Tree of Savior Forum

Swordsman is a joke DPS at high levels, but why? (this post was made in April, before R8)

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Good for you, good luck getting invites as a peltasta in earth tower. See you in 10th floor…if u ever pass the 1st…bye.

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What about Fencers? They can use daggers in their offhand.

Until a ET run video is posted, people are going to be skeptical with just screenshots alone. Videos will show the whole picture and prove whether you’re doing considerable damage or just getting carried.

Even if you’re doing decent damage, still doesn’t mean that the class is fine coz you’re the 1% that is geared to the teeth, which the rest of the swordsman population are going to find hard to achieve

  1. ET isn’t a place where you can carry a useless char up, its 5 slots and everyone must do their stuff, unless you never ET before thus you make such comments like the other person up there, thinking can be carried blah blah.

  2. Video is posted before…probably you never watched it

  3. I haven’t encountered a person who passed ET and is not geared to teeth, gearing is the first thing to do.

  4. I am the only swordsmen that is doing ET right now <—main point, I dont have Peltasta and no Peltasta class is doing ET

  5. I wanna say this…but confirm there will be ignorant idiots who will cry, I m actually one out of the two person carrying the team in DPS for ET, another is my friend Warlock, which possibiliy is the only person who know my dmg. (derp)

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?? strangers wont past ET(are u srs?) there is only 3 teams in the server that passes ET 1st floor so far, I seriously doubting all the theory trollers in the forum right now

Update: Even with videos of pasing ET and screenshots of my physical dmg and my ET loot, ppl still doubt the hyper offensive correct swordsmen build for end game content…gosh…this is hopeless, if thats the case please feel free to continue to bash your own character, I dont have anything to share or to help people who dont even help themselves or wan to improve. Good luck in complaining, I am going off, will post updates in the future when i gotten to a higher ranking or past 6F (after completing shoes and glove).

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but he’ll probably one of the very few swordsman (if not the only) who will have Lolopanther equips. That is a fact. And even if it was with his guild mates, the point is they are able to do it.

He has presented proofs, I wonder now who is being delusional?

While I agree Swordsman is far from being a balanced class.

@akisera I’d be interested in knowing your party compo if you don’t mind sharing it. and never mind them. you have nothing to lose if they won’t believe.

I’ll agree with a video but is it really possible for a 4-man to finish 5F ET? I’m doubting it. I’m sure he is contributing just fine.

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it seems that your logic is the one at fail here. :slight_smile:

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Wiz 1 Cryo 3 Chrono 3 - Dont need to invest in anything because is a CC char, FULL CON 45k HP. Key skills: Haste+Quicken, Snowball roll, Frost tree, and PASS.

Sword 1 High 1 Barb 3 Dop 2 - Need heavy investment as this is requirement for being a DPS, skill attribute 65-70 Cyclone, High Str has con, 30k hp will do. 1 out of the 2 AOE DPS in party. Keyskill: DoV lvl 10 with High Str. Standard CON 30k hp.

Wiz 3 Elec 3 Warlock 1 - Need heavy investment as this is requirement for being a DPS, skill attribute 65-70 for Frost Cloud and Weapon Superior Corona +10, Full Con Animus. 1 out of the 2 AOE DPS in party. FULL CON 45k HP

Cleric 3 Diev 3 Plague 1 - Keypoint: Divine Might, Diev attack statue high skill attribute, Heal, Safety Wall, Healing Factor. FULL CON 45k HP

Wiz 1 Cryo 3 Psychokino 3 - rare class here, but keypoint: Icewall and psycho blast = party main 3F clearer besides Doppel, good CC, good support. Snowball roll, Frost tree. FULL CON 45k HP

A video of you running ET? Like, you, not anyone else?

If you posted it before, sorry i missed it but mind posting the link here and we can have a look at it?

Well, you can either continue to BELIEVE i am useless, or u can absorb as much from me, lmao, u can stay ignorant and believe Doppel isnt a class that hits way hard in AOE.

I am very lazy to capture the whole run and upload into youtube, not only it cause my FPS drops further (its already laggi and low FPS in ET), if i ever captured it, i ill keep the video private and only share to ppl who wanna improve. (kept private for most of the run for my own team only to improve our play)

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not really, because its just stupid comparison. you can never fully optimize a super novice. anyway its pointless arguing with someone who doesn’t even understand what he is saying. so I am slipping away. you could use a potato in your life, you’re full of salt.

besides I’m far from agreeing a swordsman is a good DPS. but I’m not one to discredit somebodies accomplishment

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