Tree of Savior Forum

Tanks/Melee get too much gear damage

Except nobody needs an under-geared tank.
You want pieces with P.Def, M.Def, elemental resistances and whatnot. And a good shield. And preferably, a weapon with skill/resistance/CON bonuses. And those don’t come cheap. So yeah, losing durability at a slower rate would be nice, because tanks tend to get hit a lot.

Need I remind you that dedicated tank builds tend to be quite bad at solo-farming stuff to sell and are often noticeably worse off in terms of budget (unless we’re talking tank+squire who is better off just selling his services AFK and not tanking at all)?


what Eroica said, armors being damaged more than the shield is bothering lol.

aside from that problem, being the tanks sure is fun especially in dungeons. you’re like the default leader for any party. if you sit, the others will sit. if you go to the mobs, the others follow.

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Isn’t this why we have Squire on Swordman tree?

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Oh. Good news, we also need Roxona Set. So you also need an expensive weapon.

But what about the accessories I’ve mentioned? Do you need Gladiator Band? Do you need Sissel?

There’s also hair costumes. Since when did costumes with HP get more expensive than ones with ATK?

The list goes on. Eventually, DPS will have tons more required expensive gears. This is always a thing on MMOs.

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So I should go a rank or more into Squire just to be able to repair my own gear? I’m not even sure what the rates are for self repairing your own gear as Squire but it still doesn’t fix the durability problem.

Although I plan to make a Squire eventually, it won’t be for this reason.

Boy… wouldn’t it be a great idea to have a class that you can bring along that would be able to repair for you in a dungeon? gee… that’d be grand. Oh wait…

Well I’m sure glad that those repairs are economical too and don’t take tons more money than an NPC… Oh wait…

Well ■■■■. Moving on…

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lowest i seen is 14k on a 16k (npc) repair cost

so from your side its 7k cost since squire pardoner and alchemist gets 50% tax from doing it.

doing self repair cost 60% less than the npc/other player repair cost

I’m a cataphract, and to deal with this, I try to use all my skills safely then proceed to jump over the mob back and forth to evade their attack while attacking in mid air. Reduce my damage intake and repair cost significantly.

Doesn’t look good? Welp, it is what it is.

this sounds soo noble. thank you… im playing as an off-tank. its an honor :3

Squires being shafted in the cost department is another story. I can take a 1300 silver buff and its much better at reducing gear damage than the costly squire repair for a chance at the extra durability.

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The funny thing is that I take massive gear damage even when not tanking. When I’m dpsing or doing solo the durability loss is still too high.

would want to see squire c3 be able to make a mobile repair kit (repairs 20 durability per use)

well it would destroy the cash item but it will be their other source of income like pardoner’s dispeller or skill scroll and alchemist potions

I wouldn’t mind having an attribute for swordies either early or later on that granted you some kind of durability protection. And I don’t care how expensive it is either. I would gladly max this at the behest of my shekels.

No I don’t, and no you don’t need gladiator band (and it’s funny that you think tank - a physical class - don’t aim for gladiator band as well). You WANT gladiator band because it’s an end game item. You’ll do fine with Zach bangle and bear bracelet.

You really think tank with 30k HP gonna spend silver on 500-600 HP hair costume? Tanks aren’t just gonna sit there holding C mate. Tank need to generate aggro. And how do we generate aggro? That’s right, damage mate.

[quote=“Dream, post:24, topic:204511”]
This is always a thing on MMOs.
[/quote]Luckily this isn’t just another MMO, when you see a cleric auto attack out damage any swordman class, things gonna be a bit different :wink:

Not really, even if I take 1 damage from mob due to aspersion buff, my gears still run out of durability in 15 minutes in demon prison.

The best way to handle things right now is to keep a quest completed in town, and another quest completed in the grind spot. That way you can just quickly teleport back to repair and then back to grind spot


Since the very start I think? I mean if you are talking about just attack and hp, then they are both about equal. But hp as a second or third is far more valuable then attack. Because it can be used combined with all the other possible stats, for every build.

And so will everyone else.

Prices for Karacha are high because the sellers are exploiting the need for them by overpricing them. If it wasnt because of your specific build you wouldnt ‘need’ them either.

Repair costs tends to add up a lot over time, so to me it doesnt make much sense either that range builds can almost completely forgo repair costs.


About Squaire, it would really good if that class was additional class(job) and people doesn’t need to spend full circle for it.

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Remember how expensive it was in RO to play as knight without a priest heal/buff slave? I think it’s meant that way. You’ll just have to earn up silver again from lv100 maps or something.

And yet they say there’s no silver sink. hahaha

Palestata Cata here. I feel your pain

I think it’s meant that way. What’s not natural though is disabling team silver sharing. lololol

Imagine you have a rich Squire/Pardoner/Alch but you cant share it with your team. Sorry I got off topic.

I myself have played a tank intensively on a bunch of MMOs. It’s pretty much the same thing on ToS. As long as you have maxed your aggro attribute from being a swordsman and is spamming swashbuckling everytime it cools down, you’re fine.

I have made different kind of tanks on CBT2. I don’t have an issue doing damage even with non-expensive items. While DPS needs to invest so much on leveling their damage attribs and invest so much on expensive gears. The pricetag on DPS gears is usually caused by the population of DPS classes, not something you can relate with.