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I’m researching pvp a little. Assuming your argument is related to DPS, how do you damage high evasion characters then? Your accuracy is based on what?
I say this because patk on PVP can only be achieved by having a minimal DEX value, which is always higher than PVE.
That is what makes me think that swordsman will always be a better CCtank than the DPS in PVP, as far as I have observed.
This is a sincere question, I’m not trying to offend anyone. I just want to learn.
Thx dude, you are helpfull and not trolling, the world need more ppl like you
Btw, Im interested in making DEX Cata, because all his skill is “fake multi hit” except rush + Dragoon 2 now have dethrone
You already said above DEX cata has a limitation, is it really noticable? vs STR Cata for example
He believes u omg good job hahaha
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Well my case for DEX is for accuracy only, I don’t see evasion as an absolute tool for defense. For that I leave CON to do the job.
And I would apply my logic to the rodelero>murmillo, as they have more interesting tools for PVP and could deal some damage on archers.
If u read that guy comment a lot i suggest let him do his job. Sway god
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We dont even use Gae Bulg btw.
Lol when did i say i will share u my build i am not full dex or str either
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Woah there, may I ask how to reach 1000 evasion without guardian please?
U talk like cryo going let u run in with your str build without stun u to dead or get shot by freaking archer god u bad
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Wow our troll just indirectly said you can dodge magic with dex now, no wonder he is such a troll warlord, maybe he dont even know magic cannot be dodged
Is there anyway to hide his post? Im so tired with trash people like this
Please ignore him, he dont have a gf, a job or a life and just searching attention from us
And please answwer about cata dex please
Right u retard have trouble to read? Did i mention dodge magic in here. Why are u so stupid where is your parent ? Did they abadon u?
U shouldnt even talk in here u just make yourself stupid like a little kid. U bring out gf in your conversation not me. Idk what are u but u definitely not a human because a human cant be this stupid
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