Tree of Savior Forum

Team Dex Vs Team Str ( Trash talking, discussion, roasting each other, math magician war ) Aka Debate STR Vs DEX

Not sure about that. Still 150 crit rate at level 15 is worth while tbh. + 3 aoe ratio though the offset is the evasion.

5 level 6 crit games free. or 150 dex finestra + 150 dex [50 invested from card 74 from base invested] + crit gear i think you can hit 100% crit for now @ 280 @_@… crit gear adds about 230-260 crit rate
excluding ellaganos card

exactly, because it is Future proof, no one here knows what monsters can offer in higher levels. (unless you are an oracle) currently, we have sh*t tons of nonesense monsters. as i even mentioned from previous posts, even Monsters using EVASION skill doesn’t evade even if you got 0 DEX on your character.

Who says Dex players mostly are leather users? there’s this called ‘switching’ that are becoming common now that players started to understand Slash = Cloth, Pierce = Leather, Strike = Plate.

still, a better choice than a stat without survival capability right?

Actually they do. Only if you are under level and not wearing the BIS accuracy glove… Like for example level 200 barbs wearing carifsun +0 . Then missing on lv 210 mobs lel.

You might as well don’t even invest in any stats and keep them from 280 onward. IMO since all you really need is skill points to advance missing 50 stats point won’t die anyway. At most you will use up to 250 stats. That is more than enough and leaving you around 110 stats free to shift your stats later.

Don’t you realize you are repeating what i said. Lel.

Not when you delete them off the game. That will be a literally no threat as well right? It is just 2 face of the coin.

You can stay in danger while trying to evade them and if you cap out your evade wearing plate which is hard in this case. Or you can delete them off the screen faster. Then they cease to appear ;^).

Hope you can get my point.

2:38 server time (86 mil hp)
::(getting up) ??just used xtal?? lulz
::(still have some soul crystal) ??dying a lot?? lulz.
::(someone call repair guy)

i’m impressed now, you know why? because you’ve been very careful starting we Stated the FACT that you run most of the time fighting World bosses due to non EVA build or should someone says ‘RNG-Based’ Hit rate.

how is that? mostly you posts vids provide but it is somewhat missing now. also, you haven’t answered most of words that backfires on you.

  1. You said it yourself everyone runs when Mirtis attacks, while ‘WE’ already proved, and provided videos as well, that ‘we’ do not ‘RUN’ mostly on that thing.

  2. You said you can CRIT due to gems / gears / headgears / cards. and yet, Goodluck on DEX players having a hard time DEALING CRITS when monsters have high Crit Resistance? does that mean you’re an excemption to monster CRIT RES because you’re an Almight Tops swordsman?

if we can’t CRIT, you wont either crit. if WE do CRIT, you’ll still have lower chance to CRIT. face it. lulz

it’s fine, keep evading issues and keep those screenshots coming. still hasn’t change the Fact Damage over time and future proof DEX > STR. not by numbers. but as a General stat value.

Just want to add in on the crit part.

If High str does crit. It does significantly alot of damage more as compare to low str crits.

How much would it. Most likely about 4-5 additional Crits From low str will win. This only applies to Dopple.

How often over time we won’t know.
If you are looking kirito point of view sure by all means dex is most likely superior. This does not applies to dragoon when they can delete mobs off without the need of “additional” dex. Finestra banzai

If you are looking at party play then … yea.

Just stating some clear indications that all offensive stats have it uses.

Spr-chan is sad now

this is of case to case basis right? because really, we don’t want to see lots of barbs using pouncing only to run nor Doppel cyclone running away like a dawg, because they were not meant to be that way.

edit 1:[quote=“unicorntheshiny, post:675, topic:321139”]
Spr-chan is sad now

sorry but, what is SPR? lol

Yea it’s more towards case by case

well his brother int-chan is sad too, because swordsman don’t use those stats ;X

on a clearer view, i’ve gotten interest on those icons for each stat behind numbers. need to find someone to help me identify those.

