Tree of Savior Forum

Tanks/Melee get too much gear damage

So I’ve noticed a trend, after a dungeon I always need to run back to town to repair. Not only this slows my group down who seem to only get weapon damage, it costs a lot of money. Especially when we auto-search and don’t get a healer.

We need some kind of thing to offset this, I think it is quite unfair.


Well, if your friends didn’t have you, they’d die and drop 30% durability every time.

World on your shoulders if you decided to play tank.


I have a cleric and wiz …
If i get killed much , i haf to run back to town to repair too…

that’s why so many repairmen camp outside the entrance :sunglasses:

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Honestly I don’t mind the time lost too much besides I can always stock up on pots. However the costs are quite abusive, especially for someone who only has gotten talt and cards so far.

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Well, I take a lot of gear damage even if I don’t die. Unless I do anything other than hold C and shield block, I usually come out of the dungeon with 50% or so durability, risking gear going red mid-run of the next dungeon. Shield block doesn’t help against magic damage either.

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Yeah my first char was a swordie, got to 116 and every little bit i’d have to drop 5-6k at a npc to repair, by every little bit I mean after a few quests. Meanwhile my archer’s only worry is my bow, I can go most of the day only repairing my bow. But yeah melee characters gear gets trashed way to fast.


Right now I’m level 201 and if getting hit by magic for upwards of 1500 damage in some places, gear repair cost has gone up with gear. It costs me 10k to repair.

You must have had some high-end gear. My 200 lv cleric has cafrisun set, Valia and Arde + some other random accessories and I pay only 2,1k for repair :slight_smile:

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Those are all low star equipment.

At least you have your square of invicibility on a low cooldown.

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Do tanks need to buy the ridiculously expensive gears DPS classes needs? No? There is your answer.


Maybe designed for high levels? Cafrisun set is for lv 15… Imo you could also stick to some worse eq set and save A LOT of money until you start earning more in late game. :smiley:

If you build an evasion tank it’s not really a problem because hits avoided don’t decrease any gear durability.

If you build a block/HP tank, it’s a big issue because I believe shields get durability damage even with blocks.

It IS sort of unbalanced, actually. Even if plate armors tend to have more durability, you do get to repair considerably more than if you were dodging.

Mate, are you dreaming? An average piece of defensive gear (level 120, white) cost 80k on Klaipeda and tank need 5 pieces. And tank do need to use weapon too, which aren’t cheap as well.

Well, win some and lose some. That’s the price for ur not buying expensive gears and not to die by 1 single hit from the boss.

Gladiator Band costs 4m and every single physical DPS class needs it. My Karacha Crossbow cost me 2m just for the recipe alone, not even considering how expensive the materials are. Karacha Dagger recipes are getting sold at 1.5m-2m each. Should I continue?

If you get hit more, your equipment takes more damage. Not sure where the problem is.

Shields don’t take that much damage ironically. Unless I die, of course.

Isn’t it unfair I should wear worse armor just to offset badly thought out game design? What is the point of earning money to get new equipment if I’m forced to avoid using it to avoid bad repair costs? I’m not exactly new to MMOs, been playing games back in the day you’d straight up lose your gear permanently upon death or you had to carry a set to avoid monsters that did more gear damage such as Slimes or Rusts.

However, its not as counter intuitive as having to not using your good gear all together all the time.

Hmm, how about that 2m Brandish? or 2m Aias? or 500k/piece Roxona plate?

Dude, all end game items are costly no matter what class. I’m talking about average case. DPS class only need to buy/enhance a good weapon, while tank needs everything.