Tree of Savior Forum

Team Dex Vs Team Str ( Trash talking, discussion, roasting each other, math magician war ) Aka Debate STR Vs DEX

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he doesn’t even use sword he is spear master :))

Bro are you Asa subscriber ? You praise him high as Faker fanboy in League. You agree everything he said u even reject your own character =]

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And you probably don’t know the downsides of str builds either.

Everything is fine and all

until pain barrier is gone manually dodge things here and there drops dps

then again if you got two clerics they can just alternate SZ you.

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You don’t even need to go that far. STR seems better, because it will, for most of the game now, make up around 50% percent of your P.Damage.

Less than that, and DEX takes over. DEX is basically a buff of 50% of your damage, consistently. Just because STR can do this now, when we are still in the really low numbers, don’t means it is the best or only way to build a Doppel out there.

Basically, say you got 800 physical attack just with STR. and another doppel got 0 P.Attack while being full DEX. Both using a skill that hits for 1800 damage.

Dopp1: 1800+800= 2600
Dopp2: (1800+0) * 1,5=2700.

The gap closes way before the 3000 mark, and if STR doppels want to keep their damage going, they will have to stack STR even more, Wich will mean Less crit AND Less evasion

yeah, I know that DEX is never popular.
Pretty much knows learned from you, stormwolf and haukinyau on the other thread, well I am now lvl 232 and still tanking bosses, and still dealing considerable damage (221 DEX - 180 STR)

the damage formula of the game do not benefit flat damage (str). Just few skills benefit it.

Usually in best invest in:
DEX as stat


On Equip

generally any1 who tells you that you need to go only dex or only str for any particular build is wrong. Ditching str is not good for a swordy and you won’t be making good damage.
Unless its a fencer.

I mixed STR - DEX of course, with high DEX as a choice. Because I am not a fencer

Not saying I am the best at anything, but my own adventure is satisfactory enough for me.

this guys are just theorycrafting something that haven’t been fully tested, we still don’t know if str or dex is better for dps
better just mix it for pve.

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I’m not in favour of either side, to each their own, but this is flawed because you’re assuming 100% crit chance. Quite often it’ll be 2600 vs 1800. In PVP it’s pretty much always 2600 vs 1800, but that 1800 with 0 STR invested will run into situations over and over where you can’t bypass enemies’ passive block.

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as much as i would stop following this thread, i’ll make it clear again.

00:38 you use Pouncing
00:39 afterwards you Run for your life like a dog.
00:54 you use cyclone
00:57 you run again like a chicken.
01:46 you almost died. mini heart attack i guess

if this is your Description of DPS then so be it, we can’t cure that kind of thinking.

again and again. You run like a chicken most of the time EVADING MIRTIS Attacks, the amount of wasted time you “RUN” in compare to “EVA” players staying 100% in front of mirtis doing decent damage is a lot better.

Your build is one ‘Glass cannon’, you’ll never be a DPS. know your place

Also, for future proofing. be reminded that you are neglecting whatever defensive gears you’ll gain because Defense does not exist with DoV (its about the skill, not the STR-DEX thing)

i guess no one really values what Def is all about.

flies away

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I’ve played 4:2:1 STR:CON:DEX Hop3 meta build before. It was crap cuz you take every single hit to the face.

And there are no parties anymore these days, at least in Orsha. You got to solo.

My current build is a lot better, cuz with high evasion you can solo anywhere you want. It’s not even about damage anymore. But 16k attack like dethrone will no doubt scale better with crit.

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You are playing assasin role and you want to kill tank. You are just stupid as a yasuo dive in vs renekton

Oh, yeah, it was a serious oversimplification on my part, but still…
We are already simplifying so much already

The jokers in this thread re still here…lmao

Basically they just get salty while they have no any form of achievements aside.

They only see the 0.01% of a video and just look for fault, i duno if i should even explain…

You run when Mirtis cast the spinning beyblade thing, its dumb to not run =), this game requires u to plays like megaman, even if u hav pouncing on, not worth to die for it, look for safety wall or heal tiles, thats how is done, survive by running, and deal the burst dps when “beyblade” is down. Even a full dex archers runs from it, Swordsmen don’t run? have you ever Mirtis son?

Building a Doppel and doesn’t utilize DoV, another stupid arguement being brought up there, basically just not utilizing the maximum dmg a Doppel can do

U can tell a troll easily when they don’t even have a Earth Tower video or any form of good achievements to show that high/full DEX is good, most are just theory keyboard warriors.

Just finished my 3rd piece of ET eqp today, good luck forum full DEX build trolls, you know who u r =), and sharing another Rexipher from yesterday, everyday 2 mega WB cubes, 2 ET cubes, keep em coming =)