Tree of Savior Forum

🌻 Sorcerer Summon Card 🌻

Normal attack speed pretty fast than old patch. Some skill that cast with riding is very slow.

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Your posts are always very useful and a pleasure to read gratz man!

This looks really nice and neat!

But to summon we need to have the riding skill? :o
Didn’t know that

To summon you need summoning skill and it’ll do auto attack. If you want to use their skill you need to have riding.

Aww Thank you so much . I alway play archer or theif but now.

Wowwww wwwwwwwwww

By the way Is summoner status effect on summon?

Thank you

For skill or stat relate please check here.

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Thanks for the info, im curious which do find the best card is?
Or do you use different cards depending were you farm?

I think it depend on your build and play style. Just don’t use one that are bug or not work.

Are you able to equip all available cards? I can’t seem to be able to equip Mineloader and Archon :(, also is it ok if you can put the respawn time for the field bosses? that would be really helpful for fellow sorcerers who want to hunt them, thank you for the awesome guide :smile:

Only work with demon card for sorc.

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Ohhh ok, I didn’t notice that they were not demon types lol

Great post. I have a sorcerer myself and I have to say the mana cost is too high dosen’t seems to worth at least for me, sadly.

Thank you. but you have not mineloader Card?

It can’t use with sorc summoning skill because it’s not demon type.

Oh!! Thank . I Just Know

is it possible to have the boss sumon + salaminion? or u have to choose one?

It’s possible to summon boss and summon salamion at same time.

Are there any differences between field boss and quest harpeia cards?

Nothing, They’re same card.

Thanks then! And one last question, if possible. You say “If you want to use their skill you need to have riding.”. Does this mean that, as long as I have 1 point in riding, the summon will automatically use these skills (like Hunter’s Rush dog)? Or do I need to mount to use them?