’t see you in the rankings at all.
Fact 3, I saw how you play and you play the same regardless of who you’re teamed up with or who you’re up against, which usually resulted in you dying first.
Fact 4, you don’t know the game: ausrine doesn’t last 25 seconds. Linkers don’t share status. Rest are your opinions about things you can’t deal with, because of lack of knowledge. Linker c2 shouldn’t be able to share cloak? Pff, it shouldn’t share anything useful at all! Diev or pd can only deal damage to someone who is completely blind to his surroundings. Yet you haven’t even mentioned something like counterspell, another thing that by all means should look broken to you. You don’t know the game.


yeah, archers shouldnt be able to one shot. at most only 10% hp max.
wiz shouldnt be able to perma cc, at most 5 sec.
sword shouldnt be able to lock u in rush and get ur hp from 100-0.
cleric shouldnt have invincibility for so long, at most 10 sec

EDIT: itzniko i saw u the other day in tbl :wink:

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It is not balanced or supposed to be fun for all classes, levels and people.

Pvp requires a lot of internal testing and play testing. Then there is coding a programming which doesn’t seem to be their forte. Lastly there is prevention of lag which tree of savior also has problems with, the strongest pvp player in the world can do thing if they can’t control their character or what they see on the screen isn’t what is actually happening.

Tree of savior international isn’t really a polished game overall in many areas so it can not be expected that tree of savior pvp is balanced/smooth/bug free.

Tree of savior has potential to excel at everything and be a great world to immerse yourself into but it is not under the control of the players to get it there.

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no mention of r7f.

thread not legit.

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Just low the duration on CCs and some skill and the PvP will be a lot more fun, is ridiculous die by a Wizz with very bad damage but a lot of CC skill plus the exagerated HP pool the have.
Maybe with Int or Spr make the CC skill duration longer or someting like that to avoid the full CON builds to be the most OP.

also we need to hard nerf the op one shot skills

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You’re a true ignoramous. I was top 50 for the first 2 weeks. Top 10 in the 2nd week for 5 days straight until bad matchmaking happened. I preform well in most of my games. This has absolutely nothing to do with the fact presented in my post. You can deny that there are over-powered skills in this game, that’s fine. But, please don’t expect anyone to take you, a delusional bigot, seriously.

Get off my thread noob.

You op, are you seriously surprised the PVP is so bad?
Random matchmaking over a huge lvlrange is enough for shitty matches. And this is where we throw in IMC’s lack of common sense. That some classes are helplessly overpowered in this kind of enviroment was well known beforehand. This is just another product of the all dominating failed IMC logic.

And no, I will not get off the thread cause its not yours to begin with. If you cant get along with the shitty conditions in PVP, no the whole game, then by all means, QUIT!

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You have misunderstood many of the posts in my thread, and also completely missed what the objective of my post entirely. =/

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.


If I’m IMC, I would look through the rankings and their games to nerf what’s OP in PVP but won’t effect PVE.
Players will rant and quit but more players will stay when PVP is balance.
They will need to look through the rankings and ban the bug or add on abusers weekly as well.

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imc needs to either

  • buff PD
  • nerf CC skills

we all qq about PD, now when theyre nerfed, we qq even more not even noticing how OP cc is even with a PD

with a PD on ur team u can still get magnetic forced>raise>dmged to death