Tree of Savior Forum

Team Dex Vs Team Str ( Trash talking, discussion, roasting each other, math magician war ) Aka Debate STR Vs DEX

Explain us this video

Spion has a max of 668 pa. So 668 - 207 = 461. Why spion is hitting over 1.3k with BASIC attack?

this is why I always tell people to get full plate + aspersion if mobs are hitting hard, funny not many believe me that they’ll get “1” damage, including the guy you are talking to

Pretty much which is why DOV literally needs a cleric buddy or slave for a living lawl… (something which i dislike) (yes even solo questing on lower areas of 300 :V)

Vienie Twin Blade
You sould be great with +6 and Stage 6.
Enchantment to +6 cost you 1,120,305
And transcendence will cost you 420,000 and 67 Blessed Gems this is 9 days of gameplay to boost your damage greatly.
9 Days of time + 1.5kk worth it.

9 days???

Yes was wrong, that damage hurts.
In scope 1.5k monster damage with 300-400% multiplier hurts.

Here missed too, bit more, about 12.

… do you even count. You need 10 BLESS SHARDS for 1 GEM and 12 GEMS for even level 4

Stop please

Missed here too, it’s shards. Not gems. Yeap then it goes to moths or pay to reset missions.

You mean nearly half a year. @_@ Assuming 1 does not want to reroll

Still valid, months >= half a year.
67*10 = 670 Shards, about 120 days, 4 moths :slight_smile:

And your weapon get obsoleted to the point that you need new weapons now.

Maybe Stage 3 is an answer, 3 weeks to go. Resulting in 552~939 weapon.
Valid numbers even in scope new 315-330 equips.

You will get your ass kicked anyway is the answer.

i literally face palm here…

So do they stack or not?

Well in this case answer is not to play game ?
Or you like when your ass kicked ?

Party play and don’t get your ass kicked.

Except you can’t reset Saalus :confused: