Tree of Savior Forum

Team Dex Vs Team Str ( Trash talking, discussion, roasting each other, math magician war ) Aka Debate STR Vs DEX

would u guys suggest learning attributes first or enchant weapon first?

just sharing solo self buff no str pots no dmg pot no sacrament no blessing no any form of other ppl buff…only gungho, concentrate, deeds of valor.

no dex added

okay… this is one heck of debate…
one thing tho… what’s so difficult about Blue Spion Archers of Nahas forest… solo’ed that area as 223 shino…easy stuff, they have low accuracy and not so high HP so either STR or DEX should have no problem with it unless you are underleveled
It’s definitely not as hard as facing Siaulai bosses when RNG lands you with +10-20 lvl above teammates and as the only swordman

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there wore cafrisun/leather armor with low con so they get one-two shotted when they could wear any random cloth armor and sneeze at its damage

Asa have really big personal issues with player building dex and need to working on. Not sure what happen to him, but he sound really angry, also not many people building DEX in this game btw, because all the guide about doppel is telling you invest STR. I don’t know why did u say forum tell people build the wrong way if you go DEX.

I think he just got over his head, pretty simple.

Even old guides tell doppels to prioritize str because of how deeds stats and ranking bonus

We all know the risks of going dex, but we still do it because we want to, that’s the part where he really doesn’t understand.

And those doppels that quit are mostly str build too, they just can’t get enough silvers to gear up and for attributes. Also they can’t make friends as easy as he does because not everyone actually has the free time to do so, you will solo mostly pre-200 so that’s something too.

Now it’s even more bad with galoks and sissels, luckily ellaganos cards are cheap.

Here among other threads at that time before we had any updates from Korea. Level 200+ Swordsman (Any Class) ... Are you doing well?

Dex swordsman are never popular.

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If anything i want more STR swordsman cuz theyre easy to deal with.

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You can’t really crit cap with a full dex doppel as far as i can see, maybe archers you can, but swordsman classes, I don’t really know…

I agree, where are them? Can’t seem to find as frequent as my DEX though.

Joking aside, is it not better to have an equilibrium?

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I have both apparently, so I don’t really care lol

So, you need a babysitter?

Also, no matter what, you’ll die due to the lack of Evasion.

Or do you need another babysitter to keep you alive as well?

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Assuming youre still using 170 weapon or 220.

Dude the game is dying slowly, even saalus runs don’t put healers anymore. you have to be able to not rely on babysitters all the time.

Most the str dragoons with deeds 5 already DIE from just deeds 5 and high str.

Hell, I don’t even see high str doppels or even any doppel anymore except Loremonger on telsiai.

If you have a fixed team like akisera, go ahead and do what you want, but most people don’t…so…

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My cleric friends quit the game. The ones left are on guild. Too bad.