Tree of Savior Forum

Battle League Bugs (Raise and capture)

Please fill in as much as you can :

Date and Time(Please, specify the timezone) :
7pm Server time

Server Name: Klaipeda

Team Name: WatchGintama

Character Name: Capture

Bug Description :

  1. Dying with a captured trap in battle league, it won’t reset the next round.
  2. You cannot hit people stuck in raise (psychokino C3 skill)

Steps to reproduce the issue :

  1. Capture a trap (Rogue C1 skill)

  2. Die in battle league without using the trap

  3. Use again next round

  4. CD Starts

  5. Use raise on enemy

  6. Use cannon blast and it won’t hit

Screenshots / Video :

Game Control Mode (Keyboard/Joypad/Mouse) :

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So about Raise bugs I did some tests.

In pvp/League, physical skills on raised players don’t work.
Only magical skills and AA do.
@moderators plz fix this bug.

edit :
Another kino bugged skill : TK.
Hits doesn’t register in pvp. Instead of bumping the player 5 times for 5 hits. You bump it 15 times for 5 hits. plz fix this bug too.

Don’t know much about raise bugs, but I’ve been testing some kino skills and definitely telekinesis is bugged (checked aswell with some other kinos by reddit and discord).
Sometimes it does damage but some other times it just deals 1 damage x bump.

The reason not able to hit raised target with physical skill (except aa) is the aoe hit box is grounded. Despite those skils hit flying target, raise is the other animal.

I don’t get what you’re trying to say.
I did tests. Compared hitting mobs and players with Fencer skills.
Did you get contrary results ?

edit : did more tests
Working : Needle Blow, Rush, Attaque Coquille?, Shotdown, Flare Shot
Not Working : Multishot, Earth Wave, Smite, Dust Devil, Cartar Stroke, Skyliner, Attaque Composée, Lunge, Sept Etoiles, Flanconnade, Cannon Blast

The aferomentionned Fencer didn’t seem annoyed when he tried using some of his skills on monsters.

Another bug : Raise don’t work on Skeletons, I think it should.

Another skill not working on raised players : Flesh Cannon.
Well I’m not surprised that there are so many of theses since it seems nobody cares about this bug :>
Is it even on kTOS or is it iTOS exclusive ?

Another kino bug \o/
Oracles are able to use Counter Spell while they’re pulled in Magnetic Force.
This creates a bug where other player see “pulled players” while the Oracle see a Counter Spell. This makes CCed players enter a “bug state”. They’re stuck until they’re hit. Not really sure about what happens after. I already saw people jumping out of my raise…