Tree of Savior Forum

Swordsman is a joke DPS at high levels, but why? (this post was made in April, before R8)

dont bother with him he is a low level scrub and basing mostly his facts on kToS


Answering thread title question:

Swordman dps is not a joke. But most of its synergy is within the build itself. An example are the piercing(hop2)/slashing(fencer1)/strike(rodelero3) dmg debuff on enemies.Only Swordmen and very specific archer builds(and monk) can really profit from those. This makes Swordman dps great for soloing content but does not not make them offer much to a party.

The joke is playing a solo build and then wondering why you’re not relevant in a group setting.

Me being a psycho CCer can duo with another swordie and get >6.5mil xp/hr in almeth with zero healers, basically faster than a full party of wiz/archer/supports due to less xp penalty from more party members. If you are saying a melee dpser can’t tank, then sure get a CCer to pair you up. Even other ranged dpsers need some sort of CC or tank.

I can’t believe people are actually crying over investing a circle just to get taunt, pretty much the most godlike utility skill that can last you into the late game. Cryo needs to invest 3 circles to get the same functionality with a 50s cd spell. You guys have some other great CC utility skills as a swordsman too.

DPS means damage over time, not burst. Continue ignoring the fact that you guys can hit AOE. No classes can out dps archer in single target bossing.

If you say full con wiz can out dps a str swordie, show some video evidences. A wiz3 ele3 that hits 3k per tick at around lvl 220 has around 3:1 int:con invested. They have less or similar hp to swordie’s con-less base hp and is a aoe dps role with zero utilitiy spells. I don’t feel dps swordsman is that much weaker in aoe dps either.

I rather duo up with a good swordsman than a wiz for grind, but I also hate playing with most swordsman because most are bad players. Most of them do not wait to clump mobs up for optimal melee aoe dps. Also dispersing clumped mobs for no reason.

OMG this is the archer thread all over again.

My experiences with swords was very limited and they mostly werent doing much to the dungeon , mostly they would taunt ( if they had peltasta) or just do basically not much at all.I dont know if they were bad or if their build wasnt really good. I felt the same whenever a Hunter is in my group. 1 Sword tho seemed really strong ( which was PGN build) , I think he had Hoplite C3. Really strong. And some shinobis and corsairs ( for their utility).

Same path where I am going. Moreover, I am going c2 dopple for sure. I do not care about what people say right now. Most can not understand or comprehend what Early Access means.

Snipe and Headshot will probably be moved to C2 or C3.

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So why not add buffs/passives for dps melee classes that reduces survivability for more damage? IMC marketed the game having different ways to play/build your char but in the end clerics are healers, swordsman tanks, wizards and archers are dps.

Well spoken my friend. Do you play in Klai ?

Your damage is a joke because you are the only tank in the game.

Only class with sprint.
Only class with taunt.
Only class with manual block.
Obscenely higher inate and scaling health.

I don’t see you complaining that your healing abilities are too weak. Certain classes have certain rolls. You can deal damage, but your role is rank.

I am a cleric, my roll is healing and support. I don’t expect to tank better than a swordsman or out damage true damage rolls (Archer and non-support wizard).

Cleric pls go Bec to ur planet. U won’t understand what’s swordsman’s pain unless u lvled a lv200 char

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Level 233 Doppel C2 here, just my 2 cents.

I had fun with this game, I was lucky to have not encountered problems described by most of you regarding my dps. My stance would be on that swordman is slightly underbuffed, but not as broken as you think. And of course, generally you probably can’t solo above level 220, that is the truth for most class, and you will need a cleric support to reduce downtime. I say as a barb doppel swordman, I would have no problem in rotating my skills all around just that my SP will be the problem, but same goes for those with archers with no cooldown. Yea, sure , I agree I do less damage compared to them, perhaps 30% damage lesser.

Its only broken when you COMPARE a fish and monkey in terms of climbing, and tries to WIN in an MMORPG, which you inherently can’t.

The problem is not inherently caused by class imbalance, but by other mechanics. Eg. : World boss only gives to several TOP dps, dying = 0 dps, melee > chances of survival lower hence causing swordman/woman to be generally unwanted by parties. Since swordman can’t do world boss, no loot for swordman, swordman QQ

Then to the topic opener celgaming,

How would you balance the class then ? Make the possible doppel achievable highest dps (90%) or (100%) or (120%) compared with highest dps build archers ? Wouldn’t the whole fiasco will reoccur again with celgaming no.2 posting this topic again where archers are the victims this time?

