Tree of Savior Forum

Team Dex Vs Team Str ( Trash talking, discussion, roasting each other, math magician war ) Aka Debate STR Vs DEX

OMG are you retarded (sorry, tired of being civil now)? Did I get rank 1 because I only dodge the boss and did no damage? My god…

Please, just say BYE again for the last time and this time begone for real, please.

Sure, in this below, ladies and gentlemen, is not toxic, NOT TOXIC AT ALL

3rd time.

Let me remind you again that you’re the one who planned to f off yourself, but keep coming back, ANXIOUS MUCH? (4th time same question)

Also, where are the thousands swordsman you converted to your religion? Also, hold agro without peltast, bringing that to your glory seriously? Provoke is a swordsman attribute, not peltast attribute, omg… It’s generally known that holding C doesn’t generate agro, damaging with provoke attribute does, without the need of you claiming this info for your glory, PLEASE.

Trying to make self looks less stupid here after all the shyt u wrote.
Lol, my old post were all targetting builds, and not attacking people.

U should copy paste the entire thing, u left out the guy who responded and only points out the part just to win…srsly lulz

Well…ur just like the guy who make a giff out of me just to make fun and win, probably the person i m replying on that screenshots is u, thats why u r so butthurt now is it?

Please, and that post is 30 days old where rank 8 SKILLS haven’t gotten any reveal, and VIENIE TWIN BLADE not implemented…thus not valid at all.

Why are u being so butthurt? Please go chill off at a side, u just prefer to keep triggering provoking post ain’t u? Look at what u wrote…EPEEN? GET LOST? KIDS? all these words…thats why u r toxic.

Dont shake it off man, u have literally contributed nothing.
About the swordsmen i helped, do u think they bothered to reply here? NO, but they can read…they ask me with PM, they find me in game…i came here to share how to win in certain area by using the correct eqp and stats, but yea…we all know what happened after tat, responded by theory crafters.

Person on that screenshot who? I have only this name, same as in game, can’t you read? If anyone using my name everywhere else well I wouldn’t know.

“facepalm to anyone who suggest dex”
“I’ve seen the likes of you”

Sure, targeting builds, not people, I now know the level of your education.
Also just in case, those are in the screenshots but I’m tired of uploading your ■■■■ here over and over again, in case you cry about twisting words bla bla bla again.

30 days ago, before rank 8, before vienie.

No awesome TBL, GvG focused, ET focused.

STR is better.

U quote a 30 days ago comment trying to cover your pride, just see yourself, even go to the lvl of commenting " I now know the level of your education."

For what? You need to chill off, and please, if the person who kept harassing me in youtube is u, please stop, its not cool.

What’s 30 days ago?
Whatever, but
since your insult to people is 30 days ago, it’s not counted as insult to people anymore? It’s now insult to build instead? What the actual efffff??? Who’s covering pride now?

Also, for the last time, really, I DON’T BOTHER WITH YOUR YOUTUBE SELF-GLORIFICATION, sorry.

And here, ur ss means nothing, because I dun think mine even mean anything…why post ur ss without video of recording dmg??

Wow, u need to chill, like i said.

Argue-ing by calling people “KIDS”, “get lost”, EPEEN", sarcasm doesnt make u look cool.

Show some of your ET10F video or i duno, anything thats an evidence. Not just all TALKS.

Does this make you cool? (for the… I forgot what amount of time)

Still not answered

Anxious much?
30 days insult to people = insult to build now?

Me? Provoking? If your comments in the screenshot is not provoking, I don’t know what is. But, I guess it’s invalid now, since it’s 30 days old. LOL.

clicking STR is way better at that time, even now, because rank 8 is not released yet. And i have evidence to back it up, look at how STRCON 2:1 build can go, 10F floor, constant wb ranking, and RLLY RLLY GOOD GVG performance, we alll know what guild i m in and what responsibility i have in GVG, avantheim dont constantly top 1 for nothing, every serious opponent guild who looks to compete will have full CON kino, cryo, magic spell classes, because those are the king of GVG classes, DEX is pointless there man, for real. So what do u have as evidence? U didnt share any but just all talks.

I have been pointing out that clicking on STR and get crit rate equipment s gives more in return compare to clicking on DEX and get physical attack equipments.

For some reason some people went and suggest FULL DEX swords, with arguements of dodging mobs and less repair fee., or play solo forever…how the f does tat make any sense??

Thats what the post is about, are u one of them who go extreme full dex?

I duno man, u sounds so butthurt at the moment and quoting post from 30 days ago post which is invalid, thank god is the internet/forum, u can still hide urself as anon and can go chill off later (no offense here, but u rlly need to chill, ur at the stage of calling ppl KIDS and EPEEN and stuff, chill back and come back read what u wrote)

My god, this is tiresome.

