Tree of Savior Forum

Swordsman is a joke DPS at high levels, but why? (this post was made in April, before R8)

I hear all this even with CON and all that Magic Mobs will hit really hard. Could that be due to the fact that all Swordman default to plate because of the physical resistance and extra HP boost?

If there is one thing i figure out the moment i could level all armors types attributes, is that IMC planned for us to have multi-sets if we wanted to min-max survival against different mobs.

What is wrong with a swordie fighting magical type monsters to wear a full set of cloth?

+10% magic resist passive, plus increase magic resist that scales with attribute level, plus the fact cloth gear favor giving Mdef. In other words all the benefits of plate(minus HP boost) but against magic dealers.

I bet at that point magical damage will go down from high to average allowing you to deal with those mobs. Obviously this is just one scenario and by no means optimal for situations with mobs of all types. What im trying to say is, dont get hang on the bandwagon ideas.

Instead of trying to get the developer to fix all your issues with the class you play, be innovative and find ways to deal with situations the class was not meant to deal with. That what separates the great players with those that just want everything to be handed down to them.


Lets not talk about physical classes in pvp while Stone skin still a thing. Once that gets removed from pvp then things will start to turn around a little.


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No, I’m just saying that I can try my best at building a Tanker Archer and it will still be laughable.

Im backkkkk :smiley: , and keep calm blaintszabo, uhmmm maybe like this :
2015 was hell for archers…
2016 nightmare come to swordmans
They should make good class balance, not something too OP while something too UP then convert them.
All of us still here because we have hope right?


Good point. Stone Skin is broken.


Hmm? what’s the point of classes like Doppelsoeldner? Dragoon? If we do close to no damage?

The main THEME of these classes are DAMAGE/DPS? Can’t you get it?

It’s not a TANK class. Don’t try to be a smartass, talking about tanker archer. Your point makes no sense.


DPS isn’t measured in singular skills.
Damage per Second is measured by how much you output in a timeframe.

Singular skill comparisons don’t give full details.
Yes frost cloud is 30 hits and with quick casts 1.5 its basically 45 hits, at the same time its a 30s cooldown despite being the hallmark of the Elementalist repertoire. Wizards are using other skills/AA’s/dodging during that 30s timeframe.

Likewise during that 30s timeframe DPS swordsman are using multiple abilities, your DPS is how much damage you put in a real time frame.

ToS doesn’t have parsers atm which makes accurate measuring difficult but lets measure things in singular Hits for now now.
Frost Cloud is 30 hits
Magic missile is 5 with 2 overheat so 10.
Hail is sporadic how many it hits depends on how the hail falls and the size of enemies.
Electrocute is 9 hits.
In a way 49 hits + Hail & AA’s. after 1.5x quick cast might as well put it as 74 hits + hail & AA’s prior to Warlock.

Carter strike is 4 hits x 2 (overheat)thats 8.
Helm Chopper is 2 hits x 2 (overheart) thats 4.
Seism is 3x2 for 6.
If im not mistaken lvl 5 Cyclone is 13 hits x2 (overheat) for 26.
44 Hits which is fairly close, and then Deeds of valor has an AA boost.
Granted Frost cloud is dope (but doesnt hit flying enemies) but it’s not that bad.
While Wiz does have the 1.5x, it’s not like there aren’t DPS boosts scattered throughout the swordsman line. Frenzy, Deeds, Concentrate/Gungho, or Finestra, Jolly Roger and Double assault weapon.
Wiz is the poster boy for aoe but Swordsman rotation is fairly decent. If Barbarians Cleave comes through then some of those hits benefit from a 1.5x boost as well.
Note a Snatching Hunter can also provide a 100% Strike/Flying bonus at times (granted,when are you going to have a Hunter in the party).
Wizards also provide 100% strike bonus for Helm Chop and Carter Stroke making Carter 200% x4 hits on lethargy’d targets. There is of course also Chronomancers Accelerate as well.

So it’s not necessarily like Swordsmen lack small group damage in a party if anything a party can bring out a lot more damage from the swordsman. While being in a party is a boost for everyone there’s not exactly a bunch of “Do 100%” more damage buffs for Wizards outside of Rune of Ice (although Bokor Hexing should benefit Warlock).

Consider who buffs who?
I mean Necromancers buff Archers missile damage but that synergy is rarely mentioned.
Wizards buff Striking damage.
Hunters buff striking and slash damage.
Rodeleros buff Striking damage.
Stagger buffs pierce as does watchamacallit :slight_smile: in Hoplite.
Accelerate buffs attack speed which is of more interest to everything but wizards most of the time.

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Wiz AOE auto attacks? Low cast time High damage low cd abilities, do please tell me this build, cuz i got a reset potion ready for it.

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ah haha ya pel1 is (almost) a must now, an ugly truth …

lol i was reading his post, why whithdrawn it?

Just check out the Warrior in RO2 thanks to their “Buffs”:

Nearly the highest HP, Highest DEF AND the Highest DPS.

This will happen here also.

Dragon Saga before Balance Patch:

After a “Buff” Paladin AND Myrmidon (Swordsman) Had the Highest DEF, HP AND DPS.

These 2 happens because people started to complain like,

We’re all so weak, hey, we already have another stats we’re the best in it so why not DPS, just boost. Dealing less DPS to the rest is ****, while we have the lowest CD.

Check out all around before say Swordsman is a bad class or weak.

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Because all they expect about us are tank physical dmg and provoke.
Where is personal customization?

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The devs screwing it up on the games you said, doesn’t make our complaint less important.

The point is, there are classes in the swordsman tree, that were DESIGNED to be DPS. Doppelsoeldner, Dragoon, Barbarian, and they are OUTDAMAGED by a CLERIC. Simple as that :smiley:

Edit: I’m not saying that Doppelsoeldners should tank and kill everything, they should trade defense for offense, a risky but worth trade if played correctly. Dragoons full dps the same.

And I’m not saying Rodeleros should be DPS beasts while tanking everything.

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That’s really a question? Come on even a blindman can see the unbalance over the Swordman Classes. And you say it don’t need a balance cause it still “useful” somehow? don’t be a troll.

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Just like they want to tell you : STFU and taunt mobs

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