Tree of Savior Forum

Team Dex Vs Team Str ( Trash talking, discussion, roasting each other, math magician war ) Aka Debate STR Vs DEX

my eva now are 1k (w/o buffs, and cards) with 7x *10 ella, i can get close to 1100… if i got archer with lv.15 swift, + monstrance i think i can get like 1400+ eva. (in party mode)

Yea sounds great. The main issue are still those mage mobs. You will need to heavy party up with a priest or a sage to get pass. They cast magnetic force + poa nows and alot of them having homing aa of 4-5k above with 500 mdef -_-…

holy… sh… 4-5k with 500mdef lol.

Best of all i am 15 levels above yes literally puking lol.

Just fyi with 17k and 540ish defense. A crit arrow from a 300 Black siaulav archer does 9.4k (normal attack). They have mergen triple arrows so… if you fail evasion check you are instant dead (seism comes in play with stunt now)

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Just curious with +15 VTB + 3x*7 R.Gem + Lv.4 transcend.

282-524 (+225) = 507-749 +930 (max atk) = 507-1679 +100% (Lv.4 trans) = 1014-3358? + 150% (Lv.15 DoV) idk if the calc are like this tho.

yup that is correct. just take 1014 - 3358

with level 15 dov =

2535 - 8395

It’s a huge gap but if your count in overall average it’s nearly 4k PD. The amount of damage on cap 199k for all hits (fencer already did) i guess it;s not a dream for dopps.

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if someone can get +15 on that lv 315 orange ths (사크미스)

488-906 (+275) = 763-1181 +930(max atk) = 763-2111 +100%(lv.4 trans) = 1526-4222 +150% (dov 15) = 3815-10555? :joy: holy sh…

The power Creep is real… :cry:

so, you need to invest about 3000 STR, to get that kind of damage (w/o) weapon trans and upgrade. some dude here back then are so proud with his “near” 500 str, ending up with reset his stats to 3:1 dex str. ROFL

@unicorntheshiny oh… i forgot GLASS MOLE CARDS!!

2535-8395 + 80% = 4563-15111 (VTB)
3815-10555 + 80% = 6867-18999 (사크미스)

glass mole effect are applied based on your current stats right?

yup outrageous damage, but with this amount of PD. It’s better to split it to ella + GM then just GM. Since the moment you lose Crit thats a 150% damage gone

Crit hits(processing of crit ) will be the one that let you hit the cap limit easier.

well, my invested stats are 240 dex, and 74 con, if i want to try to get that lv 315 orange th.sword, better go full dex with 0 con + glass mole cards. extra 74 pts on dex. (no need for ella cards)

you still need that slight little block pen. I am not able to confirm it how much you will need but, Gear is not enough to cover the lack of block pen atm.

Something like 50 str invested ( this will roll to about 300 block pen add in some block pen gems) you are done to full pen hogma. Subject to increase if they are new blocking mobs well… it depends.

Assuming you are gonna use the orange one. Just Max on dex + str. Full geared running on Red gems HP + hats HP + physical damage (new hats hp + 2k max hp)

It will still net you about 30k hp + -. Crit rate wise if you will need to use sissel since we are dropping on green gems on main hand and about 5 ella cards.

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ok, i totally forgot about b.pen lol

Still 30% factor in to DOV there is extremely efficent + 150% from crit damage. say hi to 199k cyclone per hit.

wait, im forgot something here, scaling dov are from your min patk.

1014-3358 + 150%(dov 15) = 2535-4879 (+15 VTB)
1526-4222 + 150%(dov 15) = 3815-6511 (+15 사크미스)

Yes, gives 310 MAX ATTACK and 185 PATTACK on offhand.

Anyway, If you have a doppel, seems stupidity add this gem to you main weapon because your damage already has a high oscilation and with this, your damage some times will be weak and some time will be wow.

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i know, just curious if using that gems (x3) with +15 VTB vs +15사크미스 (lv 315 orange th.sword) with lv.15 dov.

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I would only look at minimum attack in 2h swords because is really really hard you hit and enemy with you max attack. Better consider an average because whats the point has 10k maximum attack if your minimum is 3k?

so you prefer 315 purple over 315 orange th.sword?
315 purple gives you better min patk.