Tree of Savior Forum

Swordsman is a joke DPS at high levels, but why? (this post was made in April, before R8)

journey for cleric is hard… LOL…

are you going cleric 2 priest 3 and caplain? SPR - INT build?

Priest3 full spr… Lol… Now I’m hitting like a gal

How did you manage to write a wall of text while forgetting altogether to acknowledge that Archer/Wizard skills in general scale better and have better base values than Swordsman skills do? And that’s not by a small margin either.

Not to mention, your assessment of “perhaps 30% damage lesser” is completely made up. The only way you could come close to that figure was if you’re talking about AoE with a falconer and a cryo/linker making sure you hit everything. Without all of those, you’ll barely, if even, do the damage of a sapper 2 (which you can be as early as rank 4) while using all your skills up to rank 7.

Don’t even get me started on actual late game Archer/Wizard builds here. A single circling + cannon blast + multishot combo can easily do as much damage as a swordsman will do over a minute using all his skills in rotation if he isn’t supported by a falconer himself.

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in iToS wiz 3 elem 3 builds full con for pvp and 1:1 int and con pve, tankyness and high dps at all… a swordie needs con str dex to a poor dps and “tankyness”, if you are a sw you need to be the “Taunt guy” or " AFK Guild master"… so why too many red classes on sw tree if we are stuck in petalsta taunt and con stat

To answer your first question,
A quote to myself from previous post:
“Ok, so the picture said, scaling is a problem, ok let’s give swordman an archer likewise scaling skill”
I acknowledged scaling is a problem, but my focus is to point out that it is not just skill numbers that created gap of damage and trying to focus on things such as stats scaling and general mechanics of the game.

The damage assessment was done purely on a single target boss, Grey Golem with my associates by taking turn in by performing health percentage wise damage with respect to time. We all may not have the optimum gears equipped or skill build as described by you, eg. no sapper , but my experimental data showed that it isn’t really that terrible as described as previous posters. It is assumed that you did assessments based on AoE conditions, and that I would agree that swordman’s AoE capability would be lack luster compared the classes mentioned by you, but hey, people love me for my AoE taunt to group up the mobs in the first place, so Cheers

what level are you bro?

lvl 247 doppel, been that way for about 2-3 weeks (making alts). SW1, HL1, Barb3, Doppel 2. I have zero issues finding a party ever. If you are having issues getting into a grind group you need to think about your build or play style.

I agree that the swordsman line lacks in damage but i don’t think its “not viable”.
Doppels are still used in ET more often than ALOT of other classes simply because our AoE ratio.

If abilities are timed properly we can actually crank out constant dps, rather than doing the whole “burst to auto attack”

Doppels are still used in ET more often than ALOT of other classes simply because our AoE ratio.

Not really. Doppelsoeldners are taken on kToS because swordsmen can “tank” stuff (= keep stuff together) and Highlander2+/Doppelsoeldner builds actually do decent damage on kToS. On iToS, we don’t have the huge Barb buffs, we have a cooldown on Skyliner and Cyclone has a shorter duration. Basically everything that makes such builds decent on kToS (they’re still lacking behind other classes in DPS there) is missing on iToS.

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When the only reason you get invited to parties is because you have taunt…that says it all honestly.

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Can you tell me your build please? :smiley:

Most evident in “LF>Taunt”

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Ok i will try it , thank you very much! :smiley:

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sacrifice your dmg, this way we can be the meat shield and help the KS men

Outdmging wizard/archer cls is a different point entirely… And long story short: you’re not supposed to.

Also - are you not using pain barrier? Every swordman that is able to read maxed that skill and is immune to knockbacks and soft cc at least half the time (19s duration, 39cd, longer if you went more than c1 swordman). If being melee is too ■■■■■■■ hard then dont play melee, there are more than enough benefits to being a swordman that doing less damage should not reasonably be an issue.

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there is only one thing about swordsman late game…and thats running around taunting mobs for someone else to kill… “more than enough” ?

You need to know how to play w/ swordman class, just it