Tree of Savior Forum

Suggestions to restore the popularity of Tree of Savior

Best exhibit in simple and understandable list so that trying to explain each point in detail.
-Solving the problem of bad optimization. It is clear that can not be fixed by forcing programmers to remake the game from scratch, it is much money and time it would not recover. Perhaps one solution would be more compatible with graphics cards or Better use this power cores powerful PC.

Another arrangement could be to reduce the number of polygons of the 3D models used to a minimum without that quality is significantly affected, perhaps even give the option of using very low resolution textures (including the interface, minimalist can be a good solution). I want to think that something that could avoid the closures is that the system useless protection against cheaters is optimized to avoid consuming extra system resources (not only graphic or processor, but also broadband). Reducing the amount that meet the logs may also help to the game speed.

Perhaps a simple way would make you play not fully loaded maps and characters, but only charged what you see on screen (charging what you see) and very lightly (single coordinates or information) the rest.

-I will not stop at this point, but fix errors as they appear is better to pretend wait accumulate (many players report them daily). It is easier to fix a small bug in time to take the car to the mechanic two full weeks.

-Moving on, a good method that can offer more fun in an online game is to have a system where both PK aggressors attacked and Cops (PKK for friends) have benefits (fame and infame ranking with item drops of items they not have equip). This could help prevent SOLO Mode and reduce the rate of BOTS (its fun make partys to kill BOTS).

-Eliminate penalties group experience. As long as there, it is encouraged to play in solitude rather than fun with friends just because the level difference is too high. What place to Tanking or Power Leveling? Well, personally I prefer that to play alone in one online game (combined with PK is interesting because it can result in escorts partys).

-Enable even if so limited (three objects or four every 24H, for example) the exchange of objects and silver for players without Token. This would encourage to form a solid market within the game would not be restricted only to Premium.

-Modify the guild system. It makes no sense that you have to be a certain kind of character and a certain level to form one: should be universal and that anyone with the necessary requirements to form it (eg certain amount of silver and some object such as in the RO). With this, disable the neutral status of the guilds (in the real world, everyone has enemies and allies) and make cities and maps conquerable, that is, ruled by guilds and decide the winners taxes with other things (same in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance II).

-Universalize and reduce prices by improving equipment. That is, increase the price of Anvil to 1,000-5,000 silvers and eliminate the cost increases exponentially at each level of improvement. Team would help better quality rather than improving something bad were to be used to +20. In this case, neither it would be wrong to make cheaper potions (they really are a scam) and / or increase the amount of life and magic regenerated by bonfires (and apply some cooldown to avoid exploits).

-Separate class of professions. In many RPG they are separated in the same character class used to fight those manufacturing. Why in Tree of Savior not? In addition, each branch would their professions (eg Squire Swordsman, Cleric Scrollmaker, Wizard Alchemist, Archer Arrowcrafter, etc.) is nonsense thousand characters you need to do something that it could easily do so. With this, why you would not have to reach the highest level and finish the game.

-Change the class system. It would be useful to balance the game without having to patch it for each new Rank or Reset Potion. I mean, with the same system, all classes should be selectable from Rank 0 (yes, even the first because it is lost in many cases useless Rank), yet be balanced so that in Cycle 3 to compete with each other in equalities (avoid the initial classes were abandoned and that the last assassinate a skill).

-This is not only the problem of useless characters you would take care of wrong choice (there would be no wrong choice, and if exists one error, is an error of Player) but also the abandonment of skills and classes and would prevent IMC were all the while giving Reset Potion or patching the game to avoid archetypes ‘matatodos’ (i hate this in other games, one mounted an archetype that wins everything, and immediately have equal 1000 characters. This happens in online card games -one function to hidden gear and character info can help-).

-It would be nice to have an option or attribute (in skills and magic) and where necessary aim, that the system automatic aim as same other skills (with operating range, etc. of skill). This is an online game for PC, no console, I mean by this that not everyone has a joystic (and mouse easily ruined so many clicks).

-TP obtained free daily were accumulated. What if that day can not play because you have to work or study? You lost those free TP (of course, with some control to avoid goldsellers xploiting).

-Costumes Cycle 3 classes should give them when you switch to that class cycle 3 and not be something Premium. I mean, the concept is wrong, understand that a suit that has not related (like collegiate) is in TP Shop (they should have many more original and coolest).

P.D. IMC should have remove these Reset Potion or make it with expensive price in TP store. The TP should be able to buy directly without packages of items. Sorry for my english.