Tree of Savior Forum

The Confession Thread: Share Your Derpiest In-Game Moments!

Just like the title says, this is the unofficial Confession Thread. This is the place where you can come to confess your sins… your in-game sins, that is! Come and tell the story of your derpiest moments in Tree of Savior, and don’t hold back. You will not be judged here!

Not by me, at least. I can’t speak for anyone else.

Here’s mine.

Last night, after 3:00AM PST (I think after 6:00AM EDT), I was getting ready to log out to go to sleep when someone came up in shout chat, asking people to join their group so they could get their Templar quest finished. I joined, and quickly discovered I was the last member they needed.

The group leader said, “Thanks, everyone. I’m waiting for the cooldown.”

A short discussion proceeds, involving, “What happens if someone leaves?” The answer to that question was, “The cooldown starts over.”

I’m half-asleep in my chair, when I notice the party tag under my name. I was in a party with someone earlier yesterday, before I went to work, and I sleepily thought, “Oops, I’m still in a party with that person.”

Just as the leader said, “I got 30 seconds left on the cooldown,” I decided I would leave that party I had with my earlier companion to help these guys out.

Derp. I left the Templar’s party as he was getting ready to turn his quest in. To make it worse, the Templar was so excited, thanking everybody, and I just up and leave, screwing up the quest.

The shame of it all made me nearly cry. I know it’s just a game, but I can’t believe I made such a stupid mistake, and I made myself look like an ■■■■■■■ in the process.

All I wish at this point is for another round of Team Name changes, so they can’t find me. I can’t possibly face them after I derped that hard.

I had to log out, because I couldn’t face the people I screwed over.

Anyway, there’s my derpiest moment in Tree of Savior so far! Everybody’s got at least one, come share it!

EDIT: I’m on the Klaipeda server. I won’t share my Team Name here, but, dear Templar, if by some twist of fate you’re reading this and you remember that lousy Cleric who left your party at the most crucial moment,

I’M SORRY!!! :sob:




My derpiest moment.

Realizing when you’re still out dpsing everyone in a mission … while your naked. As you forgot to equip even a simple bow… (left it in storage).

And heck… i was ashamed… but atleast i did more damage then the elementalist (pyro-cryo-wiz2 …)


When I was a wizard in iCBT2,and got stuck at the grind wall around 160,I got so bored of grinding a few times that my mind wandered while playing and I would snap out of it and find myself running against a wall, or attacking absolutely nothing.

I also still warp to the wrong spots pretty often.


Less of a derpy moment and more of a failed troll attempt, but I was trying to race my Cataphract friend somewhere and he had to run back to grab a quest. The race was still on so I blocked the path he needed to take with an ice wall. He managed to walk around it and beat me quite easily with Trot.


Was farming materials for Beetleback, Varv skin. It was a long day just to farm even 1 skin while competing with other players, plus it was laggy at that time.

As I farm this one spot while another player farm closely next to mine, my laptop suddenly freezes. Afterwards, the player wasn’t there anymore and I suddenly saw this Varv skin laying on the floor. I assume it was the player who farmed with me earlier. Desperate as I was, I stand closely next to it but it doesn’t go into my inventory. So yeah, I’ve waited since the game system behave that if someone doesn’t pick up the loot within a certain time, another player can pick it up.

But this Varv skin doesn’t even want me, I even walked over it numerous times and even sat on it so no one could steal my precious. 2 hours passed and it still doesn’t get picked up. Then I realized, maybe it was the game bug where my laptop freezes earlier. A graphic bug or some sort where my client shows something is there while in the server side, there’s nothing there.

So yeah, I’ve wasted 2 hours circling a skin that wasn’t even there.

In other news, Laima is a floating head.



I played Cleric during iCBT and now in iTOS, but I didn’t realize heal could deal damage to ANY enemy until I used it while questing on a lvl 30 zone after the second week of the founder’s early access launched :joy:

I was convinced that I could only hit undead/demon mobs with it :sweat:


I was questing on a map when all of the sudden I run into a World Boss with a bunch of people already fighting it.

I start helping kill it and a random group invited me into their party. All was fine and dandy, it seems like my party was going to be the ones getting cubes… when all of the sudden, I walk too close to an NPC and warp the entire party into a Boss instance… :scream:

Luckily we killed the instance boss quickly, and got back to the World Boss in time to secure our cube drops.

