Tree of Savior Forum

Swordsman is a joke DPS at high levels, but why? (this post was made in April, before R8)

just use your AOE auto attacks and your low cast time high damage low cd abilities

At the moment, swordsmen are the only class to tank, and they get shoehorned into tanking. No exception (Well, supporting). They could build damage if they wanted; hope you have peltasa, if not, play with friends or gtfo.

This pisses people off because they assumed that they could have a build that is viable, when it isnā€™t simply due to how the game is currently working.

That said, the game is also in its early stages, so everyone should hold off and see what will happen :slight_smile:


Yeah I am done with swordsman until they get some massive buffs. Archer is just so damn superior

The point was that you chose 2 skills that are meant purely for damage, and compare it to a skill that can do damage but is meant for comboing.

Slash, not Cloth.

Would you like to post 2 screen shot of you hitting mobs with similar defense and show that you do indeed do 50% less against the plate one? And not you stupidly mistaken that you do 50% less damage because you hit one Cloth type (thus doing 150%) and compare it to Plate (75%, which would indeed be ā€˜50%ā€™ of the result compare to cloth armor enemies, but that isnā€™t how the calculation work)

Also, itā€™s funny that you consider cloth armor the ā€˜rarerā€™ type, when else where someone else posted this:

Iā€™m assuming heā€™s seeing 50% less damage because not only is there a 25% reduction, but plate armored enemies have a LOT higher pdef

Please supply us with a video of you struggling to kill someone

I agree you. IMC should create some class to make the swordie hit so hard, but at the same time, make the swordie weak, not able to tank anymore.

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They did, shinobi, and their damage still cute compare to others lol


Lol, That cherry picking in the op is hilarous. You can make any class will look better than the other when you compare best vs worst skill. Observe

Compare rank 7 archer skill
1x hit and does 1733 damage, 8 second cooldown
no overcharge
No scaling
Subject to -50% vs cloth and ghost

Compare rank 7 swordie skill

Several hits over 5.5 seconds each hit is 1355 damage!
Has overheat
Scales well due to multihit
Given on FIRST CIRCLE of doppel, a rank 6 class!
You can move while using it

Compare rank6 elementalist
Does 552 damage on fire enemies only
Movement speed enfeeble and lightning damage buff increase do not increase with level
18 second duration and 2 minute cooldown

The point?

IMC only play sworsman. They gave the tree OP classes like ninja who can multiply all their skills damage by 5 while wizard classes like necromancer and sorceror canā€™t even get an AI that works right.

And if all that damage and being the only tank class in the game with almost 3x as much HP as other classes wasnt enough, they also get the best utility in the game. Skills keep getting removed from your Pardonerā€™s spell shop? Alchemist briquetting makes items worse you say? Service shop tax?? Shoulda rolled Templar, where the entire end game is built around you. Just like how IMC built the early and mid game around swordies and barbs, their favourite class tree.


Look like we have some guys afraid that SW will be OP if get buff, what we want here is balance, not OP. Thats devā€™s jpb, make a fair play ā€¦
Btw im out now, thanks for discussion and see you guys later.

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go an auto attacking heavy build for shinobi like the vid earlier in the thread, youā€™ll see how cute your damage is considering you could receive up to 5x damage but deal 5 x damage

true true hahahaah, that is the class, but you will be forever alone lol

if they get damage buffs, yes they will be OP? why? because they can tank and CC along with dealing a ā– ā– ā– ā–  ton of damage.
what can archers do? deal damage, people will just go swordies like in CBT 2 because they did damage and could tank outclassing archers in every way possible

Pyro damage also falls off ā€œcuteā€ as you like to say
Krivis damage falls off
Kino damage falls off
barb damage falls off
Do you see a trend in these classes? theyā€™re all at the bottom of the class tree

The thing is, they are that, but thereā€™s was little point when a low-risk class did low-risk damage. Everyone wants the damage dealers, so they became this glass cannon core of physical damage whereas Swordsmen now fall behind. I think of Swordsmen as the Bruisers: Can deal decent damage, can actually take enough hits for the rest of the team to back them up. Theyā€™re multi-purpose because they can do what they want. Which is why people are finding that comparing them to a new DPS class they get weaker numbers than their specification and are raging about it.

That said, I still think that some of Swordieā€™s core vital skills in each class need some scaling. Not a ton or as high of numbers, but enough so theyā€™re within the realm of Archers- the only thing is youā€™d have to sacrifice your tankiness and build accordingly. Maybe a harder scaling Gung Ho-like active that increases damage with a scaling and Crit chance but decreases HP and evasion.

Regardless whether youā€™re swordsman class or not, whether you have a lot of con or not, end-game mobs will hit you so hard if you got close and we know swordsman classes need to be close to hit and mobs with magic just wrecks so everyone needs a healer regardless. That leaves one question: who deals more damage and why do we need swordsman in the first place? Thatā€™s really easy: go petalsta or bust.

We got now 5 problems in end-game.
1)A full rotation of swordsman class DPS is very risky when faced with mobs on such thing as Earth Tower. That leaves you sacrificing you going DPS just to kite around with swash buckling. That even furthers the gap between a swordsman dps and archer/wiz DPS

  1. The game allows it so that the Wizard classes can get away dumping so much Con while dealing massive AoE DPS, which can exceed a swordsmanā€™s tankiness. Plus, all classes can wear Plate-type armor which should btw only be exclusive to swordsman classes ffs. Preety much a lot of MMOs only allow certain armor -types exclusive to certain base classes but the game allows to even make swordsman class less relevant.

  2. If youā€™re dealing x 4 or more damage to kill a mob way more efficiently as per case of wiz and archer classes, whatā€™s the point of having so much health in the first place (swordsman) when you take a lot more health fighting mobs because you simply canā€™t finish fast enough?

  3. Hard CCs can preety much replace being the tank role except in boss situations (bosses are trash) because it just locks mobs in place for a very long time with no diminishing returns. The only thing weā€™re decent is swashbuckling and provoke.

  4. Overheat system is preety trash. They should just implement diminishing returns on CC. They really need to lower the cooldown by a lot on some swordie skills that are on overheat system cuz it simply makes sense that melees donā€™t need hard overheat + we got no % scaling.


For PVPā€¦
Only build with Cata C3 and Corsair work well in PVP, and none of than have a big damage potencial.

Doppel cyclone will rarely hit and kill wizards/archers without support (stuns, paralise, sleepā€¦)

Rodelero have good skills but the animations/cast and speed are too slow to hit or be useful even with very good ping.

For PVEā€¦
The rank 6/7 classes are very poor in raw damage or scalling, Dragoon skills damage are horrible, the same goes to doppel c2 or fencer c2.
Doppel is not a tank class, they need to have a BIG damage like
15k+ damage, same goes to fencer Sept Etoiles


for all the cons you stated, how come swordie is still a popular class?

Most people donā€™t know about lv200+ and i think the point of this topic is the end game. Swords already are very good in low levels, they just need to balance the ranks 6 and 7.


Cuz ppl Like brutal Warriors with sword?