Tree of Savior Forum

Talked to my Bank. They are more then happy to do a Charge back

So I just had a ticket that I’ve been waiting for the last 9 days on gets a bot reply with information that does not resolve the ticket. More so the information that was posted was posted only a few days ago.
You see I requested a server transfer nine days ago, Because the original FAQ said founders would get 1 transfer. Not the limited EU or SEA only transfers they are giving out now. This was the last straw.

I’ve been watching this game give the finger to it’s “founders” since launch.
-Limited Character Transfers.
-No South American server for our Portuguese speaking brothers to enjoy.
-The fact that I made my character on Orsha, popped my DLC, and learned only after the next day that speaking english on that server has kept me from playing my priest.
-The fact that there was no regional population totals till well after the “launch” of Founders early access.

Steam will not do anything about a refund because this game labeled it “DLC.”

Well my bank says otherwise. They will happily do a charge back on steam for the DLC.
IF you are truly not happy with how this game has been handled. I invite you do talk to your bank and review your options. I’m not going to waste my time anymore.


That was always the intent. Its called context.


If you’re ‘not going to waste your time anymore’ then don’t do so. Leave the forums as you leave the game. Stop trying to get everyone to hate a game because you don’t like it.


It was still after the fact.

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Ok baibai.

1.They already warned players way early that only old to new server transfer is available. No idea when you started playing but… yea.
2.They already mentioned BR is getting their own server once the Host-partner company sets it up.
3.What does language got to do with you playing a particular class?


Quit being a white knight, even though he’s being overly and pointlessly negative, there IS some truth in that crying.

Namely that Orsha is a toxic racist server (or rather, the vocal minority on it is) and that it was a mistake not to create a South American server, one that needs to be rectified.

Bye, and next time be sure that you READ the info that IMC post here in the forum.

The SA server thing they announced early on,so you should have known that.This version was and is never going to get a separate,official SA server.Not with the plans they have now.

The charge-back thing is good to know,though.I figured as much anyway,but thanks for letting us know.

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They announced they would work on a server transfer when they added the euro server the intent was clear. But now a days you gotta hold peoples hands on everything i guess.

Intent means very little. You have to be explicit otherwise you cause confusions and leave yourself vulnerable.

I shall quit being a white knight when you quit being a neckbeard, friend.

Also, I do agree it was a mistake not to create a South American server, but instead of just whining about it, I created a topic about it to discuss it like an adult: Why Orsha should be tagged officially as the Latin America server

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I know that, i made that very clear during our contract conversation lol. On topic question, why would someone want to change from Orsha to Klapedia or vise versa?

A lot of people thought Klaipeda would be packed or had trouble getting in and wanted to secure their team name on Orsha in hopes of transferring later.



So they made a assumption, and you know what they say about assumptions right?

But if a player made on Orsha you think their friends would be in the same place. And if you created before communicating with them… well that would just make said person dumb.

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From what I hear, some people groups had their friends get into Klaipeda and they weren’t able to in the first hour or something? I’m not entirely sure but some people claim their groups were separated, some were just confused, some just heard that Orsha was less packed and wanted in.

In FFXIV, a server transfer to a less populated server is free (for the first time) I think. If you want to transfer to a more popular server (like the RP one or the legacy one) you have to pay. If IMC wants to cater to people who really want to transfer into Klaipeda maybe they could consider charging.

Yea that was a little after launch, they have added more serves since then and all are payed transfers now.

But all the reasons for divided groups seem to be self inflicted. I guess you could try and blame the ques on IMC but really if you have done other mmo launches, you knew that was gonna happen.

Yep. Queues were unexpected (as that wasn’t a thing in the iCBT as I recall. Commander was though), but I understood why. I played Blade and Soul briefly so I was familiar. Some players were trying bypass the queue by playing on Orsha. I almost want to say that you shouldn’t be able to transfer into Klaipeda since we had to suffer with all the lag and queues. It’s a bit selfish but… Klaipeda is the most popular server at the moment I am fairly sure. Probably best if we space out the population a bit.

Though since the OP has claimed to have a successful chargeback, I wonder if this will rally others into doing the same. I am fairly sure charging back in ToS is a bannable offense, but I’d have to check the Terms of Service to be sure.

ICBT2 had a small que on the first day, but nothing major.

If your charging back and quitting a ban would probably irrelevant.

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Tree of White Knight: Chronicles


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