So I just had a ticket that I’ve been waiting for the last 9 days on gets a bot reply with information that does not resolve the ticket. More so the information that was posted was posted only a few days ago.
You see I requested a server transfer nine days ago, Because the original FAQ said founders would get 1 transfer. Not the limited EU or SEA only transfers they are giving out now. This was the last straw.
I’ve been watching this game give the finger to it’s “founders” since launch.
-Limited Character Transfers.
-No South American server for our Portuguese speaking brothers to enjoy.
-The fact that I made my character on Orsha, popped my DLC, and learned only after the next day that speaking english on that server has kept me from playing my priest.
-The fact that there was no regional population totals till well after the “launch” of Founders early access.
Steam will not do anything about a refund because this game labeled it “DLC.”
Well my bank says otherwise. They will happily do a charge back on steam for the DLC.
IF you are truly not happy with how this game has been handled. I invite you do talk to your bank and review your options. I’m not going to waste my time anymore.