Tree of Savior Forum

Team Dex Vs Team Str ( Trash talking, discussion, roasting each other, math magician war ) Aka Debate STR Vs DEX

@tiremonoffer1 You should add a poll in your original post.

In my experience as Archer, Swordsman and briefly as Cleric:


Super useful in PVP. Burst builds will want a decent amount of it for accuracy and higher crit chance. As a swordsman, unless you go high DEX low STR or have a decent overupped gloves w/ high-level green gems, you will miss a lot on high-evasion archer builds rendering some if not most of your CC skills useless.

PVE-wise, it’s nice to have especially at the early leveling stages. Crits and dodges are cool, but their usefulness unfortunately gradually dies off as you approach lv.200. Magic can’t miss. A lot of mobs have high HP and crit resistance.


Useful in both PVP and PVE.

PVP-wise, it boosts your p.atk and block pen. I wouldn’t suggest going pure STR though unless you have the right skills/equips to mitigate the absence of accuracy/crit chance. Any additional damage is always nice especially when going against high HP opponents.

PVE-wise, you won’t feel it much at the early part of the game. It shines around later ranks where more skills w/ decent multipliers are unlocked.

TLDR (or not): Whatever suits your goals and playstyle. If you don’t give a damn about killing all kinds of archers and some high DEX swordsman since high ranks will be mostly wiz and clerics anyways, go high STR (also if you just wanna do PVE) — but that is if you can get past the swordie/archer matches. It’s annoying though when you miss a lot on them and they kill you instead. I wouldn’t completely dismiss DEX as some builds (bursts and CCs that rely on accuracy) do better with a good amount of it.

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This @Palazzo guy don’t even understand how strong DoV 10 is…I wonder why the fk he even plays Doppel

for example, if someone brags that he’s got his team/guild backing him up, why go STR:CON instead of full STR?

This, i stopped reading.

@nery_ma don’t waste time replying to him

Sharing videos and in the same time salty time for @Palazzo

Carrying guildmates rushing dungeon 240

Wew, look at those flurry of crits and yellow color 2x,xxx dmg on cyclone without a single dex invested =))

P/S: Some people just can’t accept the facts despite all the evidence and videos, while funny thing is they can’t even provide any videos or screenshots of their builds…all theory crafters, lmao.

rerolling doppel
sorry hoplite

This guy doesn’t end shaming himself, do you even see how much damage you’ve receive while on the first room? i wanted to hold back ganging you up but i think you deserve this one.

no-brainer player FTW?

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Team Dex: Crits, high enough flat skill damage that doesn’t scale on str and no need to run away from monster attacks = higher DPS

Team Str: Crits (from equips) and higher base damage = higher dps

That’s basically the argument right now.

I think the only way to really solve this is not from math and numbers. There’s too many hidden variables to consider (like the time spent running from a monster due to low health).

A solution I think would be definitive would be to have a Swordie solo a wb (with parth members there for buffs and heals, no damage i.e: Healer, Chrono, etc) or to a certain percentage of health (like down to 50% or whatever if soloing takes too long) and see who has the least time as we are comparing swordsman DPS.

There is no actual argument here, since the Guy boasting all his Sh*t isn’t STR rather STR:CON. that’s why he sucks and trying to claim some viewers.

He doesn’t even understand what i meant when i say ‘IF I GOT A FULL TEAM OF MYSELF, I’D RATHER BUILD FULL STR THAN STR:CON’.

Edit 1: i’ve even shown him my own ugly vid Bossing Helga in front of my Doppel, doing damage in full duration without Running. while he brags his Running with his tail pouncing attack.

but he don’t understand a single thing here… a real no-brainer dude.

But aki’s build isnt full str, it is 130 con rest str, wasnt it like that?

Exactly, that guy’s a complete retard. a non-brainer dumbshitty player with all muscle but no brain at all…

P.S, if you guys found this line too hard, you can read the earlier post why i can’t hold much of these words…

How? He’s playing with friends and there’s a cleric in the party that know proper response in the right timing. Yeah sure that be absurdly stupid if he did that on solo but he didn’t. His character is built for big burst in small time frame and partying with others.

I’m a dex swordie myself and that’s for survival cos’ I solo most of the time, have you seen a str build soloing the game grinding at post r7?

because the argument came way way up there… and here’s something from your TOP SWORDSMAN as a gift


I laugh seeing that video good one :joy:

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Show must go on

Just saw this vid, I jaw-dropped, literally… holy jukopus… while that damage is indeed above average, how the heck do u achieve rank 2 rexi with that damage??? What are the archers doing in your server (serious question here)? Any half decent qs wugu could simply outrank swordies by just their auto-atks, nevermind the fletcher skill spam or any musket with chrono in their party.

I don’t give a damn about the stats debate anymore, now I see why you’re so big-headed… a server where swordie can rank in WB… good for you, I certainly envy it.

they let him hit the boss because he say so =]. Youtuber life

haha this made me giggle i wish everyone would be this nice if i tell them i’m gonna post it on youtube rofl

I have heard of these mythical covering things you can wear over your hands that cause you to not miss. Just a rumor.

Cross guard exists and has a much much higher chance of negating damage than evasion- it also applies a +100% pierce damage debuff. There’s also pain barrier, passive shield block, stone skin, etc.

Clerics (w/ zalcai) can remove all of an enemy’s crit resistance 100% of the time- also, crit resistance means each point of DEX is effectively contributing less crit %, not more.

Rexi is about who gets there first having higher auto attack damage over time frame. Well screw mana drain :>.

That saying not much people are into Rexi in Varena and they are often not shouted out in shout chat. People just keeping it for themselves lel.

I am not surprise dopples getting into top 6 as they are actually one of the better AA damage in this case. Just pop DOV > run stick to him and get face slapped by rexi proceeds to AA all the way. Hopefully your SP/Support is able to keep you alive throughout it is definitely free cube.

Regarding Archers. 90% of the archers in Varena who is cap/ high enough are actually R2/R3-F3 which sucks on REXI due to the fact rexi destroys deployment magic and AOE mana drain…

I don’t see much AA musketeers around tbh. it’s like for every 10 fletchers you see , you see 1 muskeeter lol or other variant…

As for most of the parts on barb to dopple combination. i stop reading after the moment people said frenzy and warcry are noob baits. When they have no idea that it gives you so much damage over time rather than burst builds in additional to 100% DOV buff. This is especially useful for bosses > 20m hp.

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I didn’t buff myself up while dungeon =))

World boss can add town buffs (weapon maintenance, sacramento blah blah) and pots buff (str pots, +100 dmg pots, +20 crit pots) and thauma buffs and divine might and blah blah u name it i ill have it, and in the videos I dont apply cleave debuff to all the mobs.

And the Crits will go straight to 33k+

I play the game with guilds and friends, get buffed by party, up to u wanna it play the way u wanted it, be a high dps with sufficient HP with con so u are up to any PVE content available, or u can add DEX for the purpose of solo grind and PVP…which both is not rlly what Doppel suppose to be doing…