Once again, STR provides patk, with rank bonus, is generally known fact, not your credit. No, I didn’t go full DEX, I have 40 STR and CON, so what?

You’re insulting people who suggest DEX, plus facepalm, plus the DEX IS CRAP AND ONLY FOR ARCHERS (eh sorry, but since it’s 30 days old, it’s not for people, just the build insult right? My bad). Btw you just called yourself invalid, bcs, that’s you insisting on something, 30 days ago. Admitting?

Do I look like an anon? Also let me ask again, is your post not provoking?

My gosh, i use ellaganos card x7(DEX70?? how does this make sense if i think dex is useless?) now and have x7 glass mole (for R8, not much point using it now) in inventory…

U just cannot get it dont u.

I m saying clicking “DEX” urself as a permenent stats point is doesnt give u as much bonus as clicking “STR”, because the permanent stats point (314 points as of now if u complete all quest) has BONUS!

i m not insulting DEX as a useless stats, like for real, lol, else i wouldnt used ella card myself…??

Ur the one who twisting words and unable to get that stats point kepts on evolving, ur like so butthurt and held on to the past and unable to move forwards seeing u kept quoting like 30 days old stuff…lol

Trust me, stats point needs adjustment base on ranks and equipments.
I shall share again

Current patch - R7 - 2:1 STR CON *STR is better here because u can easily get 280 and start hunting your eqp, ET eqp, and WB rankings, and this is also the part (now) where GVG is the most. And this is the part where u kept on quoting back, my stats has been 2:1 str con, since when does someone make up the FULL STR twisted words, what the hell lol.

later R8 patch, to lvlling is 3:1 DEX STR and achieve 330 (because u need to grind, HP matters the least in grinding and DPS is the best full speed), u need to sacrifice a little for GVG because grinding to max lvl is more important here.

when 330 is achieved and time to grind equipment from ET or new dungeons and GVG, use 2:1 STR CON BACK (this is the part where your equipment will hav sufficient crit rate and 20F ET mostly have tons of block, the 15F boss and 20F boss both are high def and high block, STR is compulsory to have cconstant DPS here, while CON to maintain u dun get 1 shot by magics) and GVG just lol, 2:1 str con is the stats to kill those FULL CON chars.

When all equipment is done, this is where u need to adjust ur crit rate to “CAP”, because u dunwan to have crit rate over the cap rate, and there is no 100% crit, theres always a cap to attain (thus no full dex nonsense), hav enough CON (lets say 35k-40k hp) to being able to absorb some spell dmg in GVG, and STR to enjoy the bonus 30% more physical attack and rank 8 bonus, alongside sufficient block penetration against insane stats mobs and shield char.
It might be 1.2 STR : 0.7 CON : 2.1 DEX to achieve that, theorytically

But yea, I think a toxic people like u…only bothered on winning in forum, u have contributed no evidence, no video, thus stuff u said isnt valid enough, most are theory crafted, and u cannot stand when ppl puts out evidence of attending higher rankings and ET 10F with the build tat u think is inferior…
Of course, u later on tries to make fun of that person hopefully every1 reading might agrees with u…this is the part where u r toxic, being toxic, instead of sharing what ur experiences is better and further providing videos and evidence to back it up to help ppl, u gimped all the swordies with theories, and move on to just want to win, u cant let go of ur pride despite all my evidence directed otherwise.

Get this? I think people will see it differently, but yea, this is what happens in the Swordsmen forum, especially this thread right at this moment.

This is what most ppl have doing, i m sure u will respond to me again, with stuff that isnt game related and is just personal attack, thats my prediction, and ending it with “kids”, “epeen” and so.

blah blah blah blah blah, I don’t care if you use ellaganos cards, you said what you said, maybe it’s just your inconsistency or something hit your head, but:
YES or NO?

*wow that wall of reiteration for a simple question, shows what level of anxiety you’re in.

Said BYE[s], came back with wall of text. Trying to act cool, failed miserably, lol.

even if Aki’s post is somewhat provoking, how does that make your post less provoking?

atleast Aki’s provided good source of read

As a stat, Str benefits Swordmans more, and this is especially true for Dop.

but for Rank8, idiot IMC decide to transend weapon and genius high base dmg skill

guess what, no1 know how Rank9 or Rank10 gonna fcuked up the game more

going Str is definitely Future Proof, and somehow you guys went Dex swordie “future proof”

dude, over 800 posts, half of it is unreadable bashing…


look at the root of it, you should know by now who started and why he is hated.

It’s pretty simple really, enough defending someone who’s at fault for his own stupidity.

Yeah, so people build something they want, so what? Do you need to insult to provoke them? It’s not like they’re dragging your guild or party? If they do simply kick them and tell the requirements?

Please, it’s common sense, when you start to provoke people, you get them coming at you. It’s even so in the game, please.