Tree of Savior Forum

Team Dex Vs Team Str ( Trash talking, discussion, roasting each other, math magician war ) Aka Debate STR Vs DEX

People talk here like there is only 1 Class to go, like “STR will benefit all class”, “DEX is the best uvirsal stats. etc”, Thats why I come here giving opinion that EACH CLASS IS DIFFERENT and WILL GIVE MAXIMUM DPS ON DIFFERENT STAT, please you are the one who should get lost :slight_smile:

There is class restriction mate this is not inside discussion topic. It is inside swordman forum which only talk about swordman only dont go here and say team this team that and say i am play cleric paladin so that make dex better. And all the thing u post we already knew it. It all over inside this thread

So whats your poin then? only said paladin once, and the rest are about swordman? srsly? why so salty man? you need to walk out and get a life

I main a cleric =/= I dont play swordsman -_-

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Oh another stupid boy, i have a job and i am doing it right now u should go get a life little kid.

Really dude, look at the subforum, you will understand you are so wrong

other-wise like what? your statement below?


Evidence was posted and as clear as sky.

But he himself said that even FULL-DEX will have a hard time Landing Crit due to monster Crit resistance. mindblown i guess?

Even said the Debate was STR - DEX. yet he builds STR:CON

This guy says a lot of things that contradicts his own words. again, it’s up to readers if they want to believe. we’re just showing you what is real, and what is fantasy

again, im leaving the thread because i’ve done my part.

Flies away

I have nothing to say to you man, screenshots or evidence else you are just theory crafting.

And remember people are spending tons of silver on +15 weapons and +phy attack headgears like crazy just to get that extra 100-200 phy attack, looking down on 750+ phy attack and stating is useless just makes u look stupid =))

@akisera vs @elzaraus

Little question here.

This debate focus around what is viable (good enough to achieve your objectives)
or what is most efficient (the best way to achieve your objectives)?

Because I think there are people trying to prove viability while the other is trying to prove efficiency, that is, mixing double standards. Of course, the common sense would be that it is about efficiency, but it is important to classify what the heck you’re trying to prove. You might be wrong or right depending on which premiss you start from.

An example of a pro-efficiency argument, at least in my point of view, is that the most efficient way of DPSing is by dealing the highest possible damage while having an efficient survivability, without clerics being the best choice, if available.

So saying cleric once made me wrong? eventhou I explain about swordie? you must be some random internet troll :slight_smile:

So saying cleric once made me wrong? eventhou I explain about swordie? you must be some random internet troll :slight_smile:

I have no time for you, better listen to aki vs elze

Oh you copy people word and paraphrase very creative dude.

Copy? Repharse? lol Im sure I type it my self troll warlord :slight_smile:
Ill ignore starting from now

No man, c’mon, stop spreading misinformation
You see, that’s true only AND only if both swordsman are full in any stat plus no equipment.
Seriously, I used the same table up there and got different results.

We need a physical attack based wizard too. So that we can complain about them as well.

Still butthurt cant accept the fact u wrong? I felt bad for your parent born out a stubborn kid cant even face the truth

wait, you said wizard, this is swordie sub forum, @Talon112 will troll you soon :frowning:

I also said archer & swordie should have int/spr based class too :stuck_out_tongue:

Not that it matters

but but, he trolled me :frowning:
btw, physical mage acctualy is a good idea, hope IMC will make it true :slight_smile:

Yeah. I’d love to play a physical wiz. Fav class type is close range battle mages.