Tree of Savior Forum

Templar Info from JP FGT

My only problem with this guild making class is that it’s restricted to one of the basic classes… It really would have been better if it’s an universal hidden class.

I don’t think so but I had that weird idea that what if every basic class tree has a different kind of guild making class they just keep it as a secret. Like maybe Army Chaplain could be one too.

Am I the only one btw who was sure it will be a swordman class if it’s restricted to one? :smiley: Only it’s name sounds like it could fit into the Cleric tree.


To much trouble for me for basiclly reck myself.

The week you can play only rape your mind trust me and all ppl who played icbt.

Not worth i wished i never played icbt XD.

@sumi_09 Yes, it’s 23MB. Remember to have it all setup, otherwise you won’t be chosen. Good luck!

It seems the CBT will be 5 days long.

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Also played iCBT here and I think trying to get in the jCBT is okay, even if it’s just another 5-day test. Esp that I’m not really playin other games atm (boredom crisis.rofl)

@Micchi @arkgolf thanks guys

Hey, I was wondering. How did that info of Templar being a Rank 8 swordsman be released?

When nothing over rank 6 has been shared. I even PMed IMCgames within this past week about guilds. ANd they said nothing has been finalized and theyre still planning this system.

This is what was said to me over PM 3 days ago.

Hi ArecArws,

We are aware of the concerns raised but it seems like we can’t give you any solid answer for this as the game is still under development and we have not finalized matters regarding guilds.
We’ll try to update our fans as much as possible when things are finalized.
Thank you for your continued support for Tree of Savior and hope you have a pleasant day

Best Regards,

Im hoping you didnt do some half baked translation. And had solid information.

I love love love all these people flipping out, jumping to conclusions, and throwing out hyperbolic statements like “this is literally THE WORST idea ever”. All you have right now is a general idea of the concept and tidbits of information here and there and you’re acting as if this is the coming of the Anti-Christ. Put down your torches and pitchforks and sit down.

The devs already said that this game leans more towards teamwork, coordinating, planning and not to mention specialization and on a much grander scale, finding combinations of said specializations. As evidenced by the amount of thought and planning that people put into their builds. This Templar idea is for all intents and purposes just another stab at this general concept of specialization. This is personally what I like about the game. I believe this is what attracts a lot of you to it as well. Some people lean towards pvp, some couldn’t care less about anything else other than crafting… Who’s to say there aren’t people who would love to play out this new and unique role of being a Templar.

“Q: How about class balancing, because there are so many classes in ToS?
A: Class balance in ToS is important for each role, so that each class will have its own weakness and strength. There are about 80 classes. There exist classes which could help in support, build, and unique PvP skill or PvE, modify weapons, make a camp, and there exist some classes that have combination in skills, so if you want to have fun, you have to team up with other classes”

It is not your God given right to be able to make a guild at your own leisure and furthermore it is not set in stone that guildmaking can and should only be done in one particular way. Wait until all the information is available and if after all that the idea is in fact horrid then I’m sure there will be a loud enough opposition from the general playerbase to warrant change.

An idea isn’t horrible simply because it doesn’t play into your entitled mindset, because it’s inconvenient to you, or just because it doesn’t tickle your fancy as an individual.


additionaly note, the idea that a class “sells guilds” sounds so irrational and doesnt make sense. OR even needing a foreign guild leader assistance to do something. That doesnt make sense.

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This was the information provided by the KR developers at the JP FGT as reported by an attendee: ギルドはソードマン8次職(テンプラ)のみが作成可能. Since it’s beta, of course it is not set in stone. I am just providing the information as is, under the assumption that the report is valid. If you guys want to speculate further, feel free but don’t be disappointed when it isn’t what you thought it would be.

Also, there is no word about the exp rate or max rank/level in JP CBT. This doesn’t mean that templar will be available for play. It may only be in their current plan.

I respect you’d like one GuildMaker class, but is not that you like, the answer is that likes the most of the ToS testers/future community.
I think is a bad idea forcing people to be a class if they want to create a guild…so all people don’t like swordman classes can’t be guild leaders? little discriminatory…
And of course all are speculations, but we have not nothing more than that, we speak about little incoming rumours hehehe

Do you know what the writer meant when theyre talking about oct 1st 2016?

And why does she talk about being sick, drunk, or whatever the entire time?

Both link said the same here from 2nd link
Q. ギルドある?
A. あるある。自分だけの拠点、共同生産システム、ギルド専用のミッションなども考えている。唯一テンプラーという職だけがギルドを設立できる (←マジかよ)
Bold text
there is only one class call templar that can create/founding/establishment a guild.
Unbold is about a guild system, there will be guild exclusive mission also joint production system (this is just literally translate don’t know what is this system refer to).

There’s no mention of Oct 1st, 2016. They say that closed beta starts on Oct 1st and service begins sometime in 2016.

The writer was sleepy and was not feeling well when trying to write the post. It appears that they were sick.

@arkgolf: I love how he was totally surprised by it too haha

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Forgive me when I say i’m skeptical in terms of your claim that you speak for most of the ToS Testers/future community…

And no that is not discriminatory. Just because someone makes a guild doesn’t necessarily or automatically mean that he HAS to be the leader. Maybe he initially will be but you don’t know if he can pass down that leadership to someone else. Going by that same logic is it discriminatory that all people who don’t like being wizards are not able to craft their own potions? Granted you can buy some at the shop but the ability and CONVENIENCE of being able to make it on your own?

Nobody is being forced or pidgeon-holed to do anything at least based on what little we know thus far. It’s not as if you will hands down forever and ever in all of eternity will never be able to be in a guild if you don’t go templar.


Yeah, Im sure all of them were surprised on that answer.

They already buffed solo play by reverting the class system. I hope they consider the consequences of adding solo player content/mechanics. I already didn’t like their decision to add mouse control which was also based on popular demand.

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what the hell has mouse control to do with consequences? its just 1 more option. If you dont like it dont take it?

Mmm, i didn’t think about that: “Just because someone makes a guild doesn’t necessarily or automatically mean that he HAS to be the leader”.
That would be a more acceptable way i think. No problem with that :).

Maybe you just need a Templar in your party to create a guild too. Like in some games the requirements are 5peoples in a party, it could be 4people + a Templar :stuck_out_tongue:
(It’s just a speculation there)
If they’d do that i hope they make so the Templar can’t quit the guild before another one is in the guild or something like that. There are still so much possibilities with a class like that. I found myself that it’s really interesting, guilds in real life had a lot of restrictions so the idea of having some sort of “Respected Character” (since Templars in reality where a big order with a lot of power at that time) feels pretty good for the game’s background.

But well will you need to be Templar to be the guild leader? Will you need a Templar in your party to create a Guild? Or will Templar Class be some sort of entity with a power to buff you and make you start a chain of Guild Making Quest? We won’t know until it’s out and so all we can do is speculate for nothing like always ^^

What’s worst is that Templar is at RANK 8 (according to info jcbt)… OMFG, imagine that pain in the a** progress you’ll be facing. :sweat:

Thank goodness its in the swordsman class tree (I would like to have them in all class tree if possible) and with new class advancement system it will be much easier and fun, you’ll just need to be patient that’s all (assuming the xp rate is low as the iCBT, I only manage to get to lvl56) :skull:

Well it makes sense to be high rank in this case rank 8. If it would be rank 3 or so ppl would just do one in 1 day just for guild creation. It would kill the purpose of the class.