Tree of Savior Forum

Team Dex Vs Team Str ( Trash talking, discussion, roasting each other, math magician war ) Aka Debate STR Vs DEX

No, I prefer orange because gives 530 dark damage.
So your minimum will be 1018

Sadly, Dex is crap on all the new R8 maps cuz mage mobs doesn’t miss and 1 shot you if you don’t have enough HP. Either that or have very high STR and kill them before they kill you.

Against magic mobs, str or dex will die at the same time if getting hit.
The thing is take barb or sw3 in your build will really matters. Corsair too.

+15 게일 슬래셔 (purp 315) = 427-793 (+275) = 702-1068 +100%(lv.4 trans) = 1404-2136
adding weapon effect
(+111 patk and +358 min atk) = 1873-2247 +Lv.15 dov = 4682 - 5056 (w/o gems)

Do you know stacks critical attack is important right?
With 315 orange we will have 430(645 if you have hl1 in your build) + 530 dark damage.
Thats why I would stick with orange.

3800 min patk (orange) vs 4600 min patk (purple), you can get like 300+ patk and catk from hair acc btw. thats about 800 diff on min patk, and 315 orange gives you -72 con.
well, just wait for some dopp vids (ktos/itos) with that 2 weap for comparison.

Yes, we must see. The point, that news weapons are coustly to upgrade and with not much practonium around market I doubt some one will have those weapons +15 for a really long time. Thats why we see many ktos players with 220 weapons +15, plenty on market to try again.

meanwhile on my server… still waiting card system + item trans update… :cry:

dude, even you put all your stats to str, it doesnt cope up with +50% extra damage you get from crit. because with item trans you can get high patk w/o investing huge pts on str.

If you are near crit cap this seems to be the update for extra damage. it won’t really harm

It’s pretty much the same as 310 magic amp in this case (same situation lel) just that it’s scaling to transcend levels.

Don’t know if gems really scales with transcending(pretty sure don’t scale)

Blue gems does scale. I am not sure if red gem does scale though but if it’s added into the main stat it will scale.

Transcendence only applies to the primary weapon stat, meaning all bonus
stats including awakenings and other elemental/mAmp damage will not be
factored in.
Confirmed [by GM and player] - Transcendence ALWAYS
applies to the current primary stat, regardless of when it was
originally transcended. This includes enhancements, gems, briquetting,
and weapon reinforcement.

Thats good, so gg 3000-10000 with doppel.

a average of 5k PD that’s extremely scary.

that calc was wrong, dov scaling to your min patk.

1014-3358 + 150%(dov 15) = 2535-4879 (+15 VTB) x3 *7 red gems
1526-4222 + 150%(dov 15) = 3815-6511 (+15 사크미스) x3 *7 red gems
+15 게일 슬래셔 (purp 315) = 427-793 (+275) = 702-1068 +100%(lv.4 trans) = 1404-2136
adding weapon effect
(+111 patk and +358 min atk) = 1873-2247 +Lv.15 dov = 4682 - 5056 (w/o gems)

if you go full dex (w/o con) for 315 orange, maybe you can add +80% with x8 glass mole cards.

Imc is fking with us badly…

There will be another str revamp, count on it.

I patiently awaits this. Str is too shiet as of state now it makes me sad. Same goes to SPR

unless imc gives +500% ++ bonus damage gained from str, now high str build cant cope up with +50% damage from crit, bc item trans gives you high patk w/o high pts invested on str.