Tree of Savior Forum

Team Dex Vs Team Str ( Trash talking, discussion, roasting each other, math magician war ) Aka Debate STR Vs DEX

It’s see, that red gems does not scale to transcend something have changed. Went on to ask in a korean ktos live stream or was it mistaken on the first place? :cold_sweat:

Green gems are still superior in most cases and red gems are practically for max min

New gem charts

Credits to KTOS thread and tampon + arksglof

Fencers have a hard choice to balance crits and red gems now. Either way i have seen a fencer cap every single skill + hits with help from a dragoon.

DEX is the new meta. Red gems, transcending and upgrading are so powerful now that a meager increase that comes from STR is outweighed heavily by the 50% critical multiplier.

DEX also increases your suitability against physical damage.

At level 330 you have free 20,000 health with 0 invested in CON. There are Red Gems and Plate with tons of health in them to compensate for not investing in CON as well.

It’s really up to you. I happen to believe a 4:1 DEX:STR ratio is now very viable or even not investing in STR at all. Seeing all the angry posters dates are all the way from August and have not had the information about the new gems or items I can understand, but the meta changes all the time.

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you still need a little str.

Full dex is out of hand the moment if you face high block creatures which is yet to be seen at the moment other than retarded hogmas. Solmiki just releases on KR we will see if theres any more ultra high Block creatures up there.

Equipment block pen are unable to push full 100% block pen on hogmas sadly. Hogma pen at 280 required > 395 for meele 782 for range.

So far i only seen retarded golden bell shields mobs that block all physical totally.

unless you guys happen to reach the memorial map (forgot which one is, just above the innerwall8) those effin hogma warrior blocks like hell.

i haven’t touched my doppel too much since i’m still waiting for the BIG weapon to come at me. (and too lazy to hunt shrooms)

DoV 15 + Cyclone 15 is your best bet, utilizing your skill rotation is very important specially if you are using glassmoles. mine goes like this:

zwer > cleave > (pop mole) cyclone
cleave > redel
cleave > cyclone
pouncing (most skills are downtime so this will be your filler)
repeat from above

using zwer first before cleave is very crucial, as zwer have little delay after using it. unlike cleave where you can follow-up with another skill already, plus its debuff is 6.5 sec that makes it good to maximize 5sec uptime of both cleave and zwer debuff.

as for zornhau zucken, i haven’t touch em yet. i feel like they’re very underwhelming skill now.

one more thing, PUNISH is very COOL to use now. just pop that BASH then use Punish instantly. (no need to wait for the Punish icon to appear). the damage doesn’t get near 149k as seen from videos, but the AoE is the real deal. i’m leaning forward to take spend attribute on this in near future.

btw, how do you guys manage your buffs? i neglect the gung-ho and concentrate, i don’t want to lose the sacrament and asperio buffs i buy from stores

just gunho/pain barrier will do. Often i won’t dov on normal it’s too risky getting one shot unless i have a milk tank around @_@.

Yea those shield mobs you is the next level block mobs lol.

I am not surprise if they appear on solmiki. It would turn into a Balance game where you need both 1x dps of each side or a gimmick to make through it.

Any one been through gesti will know what i mean. That betch is insane.

“Often i won’t dov on normal it’s too risky getting one shot unless i have a milk tank around @_@.”

Bro, just saying that DoV is supposely 24/7 turn on, if u dun turn it on i dun think ur playing Duppel to its max potential. The class as quoted by IMC

“Doppelsoeldners are mercenaries who endure high risk for high rewards. They dangerously expose themselves to the enemies and receive high attack power”

Turn it on 24/7 man, trust me its rewarding as hell, as to how to minimize dmg taken, this one i cant teach u but u gotta figure out the monster or even players attacking pattern yourself, since the game allows u for manual megaman x dodging.

This is 9 stacks DoV, 15 gives me around 7350-7450
taken inside DG315.

and my attack speed is 310%, will share DG315 DPS later.


Lvl 15 DoV isn’t about the dmg stacks, it was the attack speed, every 1 lvl is 10% direct buff on cast.

You should realize Doppel gets additional hits 1 hits for every 1 lvl of DoV invested in Cyclone right?

And thus making it a compulsory 15 skill, the easiest way to show u is through video i guess, i ill make an attack speed diff video soon.

Yes it is, but pointless to raise zornhau just to raise zucken, because zucken isnt as good as redel or cyclone.

And Doppel lack of skill points to distribute.

hm… i think i got my calc wrong… it suppose to add +10% at 1 time perhaps, times 15.

DG315 - Doppel DOV15/Cyclone15/Redel6/Zucken6/Zwerc3
New weapon and full set eqp (except lolopanther armor) Demonstration

Try that in TSC on sprial arrows. With DOV on at lv 290 matching monsters.

Or simpliy try it with archer mobs dov 15 take a triple/ spiral arrow on equal level mob since you are 330 you can try with the 325-330 archer mbos.

Oning DOV will lead me to one shot where as on 21k hp.

When i don’t on it i can withstand 2 spiral arrows.
So obviously i won’t on it until i can affirm where i can stack without dying lol.
Also i am low on shurms.

