Tree of Savior Forum

Swordsman is a joke DPS at high levels, but why? (this post was made in April, before R8)

Bumping this. /20char

This. Probably the main reason why im not gonna play my archer once I get back… people just see the damage bla bla bla they dont even think of how swords do AA yes its melee but dont forget the fact that it applies AOE which makes it fun for me as i have fun when i see my sword kill 5-7 mobs at the same time with just the expense of auto attacks., atm the dmg is weak but aki’s videos provided us evidences that somehow swords can deal dmg too not gonna say its enough for people to call it dps yet but somehow good enough for solo play but I still think swords could use some tweaks like giving percentage based damage on buffs such as gungho and concentrate as these skills are present from the sword base tree, nothing could go wrong on buffing them up with the right values

Why do you think so?

that 2.6 - 2.8k phy attack from stacking level 10 DOV or your normal phy attack ?

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Wow so many people stuck in a tunnelvision that Swordsmen are supposed to only be tank/melee support, Just need a class that dual wields shields.

Then again, thats how it is in ToS current state, Swordsmen needs to be buffed.

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Some nice info @akisera please keep it up. Btw, sent you a private message.

He is right tho, SW is a weak class, some many revamps for classes needed . Sw1 in itself is a waste of not for bash attribute and pain barrier… we got the normal dragoon hop built which their kit is the only meaningfully on out of all tos swordmana built.and Doppl for cyclone … corsair c2for hecrn. Rest of classes are in need of revamp

Corsair dwa remove 2 sta per hit …
If they dont want to remove it at least give it attribute

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There are no dual wielders here except for corsair. The swordsman is only composed of spears, spears, ■■■■■■■ spears, some shields, and two handers. That is why there is no true kirito build here (sorry dual wielding spears dont count). TOS Devs clearly loves 300 and other mythologies since they love spears too much and they clearly hate kirito types of swordsman.

Spear art online
Peltasta art online

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I use spear and dagger

There’s no reason you can’t be both a tank and do a lot of damage at the same time. You kind of have to anyway if you want to be able to maintain aggro later on in the game

I just passed Earth Tower 5F yesterday and gotten my Earth Tower fragment, yumm~

I am 1 of the 2 main AOE dps in the party for Earth Tower and I passed 5th floor recently, why would anyone listens to you all you have is theories and shallow experiences? Show that your build works first, not just “Peltasta is better in ET” and there is no peltasta or any swordsmen in ET at the moment.

lol u serious? cartar stroke, crossguard and crit attack is ridiculous.

3 hits.


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The so called guild only have “7” people in it…do I need more explanation?

Dont be jealous.

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Hmm, weird, looks like your brain unable to function and cannot understand the damage a Doppelsoldner can do.

Good luck to your future :stuck_out_tongue:

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Did you missed the number “25000” per hit to Lvl 285 earth tower mobs that i posted earlier? Hahaha…do I need to repost?