Tree of Savior Forum

*** Swordsman Classes Need to be Fixed *** [IMC, are you looking at this?]

you can do dmg and solo if and only if u have good gear and lvl up attributes,but yeah on a fair plane world when u compare a swordman max out on attributes,gear and stats,vs another dps class like a wiz or archer that max out too,u will lose…

well, that’s what I said, and I solo only on easy fields, it’s a waste of resource to solo when it takes too long to kill a mob camp

all of my class(pvp oriented) don’t even reach at least c3, only just c2 so can’t expect much damage. Haha that even add an insult to the injury. I’m dead. :slight_smile:

bump. this needs to be addressed to the devs.

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Bump, agreed.

They never invite me to taco night. :sob:
End my suffering


Im not lvl200 yet, but i already watch alot of video from ktos and have friends with lvl240 shinobi in ktos. Compare swordman with archer, archer can kill most mobs in 1 or 2 skill, while swordman need 1 cycle of skill involve 4,5 skills, even for full dps swordman. Dps swordman should be on par with archer. Both has low hp, the difference should only in range of atk. It’s difference with tank swordman.

Endurance, do you even understand what’s going on with Swordsman? Did you READ this thread? Did you PAY ATTENTION to what we are talking about? …

Go up and read.

DPS Swordsman isn’t up on par with Archer … Where do you see any Swordsman doing 20-30K with a single skill, single attack? I want to see a video.

Here you go.

SHINOBI dude. That job is doing fine. The other jobs are Not. There’s a thread over at Swordsman and it speaks for itself.

Shinobi is NOT the answer.

Doppel, Dragoon, Fencer? … Those high end jobs? Why are they not on the same bar as Shinobi or Archers or Wizards?

Oh wait, roll Shinobi is the answer?

because they think spamming a 300 skill dmg at very close range is OP ?

Swordsman lv250 with 0 CON = 15.8K HP
Archer lv250 0 CON = 6.2K HP
Ya right…



Ah, I really don’t feel like hitting those last few levels anymore. :confused:

I was helping a friend grind some mats today.

lvl 160 C3 Pyro C1 linker did more DPS then me.

and HE wanted to REROLL because HE ■■■■■■ up… Cuz apprently wizards complain pyro dps was bad endgame.

fuckn a.

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iago_I. Did you read the thread? Do you understand our complaints or are you here to troll? Also, that high HP you’re seeing is because we’re the ones up front. We’re the front-liners so obviously we require more HP. Archers are located in the back, so obviously they don’t need that much HP.

Guys off topic, in pvp why players don’t use keel hauling after iron hook? sorry

our point is other classes need some skill reworks or buffs at current content. at best make DPS swordsmen 3/4 as effective as archers or wiz. so that we would be more useful not only as a tank.

There are also crap c3 skills like Vertical Slash… I don’t even get this, is this a pvp skill? We don’t even have that much defense at 280… Maybe it will be useful post 400+??? Then again archers, priests and wiz also have crap c3 skills

at rank 7 dragoon and doppel c2 skills even dont have scaling compared to r7 archers (go look up r7 skills kinda op). only thing that scales is DoV from doppel c1.

rank 1 archer already have scaling… what do we have? static gung ho and concentrate -_-

we also have less sustain dps on the whole skill tree. rush and maybe the autoattack skill from hoplite. but if their idea is that swordsmen are combo oriented or have many skills that can cycle then at least give them scaling.

Shinobis can burst which is good the rest of the classes are moot. Hoplite c3 have theyre 0cd spear throw.

I have doubts about the skyliner and cyclone nerf in iToS. PVP maybe but pve…

In conclusion, pve for swordsmen is hard unless you are a peltasta and just wait for someone to carry you or create your own group. In pvp which is kinda in an alpha state, they are rebalancing other classes so this is also a good thing.

@Staff_Julie @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_John @STAFF_Ines @hkkim

Hook is bugged atm, idk if it was nerfed or just a bug but:
if you use keen hauling after iron hook, the hook debuff would disappear, meaning the enemy would break loose.

It wasn’t like this before, though

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Yes I did. And it’s fine asking for changes or balance if you’re doing it right, otherwise you’ll just look like a noob(especially to the devs).
Asking for proper class changes after playing them and testing them is nothing but advised, but screaming around like you’re some sort of lunatic saying random ■■■■(“Heck, even Priest can out DPS your puny little numbers”) isn’t going to lead you anywhere, especially if you yourself don’t understand your class properly. I’m glad you said something right now, “We’re front liners” and that’s true, you guys are front liners, you’re not damage dealers. That’s why you don’t deal as much damage as Wizards/Archers do, and why you have waaaay more HP than they have.
All of these threads you’ve posted have no in depth value, it has nothing to do with proper balancing requests, it’s just a bunch of guys ranting about how their class build didn’t work out how they thought it would.
You said you were reaching 200, so why don’t you make a feedback regarding the classes you chose and their skills to demonstrate how bad they are? I’d gladly read it.
What I see is a bunch of swordsman that didn’t know what they wanted to do(PvE or PvP) and just took the build that’d maximize damage, without any thoughts as to what is that build going to do, hoping they’d end up like a kirito master or something.
Want to play PvE? Take Peltasta. There’s a really good reason why that class is at Rank 2, it makes it viable for literally any build. Want PvP? Don’t take Peltasta, cause it pretty much doesn’t offer anything for that. What I mostly see is a bunch of players running around with strange builds that has no purpose(Like the good old HL c2 Barbarian c2) and expect to be good at PvE. I mean, common.
Swordsman are tanks in PvE, because they’re the only ones able to do so, and also that require very little effort to do so(LIKE REALLY LOW EFFORT). If you don’t even take Peltasta, I think you’re planning to be PvPing alot and if that’s the case, why’d you care so much about PvE?