Tree of Savior Forum

*** Swordsman Classes Need to be Fixed *** [IMC, are you looking at this?]

IMC said that if you read my thread, SW will get buffed.

Well … my damage is still the same. Lv 256 Swordies. I don’t feel the 30% buff. Got 310 Str points.

Well of course you wont feel it. Fencer’s skills are pierce based while cleave boosts slash skills. IDK why the hell people goes barbarian fencer though. Early leveling I guess lmao.

This guy is the real mvp. The meta was barbarian’s over killing trash mobs in cbt. Nobody gave a single fu ck about qs and archers were so damn weak. Elememe was a good dps but not as good as it is now.


can’t agree more to this.

to answer why fencers took barbs on early ranks,
barbs used to have the skill called savagery before which synergize perfectly with fencer’s pierce attacks

IMC thought this buff would be OP or it might really have been OP for corsair class due to double weapon assault which connects you’re main and off hand attacks and also makes you’re auto attacks pierce type regardless of whatever weapon you use, see steparu’s auto attack build with toy hammer

DWA was amazing before as it can be cancelled by pressing directional movement keys making auto attacks faster add the savagery buff and the hammer’s explosion effect and there you have it.