Tree of Savior Forum

Team Dex Vs Team Str ( Trash talking, discussion, roasting each other, math magician war ) Aka Debate STR Vs DEX

this should be on second ~ third part of my research, but for a clearer view. and from what i’ve posted above regarding STAT usefulness, DEX gives way more points than STR.

The thing is, gears and Attributes gives tons of boost for increasing DAMAGE. again, simply put. STATS do play very little on this.

P.S, i don’t want to include this but. since people favors DoV. again, Any gear you wear, weather it’s an edited gear with 9999 P.DEF, it’s rendered useless because of its drawbacks.

i’m not considering DOV a lot, seeing how enemy is hiting hard, i think getting zornhau to reduce magic damage can be a better option

but we will have to wait and see

EDIT: if u use zornhau with high STR and the right gear u can make enemy 1000+ magic dmg hit 1
but u need high STR

EDIT2: i’m always considering my build lol i always forget about other builds o.o

Just tag with a Priest/ oracle.

Their main source is to migitate / prevent you from dying to physical damage any way :smiley:

in case of magic damage reduction. pray and hope that future gears will give more MDEF, we have some of them now. some shield , boots, and gloves with decent MDEF.

Pretty sure there will be “new crit rings or stats” variant looking at how the design works.

Just hope it’s not a ultra power creep or every one will be going B> XXX for 30m or up rip marnee.

yes that is the best solution for everything, having a party with priest / chronos.

But for the sake of consistency, we try to calculate and foresee things by being alone. it may be hard to believe, but there really are players who wants to play alone :x

Well I agree that Rexi and Mirtis are less popular, reflect shield, SP drain, and Mirtis silly aoe, on top of the amount of HP they have, it must be just by chance that he showed vids on these 2 bosses :> (Shouldn’t people be interested in the cards now tho?)

Oh well, can’t argue about the different demographics. Here I’ve been in a siauliai with 4 muskets, seen musket with glowing finisher doing running shot, there are plenty of fletchers too, and wugus and whatnots.

Pretty sure some ppl actually already understood the pros/cons of whatever is debated, me myself just can’t accept the “I’m the one, I do str, u dex u noob” argument. Very strength, much elite.

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Remind me again who fired the first shot?

Dex build got criticized? Remind me again the meaning of the word critic? Have you considered the word insult?

Also daino +3 buffs? Did u get trolled by pardoner selling lv.1 scrolls or what? Didn’t mean to find fault in you, but you might want to check the scroll level.

Btw, regarding warcry, flat value buffs when used first, will add to the growth from % value buffs, but heyyy you already know this, you’re the one.

hey, just wondering? have you already get past level 240 with your Catas? i heard from a friend you were FACEPALMED by someone else. you keep throwing sh8ts and stuffs you aren’t even reaching level 240 making all your statements unviable… i laughed so hard when i found out about that.


here’s your HERO to save you !!! SLASH SLASH SLASH !!!

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R8 fencers would beg to differ. There was a thread posted that showed that high dex fencers were redundant due to equips, gems, and skill buffs pulling their EVA close to, if not well past the EVA cap (look up the thread yourself, I’m not going to hold your hand). Furthermore, they’re getting a skill to reduce crit res, making dex even more irrelevant. More str = more damage and crit damage, so each point you invest into dex will just lower those numbers even further while being largely redundant.


It’s a FACT that going DEX is garbage.
This is just coming from people who actually have multiple swordsmen, understanding of the damage formula, and experience playing the game, though.

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Your cata is non exist to me, just delete it fam.

Salty time!

Because maintenance is tomorrow, I wasn’t able to do my ET 10F with my usual PT in the afternoon, so today I decided before I go to sleep I will use my “almighty STR build” to carry noobs and lowbies in my guild to ET 5F so they can get their glove and shoe, its very late already and no one in the guild online but them! So we decided to do something stupid xD

Party don’t even have CHRONOMANCER, and only 1 ELE3 WARLOCK lulz, and a fletcher baggage, the party only me and fletcher is 280, the others are like 275, 277, 278 lol.

So now I proven with good knowledge and skills, you can complete it without chrono haste and pass :p, and with right build and equipments it can be done with JUST 1 Swordsmen and 1 Warlock AOE DPS =))

  • Me Dupper-Solder lv280
  • Cleric Healer lv277
  • CryoKino lv275
  • Fletcher (my friend who I invited to come get for cube) lv280
  • Ele3 Warlock lv278

oh come on guise lol, I can’t believe we passed with this kind of line up xD
Swordsmen DPS is rlly good now with Demonas Gauntlet!

Now back to waiting for some FULL DEX guy shows their achievement…which we all know is all talks and theories and other ppl’s theories lol…haven’t even seen one proper video or evidence provided by the user themselves yet

nice try m8 u just kick your chromo out of your guild but good try thou

XD lol

chrono wasnt online, the funny thing is the reason i went without chrono is cause my chrono always troll me on those 2F to 4F and 7F to 9F floors lol, trolls me by not giving me HASTE buffs purposely.

After that we found out with some maneuvering skills, haste isn’t really needed…o_o

But still is good to have haste, just like good to have pelt, just not 100% must need them…

That’s what I look for in every STR x DEX thread but people prefer to insult each other. Be it founded on calculations or screenshots/vids – they all resemble family reunions with some drunk relative.

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If you don’t mind…here is some idea of specting the stats between them.
This might be what u look for.

Its not made for PVP but PVE content like WB, Dungeons and ET.
DEX entirely comes from 7x Ellaganos cards.

Feel free to lower some STR for CON if you can’t get your hands on better equipments, the HP does matter in later content, as for DEX i dont recommend as it just doesnt help in PVE as much as specting STR (not saying the crit rate raise is not good, but obtaining it from clicking urself decreases the value compare to getting it through cards or equipments), STR just give way too much value clicking self compare to DEX in terms of doing DPS for Doppel and Doppel only.

Ignore the people who insults lol, we all know they are retarded.

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The other guy posting him pouncing. This guy posting his stat, funny wonder what next?