Tree of Savior Forum

Swordsman is a joke DPS at high levels, but why? (this post was made in April, before R8)

U sir, are retarded, right after i read the line “it is a 5 men party and you’re probably doing very low damages” i lmao, the video has no other DPS other den a ele3 warlock, i duno how to explain to u already, the other 2 are Cryo3 build that are meant for CC.

And the 2nd line “Second, if you actually happen to out damage DPS archers and wizards, GM should investigate your account and ban if caught for fishy activities because your attributes are probably 100 and your weapon is +15. Mind showing your attributes? :v”, wow, ur beyond dumbass, like for real, beyond the level of dumbasses now, reporting someone for being too strong with a sword.

And u just pretend u didnt see my damage ranking and skill ranking on both of the screenshots, 18450 catar stroke and 25455 cleave, both of that skill gotten that high DPS in 1 single skill.

So, i m going to stop responding to u because ur beyond help here with ur thick face respond and refusal to admit ur statements, u are just another retard in the forum who doesn’t seek for improvements, like for real…go play ur wizard, dont come here, swordsmen need encouragement and guidance, and u have none of that but a mindset that swordsmen is thrash in the first place. Goodluck with that attitude.

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^^ this guy is beyond any form of help

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Just don’t mind him, this type of person feeds on people’s attention, once you give him none, he will die out like a prickly vulnerable little flower that he is.

Must i let u see the 10-20 ppl that pm me through inbox and in youtube channels asking for help and i replied them? gosh…get lost man

Can’t you guys stop your bickering and namecalling or at least take it to PMs?
Lets keep the topic friendly and on topic. :frowning:

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oh hay, do u know why i dun bother replying u? because i put my equipments, skill attribute in my youtube videos and certain threads where i teaches swordsman how to be good, and most ppl who r asking me seriously are using PMs, unlike u that already despised and thinks swords are thrash, who are asking with the intention of more trolls, which i dont bother, waste of time.

thank you and have a nice day ^^

P/S: and yea great, changing topics again to SEA server being alot of RMT, where do u even get that, do u created that just to shows how dumb u r or to pull more attention? I cannot comprehend whats going on ur mind other than trying to win as a keyboard warrior.

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just wow.

here u go.

with the exception of waepon is now +8 and cartar stroke is lv 50 and redel is 30, the others remained the same and carefully planning my left 6m how to spend.

and for real, go to hell u bastard.

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^^ fellow swordsman, please dont get mislead by this person’s information, he absolutely duno what the hell he is saying…

thank you.

i dun even wanna write anything here since my point is passed and to prevent embarassing the idiot even more

Well, I fell you guys missed the point when started to attack each other.
Swordsman need some improvement and nobody can deny this.
Leveling attributes to do some good damage isn’t fix this issue unless imc give to swordsman atributes until level 200 and reseting charge at level 100(cyclone will eat a total 74kk silver from 0~100) to not become almost impossible leveling.

When we get increasing in level cap, leveling all your atributes to 100 sw will again lying garbage.

i dun think he even had a chance to pass earth tower 1f before, thus making him doesnt know what the hell he is talking about and not realizing how hard doppel hits and how actual pt who runs earth tower cherish it more than archers…

i also dont think he realize what it means for a swordsmen to ranked in the front at 8/12/17 rank for kill ranking and damage ranking for earth tower mobs…

this person just beyond any form of help, dont listen to his bullshit statement and discourage u from building dps doppel…in ktos tier ranking, doppel is actually ranked A in earth tower for its performance, above all the other classes.

the point here is not the attributes, swordsmen aint suppose to rely on skill damage or attributes (of course they are still important, but not as important as physical attack), the point here is the physical attack, by boosting physical dmg and increasing critical rate (with zalchiel), go with multihit skills, tats when u ill see swordsmen aoe blasting other classes off, because wizards cant crit and full con animus build will fall off as max lvl increases, and archers is lacking that bursty AoE physical unlike swordsmen.

P/S: did i mention quicken + deeds of valor = x4 atk speed for swordsmen aoe Auto Attack? 1/2 of my dps came from that and tbh, i dun see any1 doing it other den me, because most swords just rerolled due to all the ignorant feedbacks and complaints and wrong guides found online.while magic doesnt get the bonus thus no Auto Attack for them.

I think boost more str(ktos buffed str into 30% and I’m glad we will get) isn’t the fix point. Wiz got + 50% dmg in your main class, ktos got rework in blessing(int based now), now a rework in gung ho or concentrate, can really fix this “abuse” in swordsman tree.

Trust me, it is…there is deeds of valor that ultimately doubles all the STR gain, zalchiel, stone skin, healing factor, quicken, and PASS (to make cyclone up time almost full), and 70% str bonus from rank alone…

I ill just show my phy attack before the buffs patch, and should probably clarify the problem of most swordsmen

This number just x2 of what current lvl 10 skill dmg of cyclone has to offer, multiply that with crit and add more with crit attack, with PASS from chrono, and zalchiel from krivis/plague, this is what makes doppel such a machine in ET.

And let me explain how ET 1st floor and 6 floor (or 11 floor in the future) works, the mobs comes in wave, and as they come in each batch of waves, cryo will stack them together with snowball and ice tree, this is where cyclone finishes all of them, before the 2nd wave comes, cyclone already cooled down, thus this is why bursty aoe is better den constant aoe in ET (well i mean both are important but each serves its purpose), because ET mobs comes in wave after wave, which requires burst aoe, and this is where 1 of the classes in swordsmen, Doppelsoldner excel in.

P/S, if there is mob survive in a wave and the next wave spawns, that mob will disappear, thus will fail the entire run (making impossible to kill 150 mobs), because only 150 mobs will spawn total, this is also another reason why BURST aoe is important. (with the help of cryo or hangman’s knot stacking the mobs together so AOE able to dmg their hp and they die together).

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