Tree of Savior Forum

Team Dex Vs Team Str ( Trash talking, discussion, roasting each other, math magician war ) Aka Debate STR Vs DEX

Interesting. Gotta do focused test on this.

Hybrid is a new Meta :smiley:

+1 to balance hybird the new meta. for max min that is

+18 Vienie Twin blade or it didnā€™t happen. :imp:

Edit 1:

I Crie everytiem, From full HP down to 4mil and this is what we got? (not me but other member as well), oh well, itā€™s still good to play DEX doppel against long battles, and guaranteed future-proof in 330++ bosses.

Landing full duration of every skill makes me feel good, unlike some chicken running for his life. mehehe

you arent even considering the most important part of my post

so i really dont care reacting to you anymore since you imo are a pretty unlikeable person from what i read alone and ive been reading for a while now ._.

ps:i know for a fact that str doppel outdps dex doppel with the same gear in pve with the same party setup its simple math + experience from testing

this has some simple reasons everyone should be able to understand

and thats the last thing i will write into this clownfiesta thread XD

farewell my dear dex doppel and continue to be useless in party play/ET

And you also forget other element/aspects. let me slap one in your face.


True, your Output as STR is stronger than DEX builds, However, the longer the battle drags on, the less and less your Output is. pretty sad you just said ā€œexperience from testingā€, i guess you lack the ā€˜REALā€™ experience when it comes to Battle. :imp:

Useless player in ET? i just heard Ktos Doppels forget what ā€˜STRā€™ is and went full DEX running for ET upper floors.

this just shows you doesnā€™t just lack experience, you also lacks ā€˜knowledgeā€™ ingame. :laughing:

Holy ****, why people keep bringing this up
Itā€™s a fact that in most situations, A STR-build will outdamage a DEX, blow-for-blow
However, there are several other factors that go in account, there are even tables on the thread telling that the average damage on a fight tends to equalize very early between builds.

Seriously, read all the thread please

can u share your build elzeraus?? cause i interested on making dex doppleā€¦

Make claims, show no evidence. 10/10 forum posting.

This STR vs DEX debate has reached a point that it simply made me rethink about investing into dex on my future to be SR.

Now i will go str con and farm those werewolf cards and get a rogue 1 rank, for the sake of those blocks that unfortunately happen. :frowning:

I fortunately still have time to decide (i am at ranger 3), but lets keep rolling.

it really is the best possible way to achieve maximum output overcoming obstacles (Block, Crit resist, Dodge)

For Archers;

STR:CON, 1circle for Rogue (sneak hit), then 8 werewolf cardsā€¦ the news over Ktos limiting of 5 cards are fake. and was proven some days ago. this just makes DEX in a bad position since itā€™s raw benefit (Crit rate) will be rendered useless. that makes an 80% Sneak chance (werewolf card) , then 70% Sneak hit (Skill). roughly will be approx 50% landing crits minimum rate.

No evidences? see previous vid posted from each of mine and aki, the time he spent over me, dealing decent damage covers up the Damage inflicted between us.

He canā€™t even land a full duration Cyclone, or pouncing because he need to run. meanwhile mine, just your ordinary damage, deals the full duration of every skills, And for a Plus, i can land more skills (zuckhen, zonhau, redel, seizm, cleave, cartal stroke) during downtime of cyclone and pouncing.


May I ask you 1 thing Aki? if All Rank 9 Class Synergies more with DEX and Their damage makes Doppel Damage irrelevant, will you change to DEX?

Alright, what a drag, let me just be blunt. Firstly, I respect other builds, and understood the benefits of STR builds, as well as other class/skill configs. I build my characters understanding these, and know what I want. You call yourself critic, but what you did was insult. You claim yourself number one in your server, yet you act like you own the world. What a big head. A small reminder here I dedicate for you.

While this sort of trash talk is common on the internet, as one being insulted, Iā€™m obliged to be triggered. Iā€™m from ToS INA server, which is weeks behind in updates, but by no means underdeveloped I can assure you (simply visit, or watch vids already around by my fellow countrymen).

So let me tell you, your STR religion doesnā€™t mean jack here. Dex swordsman suffer? Noob? Maybe in your server, but not here, weā€™re fine thanks. Me? Well Iā€™m certainly not THE ONE swordsman here, not even dare to claim top 10, but once again, suffer? Pffttt. I used to respect your vid, and watched one before this thread existed, so here I made one to compare. Hereā€™s yours:

Hereā€™s mine:

Now tell me, do I look like someone who suffer?
OMG Peltast1 Corsair1, noob? pfftt. Thanks, but I feel fine with my kits.

