Tree of Savior Forum

Swordsman is a joke DPS at high levels, but why? (this post was made in April, before R8)

You won’t go pass floor 1, but you can try:

  • Sword pelt 3 rode 3: max swash + insane mob CC, high guard and stun them forever
  • 2x Sword pelt hop 2 cor 2 doppel: rotate stabbing/hexen/cyclone for max DPS.

For cleric:

  • Cleric 2 Priest 3 Krivis Plague doctor: zalcial + aurukas is nice, the others are just for maximum healing.

If you do want to try that there’s:
Sw1 > Pelt > Hop3 > Doppel > Dragoon (One of the most used builds for ET in Ktos)
Sw1 > Highlander3 > Corsair/Barb > Doppel2 (Same reason as above)
Several cata builds
I wont recommend any full tank builds, off tanks that can contribute to damage in ET are better but a pelt3 that is not full con would be really good.

well I’m doing the standard sw-high-barb3-doppel2 and yeah I want to finish ET (wild dream I know lol).

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Yeah yeah sure sure you dont need peltasta in ET since swordsman is a really strong DPS. Newbies please listen to their statements. You will be gaining a lot of love and you will be more powerful than elememes dps. Lol

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U dun need swordsman in ET at all

is there any item beside this to stack DOV ?

Max out DOV and use it before the buff runs out? It’ll refresh the duration and gives you 1 more stack.

It’s such a shame that we have someone as helpful as you being attacked by the community at large simply because they want to be trolls. The iTOS meta can’t be pushed very far because we have too many close-minded and willfully ignorant trolls parading the forums and $#!+posting for the lulz. You are literally a blessing to the SW community, and I’d hate to see you driven away by forum-trotting retards.


Oh thanks, I have some updated evidence for Swordsmen DPS, you guys can check below out.

Completed ET5F without CHRONOMANCER and only 1 WARLOCK, while carrying fletcher to get cube, and party isn’t 280 too.

Rank 2 Mega world boss being the only DPS with 4 buffer in PT

DPS checking in 240 Dungeon, I am carrying guildmate

1F-5F ET

Easy Rexipher Rank 2 again

Rexipher Rank 2

Mirtis Rank 2

Cartar Stroke dmg check 1 shot

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There’s a big misconception here.

You can be DPS as swordie but you’ll be squishy and have to deal with lots of annoyances that Wizz and Archer will never had to.

But rank 8 will certainly change that so just have faith in dem swordies.

Nope. Not gonna happen.


lol how does rank 8 change this? Swordsmen won’t have to get close to attack anymore? Pumping full con can still let you do great DPS?

I think all rank 8 does is make good swordsman viable (people who can play swordies well) since they can potentially do more damage than archer and wiz. But that’s about it.

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Murmillo fixes most of the weakest swordie problems and the greatest part of it,most of these things are attributes,you just need one damn circle in it.

Second, people are defining meta from incomplete data, like solo videos.The game always had way more potential on party play,the rank 8 made only easier for Swordies to steamroll content, with the correct support.

I dunno… in mission…sometimes I am #1… beat dps wizies and clerics…even archers…even I am the lowest level in that party 15 level gap…and sometimes when I am the highest lvl…I am #5

Maybe the computation for being #1 in missions or dun is also basing on characters level and total damage?..

Well you have to account for gear and attributes. That explains why you win some and lose some.

a month later, right now with RANK 8 content.

Just sharing this DG315 which most parties failed, but a single Doppel carry passed, look closely what a Swordsmen can do, better than the server’s best Warlocks or Fletchers who failed the DG.

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i can only say a good pre made party is always win over random auto party

Akisera we get it you are great and all, but from your attitude in the video and here why are you so angry and towards who :o ?
Anyone with new purple weapon 150 millions worth of equipment + attributes but elememe can pull off this too. For example, featherfoots, some necro 3 build and lot of aoe builds can too.

We know in rank 7 swordman were shamed, bashed, refused etc… but even in few people can show what they can do, why do you think the majority who had no time / silvers / attributes / good guild or and friends could not then?
Minority elite players are not the normal herd.

Yep…but you still dont see shouts for et party like…We need dopel3 or dragoon2 for et…still just wiz and healers…stupid game imbalance is still stupid from a stupid game…but I am stupid too coz I play it…:disappointed_relieved: