Tree of Savior Forum

Team Dex Vs Team Str ( Trash talking, discussion, roasting each other, math magician war ) Aka Debate STR Vs DEX

This, I’m still here, because I enjoy playing how I want :smiley:

I still don’t get, why others feel the urge to throw insults as soon as someone thinks a different way about NOT PLAYING the way some players think this game should be played.

Internet EGO is getting worse these days.

Well, EGO and PRIDE is one thing. Those who just threw insults at others without considering their opinion are just in denial any way.

It is getting worse this days. Due to the fact every one is able to access it unlike where only “more geek/logical type access the net in the past” but we are getting derail now.

After all this topic should have ended already with dex being the winner of the cup for now towards stats benefits…

EGO is one thing, insult is another, now combine that with acting superior with “the likes of you” “I’m THE ONE” “carry” “overall weak” “the server swordsmen likes me” etc etc, and here we are. I guess the world revolves around Varena or what?

We go 1000?

im joining, post 953 here it says

lets aim for 1000!

955 45 to go then @_@… i saw your shouts. lulz

well, it’ll be a daily event~

look out for me from time to time~


kinyau87 and haukinhue its the same haukinyau, who like trolling in every post just ignore this guy, he’s just stupid

tell me again im stupid when IMC fcuk up your Dex swordie the same way Str swordie fcuked at Rank8

will be looking forward into that day…

however, as i’ve told you. in every game created, EVASION and CRIT always have a place. and in this particular game (ToS), it was in the form of ‘DEX’. you were so absorb to STR over DEX issue that you overlook what does really matter. is this your first MMO? or maybe having hard time trying to accept some general facts. :sob:

i mean, its not so bad if you have like 200invested Str, 100invested Con, 100invested Dex for lv280 rank7 now…

Rank8 lv330 out, you can put another 50 into Dex

but rerolling a new swordman going 250dex, 100con, 100str … this is over react

in a Scissor Paper Rock situation, arent most game designed so Str kill Mage(int), Mage kill Agi(Dex, Evasion), Agi(Dex, Evasion) kill Str

but IMC fcuked up Mage/Cleric to go high con and have more HP than melee
Plate for mage/cleric is bad-design from IMC as well

if anything, Dex swordie is niche it shouldnt be in the meta…

if this thread is all about rank8 going Str or Dex…
it shouldnt advise the public to go high Dex coz crafting character based on a changing-content/item is definitely bad idea… you agreed on this yourself

Swordman in core, still is high Str high Con min Dex character generally…
as far as Future Proof is concerned

This is jumping into conclusion, but yes, hybrid build in any game always play the safest. but only if you are to the point of no return. when is that? at Max level, where in currently, we are approaching only at the middle of the game content. [quote=“kinyau87, post:981, topic:321139”]
in a Scissor Paper Rock situation, arent most game designed so Str kill Mage(int), Mage kill Agi(Dex, Evasion), Agi(Dex, Evasion) kill Str

sadly this game doesn’t follow that mechanic in which one counters another one. deal with it.

yes crafting based on unknown future content with what you currently have is a bad idea, that’s what makes DEX a good choice to build of, as opposite of how you understand things. as mentioned before, you can easily catch up to the value of STR if you went DEX first, on the opposite, you’re going to have the worst time trying to catch up into DEX if you went STR first.

P.S: do not include that you can always use ‘STAT-RESET’ whenever you need to, because in general. not everyone has access to that, nor in the future will have to.

future-proof? we’ve already finished the facts and run about between benefits from both STAT. and as written above, it’s listed most of the important facts in there. then again. the Bonus 30% STR for swordsman isnt enough. nor will never be enough to compensate on what DEX offers. it’s simply because that’s how these STATS were meant to.

Still think hybrid 1:1 is more future proof but depending on class tho. For lancer go dex for fencer go dex for dragoon go 1:1 imo. Dop is still tricky to say.

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Hopefully they can buff STR a little more, especially for Doppel’s sake. Like Gung Ho being % or scaling off STR. Maybe for once they can add % damage skills for R9 and R10, something that I feel swordies should already have.

Based on my experience (only lvl 157 HL3/sair pls don’t hurt me), I don’t regret having a high STR build as my base for damage (can crit 8k for lvl 90 rush using crossliner). However, as I’m leveling up higher and working into fencer, I’m definitely going to start building toward DEX to help with evasion and crits. I think that as swordsmen, we need to build STR as our foundation since we get bonus to it from rank ups and can continually get naturally stronger, even if we don’t continue to invest into it.

Yea they can and will buff up STR more in the future. If not, there’s always stat reset.

For now, STR is still good for block penetration if nothing else. Well in my case even concentrate benefits more from STR so it’s not all bad.

Dex looks better right now, but anything is subject to change with IMC.

They are about to backtrack on their stance on “circle reset” which at one point they said wouldn’t be possible so they’re pretty much the opposite of credible at this point.

Experimenting with friends. Lv.262 healer, and no cryo, it’s teamwork, noone is carrying shyt. Go 1000

Also, if it matters, I was full str swordie up until some point, then didn’t like it and decided to put dex, until finally reset stat. My current dex stats is on a vid on earlier comment, about 295 total. I just love crits and evasion (again).

About 100 total str is enough for most if not all current pve content for melee. Ranged maybe double the amount. At least as far as I’ve seen. New 300+ gears seem to provide block pen also, but we’ll see if that’d be enough for new pve contents. That’s about block pen. Not discrediting str, it still provides raw patk that we know, without the need of someone yelling about it.


If anyone need block penetration, get ibre glove, put 2 *5 yellow gem, this net you 60 block penetration equal to 60 str, no?