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how much magic defense do you have at this point :open_mouth:

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Atm … dex is a sad story … or maybe permanently
Str well provide lots of bonuses

Crit rate
Accuracy ( can be covered by latest accuracy gear )

10% bonus per class.
Min max
Critical attack
New : block penetration
New : 30% more damage for swordie class

Et .earth tower. simple hate dex build
Mobs high crit resist / high block penetration

While magic no pressure

I am dex doppelganger

Conclusions till dev fix dex … str got the upper hand

I 'm monk.
My build is Str:Con 2:1 and dex 50(before)
It good for pve ( Dmg stable, Survival)
But there is a trouble when i join TBL… A lot of miss (can only hit cleric and wizard)
now I change my build into Dex:Con 2:1 and 30 str and feel better (although miss when hit pure dex archer)

That’s a high number for 100 + , most likely will be able to hit 700-800 when max 280 sounds delicious MR. I wonder how much magic damage will be dealt to you gonna assume it will be around 50-150 dmg for the lv 252 mobs or less when you hit 260.

it’s too biased when you compare STR y DEX, when you get to add bonuses from gears, while not adding the same for the other one.

You forgot that weapons do increase P.atk at great amount.
You forgot that Headgears can get Patk + Crit Atk bonuses
you indicated that str: increases Crit. Atk, while having low-crit chance, you should disregard that number. again, this is bias. as we are taking STR. if DEX gets lower chances to land crit due to higher level monster + crit resistance, so STR does.

if you find these arguments wrong feel free to reply. again, if you want to compare Value of STR y DEX, do it from bare to basic. and not depending on gears. result will vary that way.

and this is what most people here do.

edit 1:

to add it up, the amount of DEX point over STR you gain from hair accessory isn’t even fair.

Hair accessory can give some 42+ p.atk , 64+ Crit. atk (approx: 40pts STR?)

Hair accessory can give Crit rate +14 (approx: 14pts DEX)

Do you see the difference? you can Get approx: 40pts STR bonuses from Hair accessory, while if you want CRIT rate, you’ll only get atleast 14pts DEX. it’s just too obvious. but you never saw me try to compare both with this. because i don’t want to be bias here…

hey, thanks for the vid =)
will u record the next floors too? like 5-10 10-15?

just one thing for all the dex people talking about soloing if you are 200+ or whenever the monsters start to spike and u still didnt realize this game isnt meant to be solo´d ( which will become even more obvious lvln to 280-330)

then i guess u are fkd cause in party play a str doppel will always outperform dex doppels from deeds ov valor alone

ps: some ppl are rly assuming they will crit 100% of the time in their calculations which will not happen ( what aki sera said about crit resis etc is legit )

just my 2 cents :slight_smile:

and people still assuming you can CRIT with just gears alone in 280-330+. while DEX having a hard time landing Crit due to Crit resistance? STR build must have been exempted to crit resistance.

But then again, no one knows what the future will bring, unless you are an oracle, > if by chance. monsters are able to ‘Debuff’ players. . .

care to speak again lad?

this is what we meant by ‘case by case’

edit 2: @wirrebinichwirklich

Yellow collored everywhere? but you just said something about crit resistance… now now now… which one is legit??

That y u get pelt as dex doppel to perform other job

Dex is in sad state compare to str …
If you going earth tower …

If your are pure dex build perfect hair accessories

Can you do earth tower ?

High crit resist / high block

( reminder one )Str raw damage can be compare to crit of pure dex build damage …
( can you even crit vs high crit resist mobs? ) yes rarely ( check reminder one )
( can your crit penetrate block? )

Str now provide block penetration

Provided proof that str is better (atm ?)till earth tower became dex friendly …

Till some ppl provide he can do earth tower in dex build no str .
. till then

Aki wins he got proof

Still i am dex build …
Cant play str (lag cant manual dodge)
I got no friend

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