I would have felt horrible if I made the party that was nice enough to invite me not get cubes because of that. :cold_sweat:


lets see well uh I tend to wrong chat like everything because of the way the chat system switches back to normal chat whenever you change maps and i’ve said weirder things but once I said something along the lines of “usually I’m the one luring shiit around because I can use stop” or something and this was in merc post and everyone just was like “you can lure my shiit anytime” “me too” jfc

I actually laughed it was like the best community related thing to happen to me. which is sad. but also great. i went “t-thanks” so @ everyone who was there thanks for laughs


my first time getting to bokor i was exited to finnaly be able to kill flyign enemies fast, and i got effigy b4 i got hexing. so im just spamming effigy wondering why its not doing amything, like im stabbign the doll and whatever and then im like “oh i need hexing first”. also i ■■■■■■ up my stat build on my first char so i had to re roll(i was lvl 107 Q_Q )


I had 2:
1.) Bought all the DLC package for the tokens. After opening the chests, I decided to use one of it. Right-clicked then BAM! Nothing happened. The token disappeared. Relogged. still nothing. No benefits at all. Thinking it was a bug, I sent a ticket to the support explaining what happened. A few minutes later, I opened my storage… only to find out that the token was there!! I facedpalm so hard after realizing how stupid that was.

2.) Listing an overpriced item in the market without even reading the confirmation is a bad idea. I had 50k silver left on my inventory so I decided to sell my chupacabra ears with 2 stats. So, listing it on the market, I decided to overprice it thinking i could get lucky. I didn’t stop there. I listed it for seven days. SEVEN! Thats like 2.5% of the price of item. The confirmation poped up. clicked okay without reading. checked my money. it was gone!! i had less than 10k left. worse of all, i hadn’t had my repairs.


I thought I could build SPR/INT on a Cleric. :cold_sweat:

back in town from questing
check market if any loots are worth more than NPC value
none of note
sell to NPC
… check collections girl


I was looking for a good equip when I found this Seimos weapon at the market place.
I was really happy that it has an +1 AoE Attack Ratio.
I bought it so that when my hubby will arrive, he will be surprised that I am holding a pretty good equip. ( @lajkonikes :wink:)
Then I realized… I bought a staff… Instead of Rod. haha! I’m a cleric and I can’t equip it. I was confused with the drawing at the recipe because of the “cane-like” appearance.
So yea, my surprise strong appearance was busted. Hubby did the farming so we could sell the staff because we can’t put the recipe back in the Market place. :joy::joy:


I died from Moving Validation Error, thrice.:joy:

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I downloaded TOS off of steam. I Launched TOS. It was a TOS downloader.

…I Downloaded a Downloader.

Wellp. Byebye TOS. . . maybe I’ll specifically wait until July to play you: for making me wait a lonnnnnnnnng time downloading 8 gigs worth of… a Game-Downloader. .

Please don’t circumvent the Early Access filter that steam users are allowed to uncheck.

vvv EDIT: It still took forever, so I’ll see you in July or something

I assume that’s the patcher not a game downloader @_@

Check this topic

If it looks like that window black below, a tree of savior at middle, and IMCGames at upper left then that’s not a game downloader at all
That’s the patcher…

i tried to power though all of the nay sayers and bash my head against a wall with a nerfed class…

i rerolled after 4 weeks.

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I did something similar. I knew around level 110 I should have went Pelt on my Fencer instead of Swordie2. I did everything I could to find a way to say this was better for the build I was going for cause I didn’t want to start over, plus I was leveling with someone at the time; had DLC packs on her… Q.Q

At level 185, after 150+ hours, I rerolled. :no_mouth: I can’t say I regret it though, much more fun, and should have done it sooner. Still very derpy…

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You are the epitome of evil OP

My derpiest moment, i was grinding @ storage and my guild is at war and an enemy team runs into us and i am in zone out grind mode everyone is yeling @ me in party to come help them and i paid no attention i just sat in a corner and popped potions as my entire team died only to realize 5minutes later after looking around like wtf did my party go?

Ended that fight with a penta kill, so i guess this is also a redemption story because lag hit at that moment and my summon cleaned them up while everyone was frozen xD

The lol’s that were had in discord that day

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