Tree of Savior Forum

Swordsman is a joke DPS at high levels, but why? (this post was made in April, before R8)

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How did you earn that much money? I find it hard to get money in this game. T_T


but seriously, go make a fletcher and farm WB, you’ll earn a lot if you’re lucky with things like cerberus spawning near you. Glad bands are currently 9m-10m on telsiai, of course there are other bosses too.

and on low level WBs shinobi also works, but don’t expect to do good damage over time on higher level bosses

Make friends, hunt world boss together, find a map, grind 200k per hour with eqp off except your weapon, ask for permission and grow dilgele and sell, or whatever source of income u can think of, even making alot of alts for talts and recipes from dungeon (like petamion from 130) will generate u income, and this requires luck, this is just the same as real life world, if u dun have income, find a way to make it, not just sit there and envy of others, this is korean MMORPG too so the game wont spoonfed u compare to other western MMORPG like guild wars or WoW.

I do not RMT in mmorpg before, it just felt lackluster for my achievements

You are being sarscastic, let me put this into your mind.

Monster levels have nothing to do with character level if the character level is over the monster level in TOS, the damage dealt on a lv 280 monster will be exactly the same as lvl 200 monster as a lvl 280 character, you do not get extra bonus dmg dealt.

And every 1 level increases your overall stats by 1 and 1 additional stats point for u, to sum it up, by having 80 more levels only means u raise ur current PHY attack by 80 - 160 (or 200 if bonus STR from rank) only, equipments mostly comes from 170 for weapon and bracelet and necklace, this means a lvl 200 char with the same eqp as 280 will do rougly the same with lower 60-160 phy attack.

This also implies ur those type of ppl that DUEL a lv 280 char and expect u will lose because lvl differences? TBH lvl differences doesnt make much in TOS as long as MONSTER LEVEL ARENT ABOVE YOUR CHAR LEVEL

Get to 280 and feel it yourselves before any further post that makes you looks dumb, I am just trying to help you to understand how the game works, ignore me if you are arrogant, get lost if you do not wish to improve, nobody will miss you, there are ppl seeking for improvements and it doesnt look like ur one of them.


2 pics worth more than 2k words:
lv 85 popolion:
lv 7 popolion:
As you can see there is a minimal(almost unoticeable) difference.

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u cannot read what i wrote or ur just being sarcastic?
my god

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i duno, a dumbass with sarcastic words here and there and for not researching before saying anything?

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your this reply shows just how dumb u r, right again in the spot, and refusal to admit certain points.

Any character is OP if the player is OP, you can play a ele 3 wizard but u still will never be-able to compete with an actual pro that plays a useless swords, basically he plays with mindset with improving his char, understanding, and trying to get better despite the circumstances, while u play with mindset that sword is useless crap character even if built right from the beginning.

Listen to yourself, and this is the differences between u and me.

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Dun generalise what other swordsmans into another player who plays a swordsman into 1 category, this again, makes u look dumb.

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Ur basically asking a question generalising swordsmen who played wrongly and felt lackluster so they rerolled into other swordsmen who played correctly and being rlly good, really?

Why would I need to answer your question? Show me a video that u can pass Earth Tower before u wanna talk to me because I did it everyday with Swords.

Don’t just make up theory and use other swordies who quits as ur defense for u being a dumbass who have problems.

And your question is pure dumb “Is your main even a SW? Or are you just one of those SW who re-rolled and now enjoying your new archer/wizard and is afraid that other SWs will follow your suit? Let me ask you this lel” really?

God, i have no idea how to talk to u, heres some screenshot to show u I m a swordsmen competiting in earth tower and my phy attack and att or w/e, and a video of ET

This 2 screenshots is the mobs in Earth Tower, I am ranked 12 for in kill ranking for both, and ranked 12 and 17 in dmg ranking with cartar stroke and cleave, and tbh, theres only 2 teams in the server that actually able to pass ET, and i m in one of them, as a SWORDSMAN, ur so called thrash classes, taking the main dps spot together with another warlock.

ET 1st floor random passing video

DPS swordsman re actually rlly good and to be honest one of the top AOE DPS in KTOS for ET, do you even play the game bro before spurting nonsense just because ur a low lvl and all u see is low lvl noob swordie, so ur generalizing and making ur conclusion of swordsman overall is a thrash classes?

If ur not being serious about what u post, dont post, dont mislead new players plz.

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