Tree of Savior Forum

Swordsman is a joke DPS at high levels, but why? (this post was made in April, before R8)

I guess u dont have a ranking to show or anything to show.

Dont be jealous =)

Go ahead being salty my dear.

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Stacks deed is pretty valid but have some drawbacks like restack when recasted and nulifies you defense(lv10).
If some one do a little mistake, swordsman with lv 10 deeds full stacked will kiss the floor in no time.

A wiz can do this dps with no problem with their cheap corona rod.

In a pvp scenario is foolish try to stack deeds so you have to go with what you have. If your opponet’s party have a rogue/scout, you must say goodbye.

Well, when we take ktos patch lets see what happen with our class. I’m slowly leveling my “final” swordsman with good dps.

This is where stone skin and healing factor comes in play, and some megaman x skill, kissing floor applies to u regardless of u having def or not because monsters hit way too hard in ET, the def that comes into play for not using deeds of valor (mitigated dmg) stacks up together, doesnt even total up to 1 hit off a monster hit in ET off the entire run (e.g. a monster hit 3500 to 8500 in ET, to mitigate that amount of DMG with def, lets say with a def stats of 450, one will need to take 20 hits, just to reduce the dmg of 1 hit, and that isnt going to help, since the other skills actually does more in helping e.g. stone skin, healing factor, and heal?, just not defend.)

And no, this is also where the con that makes 30k hp comes in play, its not a good bye just because def is reduced, because they are flat dmg, just by raising 5 con will nullify the def, 85 x 5 = 425 hp, which is the def stats that u add after your opponent’s skill, def stats is just not good and overrated in tos, i did a test with another fletcher with divine god arrow and with 4 pieces of eqp, it dealt 15.5k, with 4 pieces of eqp taken off, it still deal 15.5k, u shud try investigate how much def actually mitigates.

The wizard cannot benefit from Zalchiel and obviously they dont have criticals…so uncomparable…and there is this armor properties in TOS, they apply themselves to ET mobs too, e.g. Hogma Shaman is weak to “slash” base attack.

Is basically playing around how to multiply physical dmg multi hit, and how your party can help boosting u with the correct skills to double or triple your dps contribution.

cyromancer = ice tree/snowball so doppel can do dps without the needs to do any form of megaman x dodging

chronomancer (usually they come together in a package with cryo3) = PASS, sync with your chrono so right after cyclone is on CD, u ask for PASS, Quicken = +25% total critical rate and x2 ur atk speed after deeds of valor, making each and every hit is a cyclone (3 hits per 1 sec speed)

krivis/plague = healing factor that regenerates your HP insanely) thus
making u able to absorb any amount of hits), stone skin (this skill is just crazy, no explanation needed), and zalchiel (is an aoe that puts on the floor, its blue, it reduces all enemies/monster crit resist to literally 0 and raise the critical hit of any1 in it, this will make doppel with crit rate from equipments only and STR/CON build dish out flowers of yellow numbers)

linker = no explanation needed right? aoe on top of aoe, aoe hitting 10 mobs and all of them share the pain together…

as u can see the above 4 classes actually benefit doppel more den benefit ele 3 warlock, and they are considered core for most et teams.

Sharing video - Attack speed with DoV and Quicken
Hits 1 time every 0.3 second, the same as Cyclone, but with Auto Attack.
Now if the base phy attack is 2700-2900 (shared in my previous ss), mutliply it by crit and crit atk bonus.
If monster in ET are stacked together by Cryo or Linker, its doing more than Frost Cloud…with auto attacks…

This alone, makes phy attack the attribute Swords must not leave out when building DPS, other than skill attributes.

And I wonder how many Swords actually do this, were most of them just spam their skills?? AA is actually one of the scary swordsmen’s only thing due to DoV

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I know how def works. 500 def = +500 dmg, 5 mobs hit you = 2500 dmg + their usual damage.
Your explanation have a big hole and this hole is you are not the center of tos universe. I know you want show how sw is good but everybody can make a wall of text and say pelt3/squire3 will bring much more for ET.

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Unfortunately the pelt 3 is still a theory only., because there are no other swordsmen besides me in ET in my server now, there are too many misinformed things in the forum so here i am, bringing actual gameplay and experiences sharing with people, hopefully no more theory base ignorants sharing their “insight” and teaching ppl how to build swordie, most of them arent correct, especially some of em that ask ppl to raise DEX.

People can make wall of text but the prove shows otherwise…

There is almost no sw because pwople are alienated to dmg only.

Thats why the Doppelsoldner build, and its what I have been making videos of the gameplay and tips and trying to guide swordies to move to, I just shared how abusive Quicken and DoV is, hitting just the same amount of hits as Cyclone, u can watch it.

Quote what i said, “if built correctly, Swordsmen are pretty OP in end game content”, don’t give up easily, there is always more to improve, trust me people that are serious about ET isn’t a dumbass to bring me along if I m not otherwise proven that my “play” that dishes out insane DPS clears them 1F…(and the whole server only has 2 party/ active party that can clear ET dailies, 1 of them being mine, all the other 280 ele3 warlock is still failing)

I also wanna say that Swords require more effort that other classes at the moment, due to the ignorant of the International community, even our own swordsmen fellows are been mocked (look at the no peltasta no party thing before) and they turned to one of them that advise ppl to take peltasta just to beg or to fit in…is just sad. Swords arent easy mode as stated by IMC…

Welp, i ill do what i can to share.