Certain mobs does not have counter play which is why i gave up oning DOV until i go back to a the same zone when i am over level or when theres a milk tank.

I am accounting on lone roaming cause, you won’t have party everytime at all times finishing simple quests. I mean why not.

I understand what’s the purpose. It’s just hard to achieve this kind of risk play without huge exposure to dying.

DOV 15 (normally i am stacking at 6-8) is hard to activate anyway unless you are on shurms spree.

As for cyclone attack speed.
When you hit during cyclone it’s not cyclone damage it’s infact the aa damage. So infact. Since i dislike aa that much why not i chunk out more damage in a Skill rotation since… well skill have + 100% attributes verus AA @_@.

Also It highly dependant on that point of your stack build up + u need to do a weapon swap when you are on dov. If not the attackspeed proc is bugged. IMC PLEASE FIX>

it’s just more aa into rotation for you. More skill casting for me with CD tied.
It’s some what similar to QS3 > muskeeter and Ranger3 > muskeeter.

Which splits us into 2 type of players.

edit part addin: DOV recast buff is a reset to 0 so… meh. you get what i mean theres pros and con on taking 15 or not. It’s really up to individual. I prefer the 5 skill point on punish and others since i don’t really go up to more than 10 ticks on dov. (though effectively 10 and 15 is the same defense penalty just 50% more damage on base + aa speed and 2-3 hits on cyclone)

haha, i can only say u havent reach the peak of “risky playstyle” yet, where doppel is designed as.

as for “why not i chunk out more damage in a Skill rotation since… well skill have + 100% attributes verus AA @_@.”

skill rotation dps is too low, like wayway too low, reason doppel dps is game no.01 is due to cyclone with maxed dov 15 atk spd, not the other rotation filler skills.

i give u an example, every 1 lvl of dov, the dps gives out literally outdps the other skills and in a shorter time frame, e.g. additional 1 hit = 25k-40k, can u achieve that dmg with in the same 0.1~0.3 sec from cyclone from other skill? no u cant, not only that, it actually add additional timeframe into the total DPS despite adding the DPS in, hopefully u get what u meant lol. (it also makes u focus to throw ur silver into cyclone attribute instead of other useless filler skill attribute)

Is it really that low? I don’t really think so if we reach cap say.

Every of your multi hits are caps. the one that does more hits ( interms of skill) wins actually.

I don’t really like 100% risk play unless there some one i know can support you for it.

In this case. You have. So we have to play different play styles to fit into different scenario. So each of our choices have pros and con. Lel.

I fully understand the 50% damage attraction+ 3-5 hits. There’s the issue of also stacking up. it’s very situation dependent. No worries i am still liking it and fully understand both of this builds will work out well where and how.

its very very low, if u turn back and check my comment on my youtueb channel or forum where ppl ask me about how i will allocate my skill pots before rank 8 was released, my skill points intended to be DOV 8 and Sturtz 5, and Zwerchh 5, Redel 6 Zucken 6 Cyclone 15 etc…

but i changed to DoV 15 now (total skill reset spent after rank 8 opened is 3 pieces cause the first reset was make DoV back to 8 and add new skills lol) , because DoV 8 DPS just suck…raising to 15 makes it rlly awesome in conjunction with the core skill of doppel cyclone.

I am sharing out this tips and why, but is up to u, i gain nth, haha.


i had zucken at 1 , punish 1 (for grind and aoe purpose) Sturt 5 zwer 1 . redel 10 DOV 10.

It’s good enough… since i won’t hit dov 9/10 normally meh ( honestly if you don’t spam mushroom maintaining 15 is extremely hard)

well we both get our points XD. Basically your builds works as a build up build.

Where as my build is a overall build.

Build up builds will excel at alot of places. Both of us still have issue dying easily when DOV is on LOL. <<<< 100% fact

like i said, its not about hitting the max stack, its about getting the extra 50% atk speed on cast (10 vs 15).

it makes huge diff on AA and Cyclone.

Theres actually cap frames to aa soo… if you understand what i mean with quicken it goes up to about 4-5 hits at most. (learn it through the hard way of qs3)

It’s more for Cyclone in your case (extra 5 hits on 15 stack) but the case problem is you need to hit 15 stacks first. ( mushroom spam situation ). days will come if you do not have mushroom “insert vomit emoticon here”

Actually there is no…I personally checked, i can release the actual hit for u, because i think u didnt know…

Below is chart for lvl 15 cyclone and lvl 15 dov

normal cyclone - 25 hits
AA cyclone - 37 hits

and now is lvl of DoV to hits of Cyclone

Lvl 15 - 37 hits
Lv 14 - 36 hits
Lv13 - 35 hits
Lv10 - 32 hits
and so

Well up to u, i strongly recommend DoV 15, I wouldnt have resetted to DoV 15 from DoV 8 (which i resetted from 10 when i m rank 7) if the DPS isnt there.

Up to u man.

those 12 hits are they Cyclone damage or AA damage.

If it’s AA damage theres not much of a difference…