Ok, so the picture said, scaling is a problem, ok let’s give swordman an archer likewise scaling skill

level 10 DoV gives 100% attack while reducing armor by 100% with >100% uptime, if this was used with conjunction with scaling type skills like archers, would it blow swordman skills out of proportion?

Oh wait, archer did had one similar skill right ? Steady shot, which is 10 second duration independent of level and recently nerfed.

Lets look at the bigger picture shall we ?
The real problem lies on stat allocation where str gives piss poor scaling. Now this affects swordman more as swordman needs to invest in 3 stats (str,con,dex) instead of 2 stats of wiz (int,con) or 2.5 stats of archers (less con, more on str and dex).
The distance increases when archer has inherently better crit rate compare to swordman due to the crit rate formula taking into account archer’s level, which is exponentially increased by a squared factor when swift step’s attribute is applied.

Maybe archer needing a nerf instead swordman needing a buff ? Would that satisfy you ?

You can say and talk what you want, but it is never easy. I enjoy the game as it is, do you ?


Transfer swashbuckling (take off that required weapon stance, maybe change the skill name to Taunt/Provoke or whatever) to swordsman tree, and replace pelt skill with some more defense buff or something. ez. that way us swordsman won’t be forced to get pelt. I think that’s the problem, we are FORCED to take PELTASTA just to be useful late game because of that 1 SKILL.

I think this way we still get the AOE Taunt and we can build whatever the f we want and not waste 1 rank for 1 skill.


At least allow us to taunt with a 2h weapon FFS. You can even do it with a dagger.

Let me get this straight…
You come to a topic about how swordsmen are poor DPS (but good tanks, if they take Peltasta ranks), and you ask for ALL swordsmen to be able to tank, because then you’d be… More of a tank? Logic is hard to come by, it seems.

Yes, there is an issue here. IMC is apparently terribad at designing melee combat. But forcing every swordie into tanking is NOT a solution, it’s a band-aid made of toilet paper. Most swordsman skills need a total revamp, and most swordsman classes need new skill sets altogether.

Gap closers, escapes, positioning/mobility skills, burst DPS skills for some and sustained DPS skills for others, weapon damage scaling (that one’s obious) - that sort of thing. NOT “being able to tank in every build”, thank you very much. People who want to tank roll C2/C3 Peltastas anyway.

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For those who consider Swordsman class as tanking class… If you are stuck with only one role, you’ll eventually get bored.

@all others, Its not just the damage, but also being able to reach an enemy and land hits. Seen lots of videos where other classes attack from a distance and swordsmen die while chasing them. A musketeer can easily cloak and snipe/headshot, can use barrel and attack while a non peltasta class either has to take damage or run away. Similarly necromancers can just summon monsters and freezes swordclass while hez busy either fighting the summons or running away from them. Cant damage cleric atall when they activate their safety circle (sorry dont remember the skill name). Yes they have a couple of spear throw skills but its difficult to target and they miss most of the time. By the time you pick up your spear, u loose most of your HP. Very difficult for this class to PVP.

Sword class is good in PVE no doubt, but for most people PVP is the most important part of the game… agree or not. Killing AI for ages isnt fun. Levelling up, getting gears etc all these for end game pvp.

So please dont get carried away by people who try to make you happy by pointing out only the strengths in PVE only.

No offense to anyone.

Agree, this have good chances to happen.

create 4 level 200 class before you compare :stuck_out_tongue:

em. deeds of valor/gungho are exactly that.

Not really because even if you use both buffs you won’t beat archer/wiz on dps you just made yourself a softer tank, buffs like deeds/gungho/bunshin does increase swordsman damage potential but because most bosses including their moms have alot of knockback attacks and their attacks hurt it prevents swordsmen from reaching their theoretical max damage output [because they have to dodge/block] while archers/wiz could easily reach theirs by simply spamming their skills or spamming optimal skill rotation.

I was talking to @jmurphey14 as he talk crap then he said he is cleric… Lol

I do have cleric on going too… Well full support cleric is long journey and a wiz too :stuck_out_tongue: