Tree of Savior Forum

Team Dex Vs Team Str ( Trash talking, discussion, roasting each other, math magician war ) Aka Debate STR Vs DEX

Spell Blade? :smiley:
btw, how do you think about aki vs elze
which is better for doppel? STR or DEX

Ehh… I stopped caring about stats when I saw how ToS was progressing with future content. Everything is inflated numbers.

I only really have an opinion for SR since that’s my class and 1:1 works best for them.

Ya spell blade :slight_smile:

Oh telling the truth is trolling learn another thing new here i bet you say that to your teacher too

Looks like someone trying to talk to me, but I cant see, maybe he is JOHN CENAAAAAAA :slight_smile:

Your server gives free reset?

Nope. I wish i had free resets lol

Physical attack and STR are two different things. We can get Physical Attack from equipment without STR.

Not to mention Silver is a renewable resource while raw Stat is not without Stat Reset potion.

No im aj style and i beat john cena now go cry kid

What do you think about the troll?
He looks like desperately need my attention
maybe he dont have gf or friends

But how much? Will it reach 7K limit?

He can do what he wants. :confused:

It looks normal to me.

okay then, which server u play btw?

I’m just pointing out that physical attack and STR are two different things. The same reason why some Wizards go full CON because they can get enough magic attack from equipment and base damage from skills without investing any raw stats in INT.

The other guy might be looking down on STR but not necessarily on physical attack considering this is an STR vs DEX thread.

I play klaipeda… But I don’t really get on much anymore

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Yea you are right, maybe that what elezarus thinked
but also this thread is looking for the best DPS between STR and DEX, and thats the link above ._.
Not until 7K dex will be strongrest
Is transcende system can bring us to 7K damage per hit?

Listen to this guy you will never reroll again i promised

Kid u belong to off topic. Cuz you keep change subject and bring other to involve your conversation. Idk why u keep bring out some ■■■■ like no life and no gf what if i have a wife. Lol if you are my son i kick u straight back to cleric page where u belong to

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May the talt be with you.

For what Class? Doppel DEX also good for PVE?