Tree of Savior Forum

Team Dex Vs Team Str ( Trash talking, discussion, roasting each other, math magician war ) Aka Debate STR Vs DEX

It’s because forums != game.

Your very first reply here is already attacking most players around, which is why you get very same treatment as you did to others, it’s that simple.

And yea, i have never look to get love from people.

I wouldnt have been in the most hated guild if my intention is to try to make everyone love me.

U were right, back then my first post is a wake up call to all swords who still holds on to DEX where it doesnt get u anywhere especially ET.

Directly into their face with my words and videos, I guess tats how the topic changed, and now STR is part of consideration by most swordies and not ignored.



nvm them… let this European/American do whatever they want…

no point sharing build etc

information is valuable, let them be.


Then why do you get anxious and cry the wall of text? Simply go ahead to act cool and say bye (like you did countless times ago).

See, words don’t match actions, inconsistency, I’m losing grasp of what’s real here… The forum IS NOT your server, sorry to break it to you.

Didn’t say that, just asking, bcs I saw so many posts flagged, wonder why :stuck_out_tongue:

But if that’s what you think…well…

U doesnt make any sense, no point talking to u, u holds on to the past way too much and unable to progress or submit any evidence or anything thats valueble.

YES or … oh dawg… I can’t believe a simple principle as fire a shot and get fired back can be so hard to explain.

Yes, but each individual person has a different goal in the game, that’s the very first thing you should know about MMOs.

Even Dex can compete for #1 in 280WB, Silvermore actually showed a picture to prove that.

Some people play this game only for companions/costumes/etc
Some peple play this game to troll
Some people play with their friends.
Some people like to be competitive.
Some people just do what they want.

Not everyone wants to be like you, I actually tried what you did with a very high str doppel and I was extremely disappointed and went back to my 1;1 str dex doppel and had more fun with it. I have different goals, you teach/help people if they want to, not force them into something and bash them if they didn’t. (this is what triggered people here to be mad at you)

@migzzz is probably the same as I am, we know what str doppels are capable of, but we don’t care because that’s not our playstyle, so we just go back to our happy dex-str doppels and play the damn game instead of reptitively deleting characters which I already did several times. I don’t even have a hoplite anymore and most of my characters now are dex.

i was contributing to Cata Thread but my view on the game itself is radical

so i get flagged in General section, oh well

but i wont create another Cata section… no point doing so.

well, lets just call it a day and end the senseless bashing.
not cool, bro…

there is no cookie for whoever win the Last Word


Every words he said are contradicting each other.

“Dex = pretty much pointless for Swordsmen”, yet he said “Im not saying dex is useless”, and “like srsly dex is crap”.

here @hienng1991 reply from 29d ago (YEAH,29 DAYS)

Technically, the debate wasn’t over till R8 info was released and
revealed that many R8 skills will have over 3k base damage. Particularly
Swordman classes.

Now I think putting points in Dex and Con will be much more favorable
than Str. Dex gives you crit rate and evasion - aka damage potential
and defense. Lost pAtk from Str will be gained from Transcendence
system, gears and buffs.


yet your excuse because you dont know R8 is coming out? cmon @akisera, why you suggest 3:1 dex str for grind 330? i believe you said…
Im waiting your vids at R8 with 0 con and maybe you can reach like 1k+ str… you dont need dex, its doesnt scale well with DoV, and… you can hit with yellow color everywhere even w/o 1 single point on dex.

well this is absolutely true. played a high str doppel (same stat ratio with aki), ended up using the stat reset potion because I was not happy with it. I’m not even using DoV anymore. left it at 0 because I don’t like how it says f*ck you to your armor (which in my case I worked my *ss at getting at). I play what I want, I play it at my style. and I’ll do whatever I can to make it viable. and I’m not dissing at akisera. he plays it his way, I’ll play it mine. the same way I don’t diss at people for exploring builds, stats and equips. let them have their fun.

I just really don’t like it when some people talk about how I am doing it wrong and I should do it somebody’s way. hell no. if that was the case then we shouldn’t have had the privilege to allocate our stat points ourselves. if there was really only 1 way of playing and building the classes, then the devs should have made the stat allocation fixed.

@Lostac @migzzz

Dov lv1 and lv15 give same aspd boost ?

coz i thinking to make corsair2 JR and dop DPE for solo clear dungeon silver farm…

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Well, i never said full str sucks to due to the fact you had to eat all the damage, unless you had healer by your side. The thing is, are dex build dopp are “VIABLE” for future update? and at the start of this thread, someone just bashing ppls with dex build, sayin dex are CRAP.

Gives more aspd per level, no need to stack dov iirc for it to work

ex lv10 dov gives you double aspd even without stack

as far as aspd is concern, getting dov15 is better right


if you have good ping on our potato servers yes, otherwise you won’t see any difference.

but you need to weapon switch for dov aspd to work sometimes

thanks for feedback~

imho, i still prefer STR for swordman despite the idiot rank8 content/items/skills

atleast 1str 1dex or 1str 1con 1dex
imho for dex, you either go full or not at all… but meh…

just me though…


@kinyau87 haven’t tried that far, only highest DoV I’ve got was 3 and yes it was faster. though when I had DoV, I had to switch weapons to make it work. I’m not sure right now if it was fixed.

@Esclados I know. for viability, that I can never be sure. I don’t theorycraft that deep. but one thing is sure for me, I like Dex more than I like Str. viable or not, I’d find a way.

There’s a discussion and vids about aspd stats vs server ping, check it out. My summary is when you have quicken in your party, there isn’t need to add any more as it won’t be practical. It’s just the shitty netcode or something.