Tree of Savior Forum

Team Dex Vs Team Str ( Trash talking, discussion, roasting each other, math magician war ) Aka Debate STR Vs DEX

well base on ur reply i guess u duno about it but u thought u know about.

Nope its not AA dmg, its actual cyclone dmg with the attributes, tats why its OP.

All the korean videos or my videos that u see bursting 2m-3m dmg under 1 cyclone comes from 15/15 both skills. (Which, take note, u dun have to stack DOV to max, because what u want to gain from lvl 15 DoV is the atk speed, not the dmg stacks, the dmg stacks is a bonus, any numbers will do, leave it to luck).

Do us a favor there was a huge debate over it.

Cyclone with bare hands or a shietty random low level 2 hand sword record the damage.

We will know if it’s PURE AA damage or full cyclone damage. It’s extremely noticeable.

The last i play my dopple a few days back i am pretty sure it’s aa damage hmm…

There is no debate to begin with lol, unless the person doesnt know how to check or verify the dmg.

I leaked this info of why some Doppel are achieving retarded dmg for ignorant dops out there, u can thank me later haha.

Hmm 5 hits extra…

I guess thats a huge + if your cyclone is a huge hitter.

Well prolly my eyes playing trick on me will go back and test it with my dopple when i have time agian thanks for the head ups

The dov attackspeed applies to skills? Not only aa?

Pretty sure it only works on cyclone.

The rest just benefits off the % damage only.

So nobody else faces occational crash when using cyclone in dungeons? Gotten it for a few times now, one of the best skills, afraid to use it, such a waste

So far no. I faces divine might crashes and beak mask though LOL.

Beak mask is due to recent patch. Cyclone crash on the other hand does not happen every single time its used, unlike the beak mask. And it usually happens in dungeons and missions only. Only after searching around i saw people reporting it, seems like its a common issue. Been around for very long

If you’re still listening and following what akisera said after he told everyone to go heavy STR then changed to high DEX himself then you deserve to reroll.



Fine example of players who cannot understand the concept of STATS points are constantly evolving base on that current patch/meta alongside equipments implemented. R7 C2 doppel favors STR while R8 C3 doppel favors DEX simply cause doppel has been evolved into a PVE only char unlike DRAGOON or the new LANCER.

Heavy STR favorable patch doesn’t even have Vienie Twin Blade, Greytis Greaves and Demonas Gauntlet etc, and we are here being in the newest patch with Gale Blade, Transcendence, Monster cards upgrade while u brought up old news mocking people deserve to reroll.

Sad case.


that why its called FUTURE PROOF.
sad because back there you said “FUTURE PROOF” its just a THEORY.

So those people who followed you and built high STR, are u gonna compensate them all with a free stat reset potion?

This thread created 16 Aug…

See the date. 8/8/2016

8 days… from the news, and already implemented on kTos on that time.

Sorry but 8 days is a very long duration if u ever played MMO

I duno what to say to u, but good luck try hard to start an arguement.

do you even understand what im tryin to say?

this thread created on 16 AUG 2016, while that news already posted at 8 aug, that mean you had 8 DAYS… RIGHT 8 DAYS to THINK the possibility of ITEM UPDATE AND ITEM TRANSCEND EFFECT ON DEX BUILD.
And, its already IMPLEMENTED ON KTOS, when the news came to your server (8 Aug 2016) yet you still “bashing” people with dex build.

You can try searchin for info about item transcend, WITHIN that 8 days period.

In R7 it still favor dex build because item transcend update. +15 magi ths with lv4 transcend will out damage str build, with the same weapon. Your 490STR can’t outdamage +50% damage gained from crit. Accept it, its a FACT.

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aki Rugal?
Hmmm, that explains everything.

I myself face more weird issues though. so far still safe with cyclone hmm… i crash on massive numbers of redel before.