Tree of Savior Forum

Team Dex Vs Team Str ( Trash talking, discussion, roasting each other, math magician war ) Aka Debate STR Vs DEX

my bad, i go edit my post. thank you for reminding me fam


(patiently waiting) :baby_bottle:

This is why you MUST! go full Dex

Aki probably recording his crit video right now, coming soon, boy …

i don’t even know what to say. i guess he is a DEX person IRL, he’s good at “evading” stuffs thrown at him.

on the note, have you seen that Doppel guy (DEX) who rekts like a truck? his P.atk was ridiculously around 2k++ :x

I don’t get it. What is the point of that clip?

He is Dex STR 0 Con should give STR some credit on that =]. Im glad hybrid is a thing now and trust me boy aki going come back with his crit video he not gonna dodge this one

So can we go back to where we were discussing about the best builds for swordsman builds in the upcoming scenario of rank 8? o_O

Arguing on the internet is like the special olympics.

Even if you win, you’re still retarded

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Well at least they are defending their points with facts and proof.
This may cooperate a lot.

we are already back on track, it’s just some fancy guy trying to misdirect the thread with his achievements.

i also found some interesting finding from somewhere else.

Credit goes to Reilet, the image shows how Archers benefit from DEX… having said, Higher Crit resistance actually lowers the needed for DEX to be more beneficial.

It is currently unclear without test, still waiting for updates about this. but, in my own opinion is that…

high STR as of now can atleast come up with gem/gears to compensate. but as crit res get high, and how formula is calculated. even gear/gems won’t be enough to salvage how STR will land crits in future.

Dex on the otherhand, will not be much affected. since they have base crit rate, and will compensate a little if needed for gears to achieve a safe % chance to crit. which they need little patk?

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Meanwhile, let’s go for 1000 reply, you know, for the glory of THE ONE.

Hi guys =)), i m back (busy in game)
I don’t talk long stupid theory craft but show screenshots =))

I read someone wants to see my crits, here i give my cyclone crits on HELGA worldboss =))

Printscreen dmg on (all yellow) for my cyclone deeds 11 on HELGA WB

and of course …Rank 2 on that HELGA =))

This 2 WB is fresh from yesterday night 11.24pm and today 3.58pm (gmt+8)!
Yesterday night Rexipher 11.24pm RANK 1

Today afternoon 3.58pm RANK 1

WB/ET mafia will continue its rank 1/2 on all mega wb(while tanking it) and ET climb…while all the DEX theory crafters continue to spurt nonsense in forum without evidence but all theory crafting…oh come on lol…

Can someone explain what is that idiot barking around writing nonsense? I cant understand anything he tried to said but “DEX” “runs away” “noob”, i just scroll through and so lazy to read all the words lol…

ok ciaoz!

well, he had his time, let’s just forgot about him and move forward…

meanwhile, just tested from other thread.

attacks are calculated in this manner:

Dodge > Block > Crit

This guy makes me do some check on it. and it really is, Block pen > Crit rate, doesn’t matter if you have 100% C.rate, block pen still persist.

I hate Block so much right now. Grrr…

Hold it right there, I just read you said your friend fletcher, also THE ONE fletcher, did only 4k? Was that magic arrow or normal attack? I mean 4k and he’s THE ONE IN SERVER? omg…

4453 is clear a normal attack crits? Whats ur point? o-o?

magic arrow dmg is here

12888 and 96xx in the SS after u remove all the 30k+ that my cyclone hits

i think we’re in the wrong thread lol. but honestly, we still don’t have any idea how Block is calculated. how much is needed for X block rate to penetrate X rate.

what’s make it worst, even a half-baked con peltasta can reach up to 1k++ block just by using guard. serious math is needed here.

I wonder how many can actually identify the trolls and the actual contributor in the thread lol, amaze me how the mr.elzeraus troll is still here without any supporting evidence with his theory craft of dodging ■■■■, can someone tell him phada the best ring -46 evasion for each ring?

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it makes me laugh u duno how block is calculated while being trying to teach ppl dex build here.