Tree of Savior Forum

Swordsman is a joke DPS at high levels, but why? (this post was made in April, before R8)

because most ppl got affected by those toxic players in forum…who spread wrong information…forums one of the worst place in tos

u can see ppl who shout want swordsmen but want pelt only or no pelt no invite…toxic lol

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lol, i wasnt angry in the video, i m just acting and scolding the npc for taking his time to open the dungeon and trying to make my party laugh

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Weren’t you talking to the demon lord in that video?

Anyways people only think meta these days and don’t care to think to maximize a playstyle they want. It’s probably why IMC opted to give us so little info on skills and classes in general. Nothing is worse than having 80 classes for everyone to just pick like 20 out of the 80.

@GyroZeppeli friends and teamwork get you far in everything in this game cyclone also has a hidden function so it outputs a huge amount of damage.

the truth has been spoken

That guild is notorious here in the forums and wont go into further details since you will get triggered again.

Anyone who have the silver, guild, and time can be as strong as you. So how many hundreds of millions have you spent? :joy:


0 real life cash.

"who have the silver, guild, and time can be as strong as you. " <— try, don’t just talk no action, come back and QQ urself doesnt have the guild or etc is crap.

ever heard of weekly guild event tp and winning world boss constantly?
well i guess u dont, thats the differences between us, ur at the bottom while i m at the top, not comparable imho.

Facepalm. Why the ■■■■ did you have to necro this thread?

May i know whats the point of ur response? Necro? Do u even have anything better to share and encourage?

Spear throw and dethrone is all i have to say for OP.
Maybe quintain as well.

I made this thread like months ago. Why do you necro such an old thing?

I also hope this did change the developers mind. From the looks of it, it did.

until rank 10 is out we have no clear indication of who’s weak and who’s strong.
What happened to swordies is rank 8. (they did buff the fuck out of hoplites and barbs though)

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At this point i feel more pity than disgust for him, imagine the number of hours he must have dumped into the game if he didn’t spend a dollar.

Like after he closes his game every day, he has 0 achievement outside the game. Others have gone to work & earned money, gone to school and gained knowledge for a future career, what did this guy do? Nothing apart from generating a few pixels in a game. That is just sad beyond belief.

In my class, some students didn’t study properly or took a BIG break before going back to university.
Some of them already got demoted or kicked, they will have to wait 6 months or 1 year to register again and continuing studies.

That’s fine, sometimes it happens, but spend that 6-12 months doing something productive, even working part-time gets you some income and gives you something useful to put on your CV for the future.

Not like that guy that spends his whole day cooped up playing the game so he gets a few more pixels to brag on an online forum

What kind of unnecessary personal attack? Lol.

Unless you know him personally, how about we refrain from targeting his life like we know it.

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Well I’m sick of him spraying pics and videos of how great his achievements are in game, even across threads that have nothing to do with his build or stat allocation. I’m just pointing out what i see about him anyway, and he looks pretty damn sad when he has to boast about himself across the swordsman forum

I mean if he thinks he’s good let him. Some people have personalities to put extra effort into what they do. I know a few hard working people with great jobs who have top tier characters in video games. They just like to the be the ebst in everything. It’s intolerable; it’s them. If you’re sick of it, usually you just beat them and show you’re better

If only it were that simple. If he was just obnoxious but giving out correct information then it would be at least somewhat bearable.

The problem is, he was (and still is) giving out incorrect or incomplete information. Back when he was recommending STR, he practically said that no one should ever go DEX. Yet he himself changed into a DEX build. If he was right, why would he need to change into a DEX build? For those poor people who followed him and went high STR to rank 7 without a stat reset potion, what option do they have? Reroll or quit. Many would do the latter as nobody likes to throw away hundreds of hours that they put into in their toon.

You should know how unforgiving this game is by now in terms of messing up your build.

Even now, he recommends doppels to stack DOV to 15 for the damage. However in reality, when you are AOE mobbing or fighting bosses on the new maps, if you do this without really decked out gear there’s a good chance that you’ll get 1 or 2-shotted unless you have a cleric healbot behind you 24/7. Also in order to stack DOV fast, you need to use Lapase mushrooms to gain stacks. That means you’ll need to constantly buy them off the market which will cost tons of silver in the long run, or go grind for them which costs a lot of time. But he doesn’t mention any of this.

You see, people who are subject matter experts writing advice tend to have a degree of responsibility and accountability. He has neither and measures everything based on his own circumstances ie. Tons of money/time and a support party behind him healing/buffing him all the time. It is not realistic for the remaining majority of players who have lives, however he does not put any of this down as disclaimers and simply just keeps reinforcing how good he is.

Read through the DEX vs STR thread entirely if u wanna know why people are so against him

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Even now, he recommends doppels to stack DOV to 15 for the damage. However in reality, when you are AOE mobbing or fighting bosses on the new maps, if you do this without really decked out gear there’s a good chance that you’ll get 1 or 2-shotted unless you have a cleric healbot behind you 24/7. Also in order to stack DOV fast, you need to use Lapase mushrooms to gain stacks. That means you’ll need to constantly buy them off the market which will cost tons of silver in the long run, or go grind for them which costs a lot of time. But he doesn’t mention any of this.

FAIL, basically this shows u dont know how doppel works and what doppel seeks to gain from dov, welcome to check out my DPS in my videos.

or take this if u still think DoV is for dmg only

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Lvl 15 DoV DPS check (none stacked) - Fantasy Library 315 last boss