But remember everything ends if our own swordsmen is mocking back our own kind, get positive more and try to learn how to improve the dps, there are tons of ways to manipulate the dmg, because physical hits unlike magic, we have crits and weapon/armor properties aka slash, pierce, strike weakness.

Well If that happens, is not going to affect my gameplay, I will just be even better (or rarer) due to the lack of Swordsmen around, but thats not what I m looking forward to.

I regret for my first sw in a meta build. Was fun but for ET is a pain.All pvp chars are the worst for ET. There is no use for him a long time.
When I finish my char, I will make some vids too. The damn part is play with my doppel 234 because my wife wants play her elelock lol.

Cyclone is 2 hits per second iirc

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maybe this is why no one want to party with u
really makes you think huh? hmMmmMMmMMmmmmm :^)

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I’ve played a LOT of rpg’s my entire life, and this game is the first i see a “warrior” being so poorly designed class. I’m a wizard, i like to play as a wizard but the fact is that it’s too easy to kite around and do damage at the same time.
I made my way to 280 solo with my FF on my second character, my third to 270 and right now i’m lvling another FF wythout many problems. But i don’t see how a swordsman could do the same as i did, at least not with the same facility. You can say that the game is designed to be played on parties, but most players like me just like the old feeling of lvling solo, and imo, it’s not possible as a swordsman.

Now talking about the damage, swordsman should do the same or even more damage than a archer or a wizard. Talking about dps, not burst, they’re different things and you can’t say they’re the same thing.
Why? Because as a melee character, you need to take high risks, and those risks need to be recompensated with high damage if you choose a dps path.
There are 3 ways to build a warrior on any rpg, and they’re:

A bruiser path (dmg + a bit of resistance, it’s something like a pure warrior if you ever played any rpg before), it’s the safe route, and should do the same damage that archers and wizards do. Because you still at the melee range, no matter what.

A full dps path (full dmg, no resistance) then you should be able to do more burst than other classes. We have Shinobi on swordsman tree and it gets closer to what’s a full dps path.

And then we have the tank path. The problem here is that our actual bruiser is the tank path, and the full dps path is not even closer to the bruiser path.

Besides that, the game really need more movement skills on the warrior tree. Like, dash is a joke, you don’t have any gap closer or scape and without it it’s not viable to build a full dps nor a bruiser. And i’m not even talking about PVP, because on PVP things get even worse.

I really hope that changes will be made when we get the rank8, but in the actual state, warrior is a joke even with kTos buffs. It’s not only about buffing damage too.


before you talking out of your ass, again. let me tell you this
the only OP class that this game has is cyro chrono and plague doctor. while in PvE cyro chrono is broken in so many level. every single thing that elememe-warlock ■■■■ out of his ass is refreshed via pass thats why they deal a lot of damage in a short time. and earth tower being the last ENDGAME content doesnt help either because most of its floor objective is a time attack mode.
its the same as pvp, cyrokino aint god at all at mass pvp / gvg thingy they only stomp in 2v2 arena because if you team up with cyrokino as a cyrokino then its an easy game. in any MMO 2v2 arena is never balanced, and the 2v2 RANDOM QUE format is ■■■■ too doesnt really expand the meta and makes people playaround it. except it makes people bitching their class isnt pvp viable. the only one who’s OP on pvp is plaguedoctor thats why cyrokino looks OP because the only one could check them is cyrokino, just like profesor on RO the only one who could check them is bio.

all in all in pve cyro chrono is so OP that every single comp is build around it same as plaguedoctor where everything on pvp is build around PD.
except the linker 3 and falconer shenanigans which is where the dopple could shine

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Dont worry about them aki. Ive played 6 characters and all of them are swordsman. I tried all of the other classes, but didnt last for more than 2hrs with them. I find swordsman much more fun to play even though many will say that its garbage or useless or what ever. Its just preference.

Btw @akisera can I add you in game? I have some questions but I dont wanna comment them all in youtube. It seems like your the only max level doppel in our server right now.

It’s really sad that some players really just like hating others.

@akisera has presented facts based on his experience (even provided videos and screenshots supporting his claim) and not just theories. Experience and evidence > Theories. Before, I never would’ve thought a swordsman could even clear 1F of ET, but there he did. Others claimed no one would take a DPS swordie on ET, only pelt3 and squire3 they say. And even if it was his guild, the point is they cleared it. If he had no part in helping clearing it, they would’ve failed the floor.

It’s kinda sad seeing the hate being given to the swordsman class. And I would agree we need to put in probably 10x the effort than other classes. Honestly, the players playing swordsman at this point are the ones who really enjoy the class. Those who quitted didn’t want to put in the effort. If and if the swordsman gets decent buffs, I’m pretty sure most would hop on the swordie train once more, because that’s what most players are nowadays. They only play the OP classes. Bandwagoners everywhere.

Continue what you do @akisera. Continue proving the doubters wrong, fook the swordsman haters. I’m hoping I could also get to that point but my playing time is so limited to after works and weekends. :cry:


not to mention, Highlander is a waste, DOnt bother to go for Highlander at all. All highlander skill is fuking useless

As meagre as highlander is, their ability to assist archers is pretty useful through skull swing. There are others, but I’ll take your advice as a grain of salt. Doppelsoldner and Catagoons are the proven methods. There are others, just not as easy