Tree of Savior Forum

Team Dex Vs Team Str ( Trash talking, discussion, roasting each other, math magician war ) Aka Debate STR Vs DEX

■■■■, what went wrong? lol oh right, why is there a ‘Pelt’ on my list, i didn’t even mention any synergy on it.

edited the previous post :card_box:

It’s actually almost the same or not enuff a little behind str con build at R7,

Simply because if you take out ellaganos x8 your crit rate will drop up to 20%
This doesn’t apply to STR because they are low on crit from the begining. Ellaganos adds at most 110 dex with monstance on no dex and about additional 200 dex with monstrance at high dex builds.

You gotta balance it off but that will still make you lack damage. Glass mole only last 4sec where as the deeds buff for physical is permanent so that a e.g 800 increase over permanent vs 4 second of spike

If you swap out a few it still still not enuff to match a full strength at R7. OR almost equally the same at certain 100% crit tweaks.

R8 is the killer as Cyclone and all the skill damages goes above 1.9k.

When you have skills going at flat numbers like this crit damage itself already provide

1.9 k* 1.5 - 1900 = physical raw attack power of 950 extra.

This was the killer. All skills have 0 scaling. to physical which make investing physical dead lock…

Also there is not a need for STR builds to go full ellaganos to make up for the 50% when you can gain 80% flat damage as well from glass mole.

Which makes up STR builds will eventually win at R7

Other conditions apply.

If say R8 since STR CON builds forsake crits totally and went for full damage.

It would means STR builds will lose out over time, Their initial burst will be fearsome for Dopple which make STR > DEX starting of rotation 1 and it will turn DEX > STR at rotation 2. Well because crit damage formula is retarded :V

Well all of this only applies to general swordsman. Fencers please ignore this part

Exactly! that’s why i miscalled aki’s build as Glasscannon. but then again, STR builds will always deal the Best damage at start. but that isn’t your typical scenario, and that’s where DPS is, a long dragging battle which favors dex.[quote=“unicorntheshiny, post:1153, topic:321139”]
This was the killer. All skills have 0 scaling. to physical which make investing physical dead lock…

another point they should absorb and accept. swordsman ain’t got skills like musketeer or cannon guys that have %% damage taken from their P.atk.

I hope they provide scaling for later ranks with more choices of gear though…

if not we are all lock into a single stat build -_-.

Crits in this game ignore defense like in RO? I actually never knew that

They don’t, the crit attack stat that is added at the end does.

Like what storm rider said.

Critical Attack stat and 1 point per str <<<<< ( the one you get from items.)
This is also know as True damage.

When you strike a critical (There will always be a total mod of 1.5x after defense reduction damage) then critical attack stat is added after it

Current as of R7 we all came to agree that STR is better at the edge as the skill damage is significantly lower.

Once R8 hit pretty much for Strength build to win a Dex build your invest of total damage must be > than Critical Mod (aka 1.5 of total damage). This is free for dex builds since Critical formula is a betch.

Until there is additional “specific scaling to strength” which currently there isn’t any sadly.

R7 = Str is generally better.

R8 = Dex wins in damage over time in a span of 3 minutes rotation.
Str builds are still decent just that, don’t expect to win a dex build over time lasted duration.

So in short

STR at R8 = Start out with a BOOM then constant pace without much explosion. Starts out at a good rate. Goes up slowly Constantly have small budge from random crits 10-30% in this case

Dex at R8 = Start out with small explosion and constant small explosion after it. Which is pretty much linear spiking up this way.

Graph for reference

Currently there are a few ways which can bring back stats build diversity again.
New crit accessories that gives us way higher crit rate. (like 120 crit each piece)

Implement a new system that add additional awakening stats such as crit rate.

Change and revamp of the stats structure itself where STR can add crit rate for swordsman and DEX does add minimal damage/maximum damgae lesser than str in compensation.

A total revamp of offensive and defensive skills to give % scaling. So this will make both STR + DEX equally important

It will become a free form.

HIGHLY NOTE this graph does not apply to fencer. Reason being Epee Garde exist.
When you have a additional 50% inclusive of Epee the spike is ridiculously to the point that making anyone who does not invest in crit rate losing so much damage overall.

As I said, the crit attack value ignores def. That is the value written on your F1 window. This then gets further modified by size/armor type, extra modifiers (like cleave +slash), AND attributes. CMIIW.

or the new abrasive gem introduced in Ktos? i heard it was lv8 gem abrasive (inb4 3pcs level10 green gems at weapon)

No Clue on that might need to ask around to see the value. Prolly towards saintone/veritas or greyhiem or those who are there,

i actually saw it as TP package from Ktos General thread. if level3 Abrasive gives 40kish gem exp, what to expect on level8?

a few hundred k? @_@… lv3 is 31k my bad

okay found it from an old Ktos TP thread, i stand corrected, it was level 9 all along.

ALL HAIL STR BUILDS! go grab those and own the world.

Sounds like value pack… i wonder if it’s one time only or period purchase…

Seems like one time though ¯\ (O_O) /¯

dafuq, instant level 7 gem using that level 9 gem abrasive

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p2win game

costume and instant everything with Money

i dont care with costume
but that instant gem levelling is bullshit
no need for gimmick and party quest at all

inb4 more tp pet with insane buff

For a hoplite3-doppel-dragoon2 build, should I be using ellaganos cards with crit rate gems on weapon, and use dex to reach crit cap (876)?

My friend is also playing a cleric and will have Monstrance.

as for you build, i suggest you go 8 glass mole card for bursting paired with serpentine + dethrone, the reason is,

your build contains Hop3, which gives a huge amount of Bonus Crit rate from Finestra, that gives you the option to spend LESS STAT on DEX and invest it on STR for more damage. and you mentioned of having monstrance from a friend. i think that 3:1 in favor of STR will be good… @unicorntheshiny you already calculated this right?