Also, sorry to disappoint, but nope, them ET Hogmas donā€™t block my attacks, well, maybe 2 or 3 blocks in 1 cyclone, if that makes you happy.

WBs, nope Iā€™m never the DPS, got fletcher and wugu friends for that (and please donā€™t make me turn this into archer thread to show how much more DPS they can do), I either keep the agro or play my linker thauma.

GvG we just got the update last week, canā€™t say much but so far itā€™s basically tree of ice and raise, every serious guildies seem to reroll CC classes, even WBs are often ignored atm. Glad I could throw corsairā€™s hook, but hey, I envy that you can even walk around in your GvG vids.

All in all, you sitting on top of ā€œnoob suffering swordiesā€ in your server? Good for you, go ahead and convert them to your religion, but not me. Keep your swollen head off the border.

(First thread I ever commented on here, in fact just made the account to comment just cause a particular THE ONE spawned. Wth, I even bothered to make vids)

You will only see hogmas blocking you 1 hit /10. at most with 200 strength ā€¦

Meele and range block pen are 2 different issue.

Wasnā€™t the discussion over already lol. With the new gears and everything to consider. There is no crit gear to boost up the lack of crit you are getting from pure strength atm.

Where as dex builds can get HIGH PD weapons to make up their lack of damage lost out from strength missing. The only issue is block pen.
But as a swordsmans you do not need that huge amount of block pen as compare to Archers

The scaling for free crit 50% damage + new high crit damage item will give dex build who can invest in HIgh PD weapon.
Basically a free walk over now.

As for block pen for meele on Shield Mobs. On 280 i have a 220 str/40con/220 [this is total stats without equips and card] dex swordie. It literally blocks only 1/10 hits or at times 0/10hits on shielded mobs[Saalus hogmas]. I believe their block values are more or less the same.

Yea, but you got something more to worry retreat shot 100 attribuites. Thatā€™s the killer. Regardless builds.

Assuming you are Going rouge SR. Please get those werewolf card and go for high strength to pen hogma shield butt :slight_smile:

pretty unsightly, but yeah, Aki deserves all the shiits heā€™s getting now. itā€™s not about his build being wrong or superior, itā€™s how he act as a fellow player in forum. the amount of arrogance is just too damn high. pretty sure heā€™ll be rejected in the near future by his own ā€˜guildā€™, or might get betrayed tooā€¦ which is a very very sad storyā€¦ i hope he change though.

Hey hey bro keep that out.
They can be toxic and unbelieving or not wanting to get into a good discussion.

They doing so doesnā€™t mean you have to do it. :slight_smile: just my 2 cents.

For now if any one want to read whats the trend with new R8 + new weapons

Strength is just for block pen on Swordsman. Swordsmans just need a good about total of 150-300 str at most to pen the highest block mobs.

Dex offers better now with R8 new HIGH PD weapons.
Because there is no high tier crit gears but there is high tier Critical damage gears and also high tier BASE damage weapons.

As for evasion ā€¦ who needs evasion when general mobs dies faster than they spawn. As for World bossā€¦ HI CLERIC/PRIEST/fillin YOU ARE LOVE.

This is the TL;DR below

In short DEX > STR as of current KTOS meta.

Still do not neglect stats balance/ratio and go full derp also add abit of con or you wil die to magic damages. Unless you are using the new high tier shield.

  • all accessories + 10 transcend 100%

Say hi to nuaelee card + 1.5k magic defense

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Please help me decide on what to put on my didel shield as a peltcatagoon.
Level 7 gems

Green gem vs red gem

74 p atk or 114 critrate?

I am using a one hand spear +12branishā€¦
Cant really decideā€¦coz I feel like I still lack power vs using a cata pike.

I am 2:2:1ā€¦str con dex

For pvp/tbl


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in my opinion, just go for green gem, 74 Patk is undervalue if compare to 114 Crit rate.

But take note of this, if you were able to ā€˜HITā€™ or land Normal atks than crit atks, better go for that 74P.atk instead. crits are useless if you canā€™t land them.

A very good example of ā€˜case to caseā€™ basis.