Tree of Savior Forum

Swordsman is a joke DPS at high levels, but why? (this post was made in April, before R8)

At the end of the day, no video = no proof.

well, since u asked, i can link u, this video is recorded 1 week ago, we r much efficient now, take note the video is taken under warmode-addon to improve FPS and to have a clear view (important for swordsmen) and only captured the ending few seconds of 1F

ok, this enough to show u r one of them trolls/bashers/ignorants. k thx bye

Doppel is tier A in ktos earth tower performance ranking…please do some research before you continue being dumb…like for real…

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Dont you know the minority is always the top ranked few guys in the server…where the majority would never understand how they did it or can ever catch up to them…

You are the majority here, belongs with everyone around, with the same attitude of being jealous of others and whenever you see someone with a good equipment, immediately calling them RMT or cheater kind, there’s alot of you in the game, yes…

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Talk as much as you want, at the end I am the one with the equipments, knowledge and experiences.

You are nothing but talks.

Ok that video showed a few seconds of 1F, couldn’t see much of your performance at all. Majority was 2F where u just need to keep the spheres alive, where most ppl with pelt taunt can do.

Again, show a meaningful video with a dps check floor then we’ll see


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Didn’t I mention is too lag to record the actual footage with effects on? It will affect 1F if I do it, I can only record areas that doesn’t require much plays.

And for the guy above, 2F is relaxing area for me, I can run around as much as I want since my job is done on 1F, and 3F is my turn.

I asking myself why am I wasting my time trying to explain to people who don’t even bother to improve, and even doubting and suggest ridiculous statements like I m being carried in ET, DUDE IS EARTH TOWER YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!

I am done lol, very done, I cannot brain people who dish out statements like “being carried in earth tower”, and I can confirmed it comes from people who never completed 5F before.

So good luck to you, I have listed the correct build and what equipment and stats and skill points to go for if you wanna compete in end game environment, those who have doubts, just continue to thrash the class and complaint about it, those who wanna improve, u can PM me.

Well That’s too bad then, but as i said before, until u post a meaningful video of a dps check floor nobody will believe you

Good luck

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This arrogant attitude doesn’t help your case at all.

I have posted before.

Hogma Shaman is an ET 1st floor mob.

Kill Ranking = 12
Damage Ranking = 8

This screenshot gives a thousand words, and it is printed 1 week ago.

Unfortunately it is only to you, for people who seek for improvements I rarely act that way =), u dont deserve it.

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Last post from me, may come back if u post above mentioned dps check video
