Because I think there are people trying to prove viability while the other is trying to prove efficiency, that is, mixing
double standards. Of course, the common sense would be that it is about
efficiency, but it is important to classify what the heck you’re trying
to prove. You might be wrong or right depending on which premiss you
start from.
This is the problem.
Some people are arguing in pve vs pvp arguments. They are not simply compatible.
Others are saying dex is viable due to evasion alone, but this isnt that simple.
An example of a pro-efficiency argument, at least in my point of view,
is that the most efficient way of DPSing is by dealing the highest
possible damage while having an efficient survivability, without clerics
being the best choice, if available.
This is situational.
Highest possible damage in a very short time is simply duo Dethrone.
Highest possible damage in a long time is a DOV stacked Doppel3, with either barbarian or highlander to support it.
In pvp, dmg isnt the only things that matter, the discussion would go elswhere.