Tree of Savior Forum

The biggest problem with modern MMOs

Only thing that I always miss in mmorpgs is exploration and secrets.

But until developers start thinking a bit outside of the box, we won’t really have that. I can think of million things that can be great in an mmorpg and I’m sure a lot of people can, but it’s useless when no developer wants to take risks in order to change the genre.

Anyway, back in the real world now, what would make me happy is if they reworked all the bosses in Tree of Savior and made sure that they all have unique mechanics, strengths and weaknesses.

Because as it is now, almost every boss is the same. There are some special ones, that show me that they ARE capable of creating unique bosses, but they are very shy about it.

Other than this, I GUESS, even though I’m usually AGAINST power leveling in mmorpgs, so I’m not really disappointed in their decision to not allow it, Tree Of Savior does have a lot, A LOT of levels, so…I wouldn’t mind if they allowed power leveling to some degree. (up to 50-100 levels difference maybe)

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Your paragraph is really hard to read. And no it isn’t selfish. The idea would be to have multiple events like this every year so everyone has a chance to discover something. It isn’t revealing it to a “selected” number. Only to people dedicated enough to find it. Nothing more and nothing less. They can be large events or just small ones and so on.

You cant put the soul blame on the developers with youtube as a thing and more then a good 100+ lets players people end up spoiling the hidden stuff wile looking for help.

Remember when you have access to secrets human curiosity will always peek and by this I mean min/max people where they are so obsessed with making the perfect person they will often look way ahead in there progression via these videos.

Do you remember when you was younger playing video games just to see what happens rather then calculating your stats for perfections because I do.

About the boss’s you do know this could have its reasons think about it all bosses showing similarity’s ask yourself this how is testing conducted? normally a number of test with almost the same test but often one difference within each test to understand the reaction of the tester for instance.

Have 6 bosses with similar mechanic’s but with different elemental strengths and weakness’s so if a player has say a build based with maximizing fire that would be okay on 4 of the bosses great on one boss bad on another.

This data could be used to develop better mechanic’s later down the line remember the game is still very young did you ever play raganork online when that came out of beta all bossis had no skills they all acted similar but when the skills came out for them all after I think like 1 year the bossis became insanely hard honestly getting MVP with a group was a challenge so just wait we have time its not like were going anywhere as of yet.

ill leave this final note remember saying is one thing but coding it is another :smiley:

Well in that case it should be fine provided everyone has a somewhat good chance not so much make it easy but a challenge I would say but there should not really be a cap on it as your providing the “reach first” mentality what I mean by that one achievement springs to mind “server first max level” to almost about 95% of mmo players on that server have things outside the game in there real life to attend to one being sleep wile there are people who pull a 48 hour just for the achievement in my mind I find that extremely unhealthy and you should never attempt that and this would make it impossible for those who do sleep to get said achievement.

What I would say is implement a retake limit if you fail it so many times you are locked out till another similar event comes by this means your not forced to be on to beat everyone in a time span you have a fail/success condition.

I didn’t say to make every secret a once in a life time thing. It would be a mixture because you can’t possibly expect Devs to make interesting stories all the time.

I like your idea of a lock out and I think that would work well for the system. Although I still think there need to be certain secret events that only happen once for players clever enough to find them.

Waifu abuse detected.

the whole leveling not being confined to ±5levels in RO isn’t really too annoying. TOS uses a linear progression system where the exp is sort of the same from level 1 to level infinity. RO had an exponential leveling system where the peak was reached quickly (lv 80ish) and it then just became harder to level up.

The one thing RO really had gamedesignwise that it allowed farming (even lower level area) for certain types of equipment and components which is sort of absent in TOS for the most part. No idea why they didnt make Anvils a drop only item. Or why you dont just have to look for slotted items in order to put gems in rather than use the BS…

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